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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Scooby trying his best to hold back a sneeze!


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Another old drawing of mine biggrin.png In this one it's dust thats the villin to poor Scoobys nose but he do's put up a good fight against it:laugh: Of course in the end we all know the dust is going to win drool.gifSDDST.jpg

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I know that it's terrible for me to say but I never feel sorry for all the things I do to poor Scoobys nose :unsure: I just stay awake at night thinking of new ways to make him sneeze :winkkiss:

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Oh please, do you think Chui and I don't stay awake thinking of ways to torture Cloud and Seph? :unsure: That's what you DO to Muses! They BEG for it!

*RUNS LIKE HELL from the Masamune*

GET BACK, SEPHY....I've got a can of scented NONESS and I'm not afraid to DRENCH YOU IN IT!

Pssst, I'm deranged. :winkkiss:


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Oh please, do you think Chui and I don't stay awake thinking of ways to torture Cloud and Seph? :lol: That's what you DO to Muses! They BEG for it!

*RUNS LIKE HELL from the Masamune*

GET BACK, SEPHY....I've got a can of scented NONESS and I'm not afraid to DRENCH YOU IN IT!

Pssst, I'm deranged. :mellow:


Thanks :twisted: I'm always happy to see that I'm not alone in my deviant little thoughts :rolleyes:

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