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Ever tried to make someone sick?


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Has anyone ever done this? Like, right now I've got a hideous cold and yesterday I was in bed (stayed home from work yesterday and today) and I had to sneeze so I sneezed right on my partner's pillow. I felt quite evil afterwards. :unsure:

In the past I've sneezed repeatedly on her towel. :winkkiss: How horrible am I, eh?

Weirdly, she never usually gets my colds. This annoys me...I am obviously in 2 minds about this. LOL. Also strangely, the last cold I had, I didn't make any effort to do any of the above things, and she DID get it. So who knows!!

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Nope, I haven't done this and I don't think I will ever do it. I would feel too guilty to even enjoy their sneezyness if they actually GOT sick. :blushing:


So WHY would I never hesitate to "accidentally" open a window during allergy season if my boyfriend had allergies?? :unsure::winkkiss::)

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Omg, I am HORRIBLY EVIL individual just like VoOs with the allergy thing! :unsure: Mr. Aku is allergic to....life...and I'm constantly making him hold the kitten/cut the grass/dust the floor. :blushing:

However....he's never caught my cold, but I've sure as hell caught his. And I'm a goddamned weirdo, because I was happy about it! :) Since I never catch colds, I don't "try" to get him sick, but I do secretly hope he'll catch it most of the time.

WTF, if I believed in Hell, I'd SO be renting an air-conditioned condo there along with all my other friends. I mean, what? :winkkiss:

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I can't say I've ever tried to give hubby my cold. When we were dating, we shared like, one or two colds. But then, I was usually the one who caught his.

I did accidentally give a cold to my sneezy friend Head cashier once. It really wasn't my fault, though! I swear it! We just happened to be both drinking Mountain Dew that night, and I knew I had a somewhat scratchy throat and wasn't feeling like myself. I tried to keep mine separate, but since we shared the same workspace, he took mine and finished it. Then, when I went looking for it, we both realized he'd drank mine. Needless to say, about a week later, he was sick, and sneezy. ;) Honestly, I felt bad, even thought it really wasn't done on purpose. Part of me was so guilty for knowing that I had inadvertantly given him my cold. However, it really was his fault for taking my drink. Right? :yes:

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When I was little I was quite evil ;) I would try to give people my colds (if I had one, which was and still is rare). I never could understand why I did that, though and I stopped at around age 6. Now I do the oppisite. I try to avoid giving people colds and catching colds. I get scared around colds/sneezing so I avoid giving and getting colds. I wish I could go back to being un-afraid of this, the forum helps. If my dad just didn't do that to me I wouldn't be afraid of my fetish :yes:

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No, I'd never do that, and I would have trouble even doing the open-window-allergy thing . . . I don't think I could justify deliberately making or trying to make someone uncomfortable just for my pleasure. If it happens naturally and I'm there to enjoy it, that's quite different. Or if the person happened to know about my fetish and volunteered, that would also be different. Maybe I've just had too many colds that turned into sinus infections, or made me sick for weeks, to regard deliberate cold-sharing as anything other than very unkind. I would be extremely angry if I thought that someone who supposedly cared about me had tried to make me sick, deliberately or "accidentally."

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While I don't deliberately try to give people my cold I don't go out of my way to avoid it either. I sneeze openly (unless I'm snotty) and occasionally forget to cover my cough. I know when I had my could a few weeks ago i gave it to a couple of co-workers.

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I've never tried to make someone sick. I don't get sick often, but when I do it's pretty bad. So at times like that, there's not a fetishy thought anywhere in my brain. I'm too focused on my own misery to plot passing on my germs for later amusement.

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I've never tried to make someone sick. I don't get sick often, but when I do it's pretty bad. So at times like that, there's not a fetishy thought anywhere in my brain. I'm too focused on my own misery to plot passing on my germs for later amusement.

That's where I'm at. Usually, I feel too lousy to think about anything like that. However, I have no problem making a muse or two go through it with me.

But I've never conciously tried to get anyone sick. Actually, because I feel so lousy and am usually moody and EVIL, I tend to want to avoid people, so really no way of infecting anyone when you're in self imposed isolation. Because when I'm sick, healthy people (especially the ones who never get sick) piss me off.

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  • 4 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Oh yeah, I did.

I gotta confess that I'm pretty evil O.o Kinda.

My class and I went camping for about a week, I had a major crush on this guy and I *accidentely* dropped my waterbottle on his sleeping bag.

It was soaked, seriously, and he had to sleep with it nevertheless even though it was sooo freaking cold in the tent.

The other morning he was all sniffly and bitchy, but not sick.

Of course I was disappointed -.-

I thought about stealing his sleeping bag but didn't do it x)

Yeah, I was a mean kid.

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Yeah...yeah and shamefully in the one instance I did it, it was both for pleasure and out of spite blush.png. It isn't something that I ordinarily do. I prefer to just let allergies happen. But last summer my first serious boyfriend and I broke up and he happened to be allergic to pretty much everything under the sun. He and I have a lot of mutual friends at school but he was home for the summer so he decided to visit campus. However, when I learned he would be bringing his new girlfriend I got really pissed so I played with my friends cat, and then came home and rolled all over my couch. The grass pollen count was high that day so when my roommate answered the door he was already very congested, but when he came into our apartment he got so much worse and ended up having constant fits for the rest of the day and constantly sniffling and blowing his nose. So yeah I can't say I didn't enjoy my little bit of revenge aaevil.gif.

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sadly, no i haven't...even if i did, i would feel so guilty afterwards lol

but it's been the opposite with me. I have always caught colds that were from my friends or my siblings. lol

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Let's just say I never go out of my way to make sure he DOESN'T catch it. B)

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Usually I do my very best not to infect anyone else. However, I was considering trying to make Hot Shot catch my cold, but I figured it wasn't very nice of me. Who knows what important cases she'd lose if she's not on top of things. Nah, I'd never be able to do it deliberately.

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Oh, god no. I really hope I don't sound rude, but the only instance in which I wouldn't find the very idea of such a thing horrifying and repulsive is if the other person is ok with it/wants to become ill (because I know there's people out there that like cold sharing/being sick - and that's cool). There's no helping accidental infection, but selfishly inflicting discomfort on others without their consent for gratification... I just can't find such a thing sexy at all sleep.png .

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The idea of someone catching my cold mortifies me. I try extra hard to keep all my germs to myself. I wash my hands like crazy, always cover my entire face, lock myself in my room. Yikes. The thought of someone saying "You gave me your cold" makes me want to gag.

However, I'm less opposed to catching someone else's cold, BUT it completely depends on who the person is. Significant other, yes, that could be cute, provided the cold isn't too miserable. But if it were from some stranger that coughed on me or something, buh-lech!

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Oh, god no. I really hope I don't sound rude, but the only instance in which I wouldn't find the very idea of such a thing horrifying and repulsive is if the other person is ok with it/wants to become ill (because I know there's people out there that like cold sharing/being sick - and that's cool). There's no helping accidental infection, but selfishly inflicting discomfort on others without their consent for gratification... I just can't find such a thing sexy at all sleep.png .

I'm with you all the way on this. Not only would I consider it rude, but I couldn't help but consider the ramifications. What if someone purposefully set out to give someone a cold, but the unknowing victim had a compromised immune system? Or was living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't afford to miss even one day of work? Or if they got REALLY sick and ended up developing pneumonia or something? Or if they passed it to a small child or a very elderly person?

No no, when I'm sick I try my hardest to keep it to myself. You never know what other people are dealing with, so it's best not to tempt fate. Plus yeah, making someone else miserable without their consent for your own gain = just mean.

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Let's just say I never go out of my way to make sure he DOESN'T catch it. cool.png

I would say this is kinda the way how i feel too. anyone else feel the same way

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I have never gone out of my way to give someone else a cold, to me that has absolutely NO appeal. My fetish seems to revolve around someone else GIVING me their cold/flu -- either by accident or on purpose. Unfortunately my partner is so concerned about me catching something from him that he becomes hypervigilant whenever he's sick (even though in 3 years of dating and him being sick almost constantly through the winter months due to working in schools with kids, I never ONCE caught so much as a sniffle from him)

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I have been on the receiving end of this situation a couple times. In 4th grade this girl I sat next to had a super red nose and admitted to the teacher that she had a cold when the teacher asked. She told me later than if I kept on bothering her she would sneeze on me. She went on saying that since I was already exposed to her cold just one sneeze would give it to me. I continued to flirt, I mean bother, her and she sneezed on me. I caught her cold (and another one she caught a couple months later). Basically I was kind of turned on by the experience (if you can call that at that age). Basically that inspired me to return the favor but I have yet to try. I guess I am like the others that think it is wrong. It would be cool to try it with someone that wanted to share, I guess.

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I haven't done that but I have intentionally tried's to catch someone else's cold...'''

I rather have the cold my self than let others have it... xD

...but even without trying the least I've managed to do it more than once... Giving my cold to someone else, I mean.

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Actually, I seem to be the last stop for a cold/flu. I'm usually the last one to catch anything and I very rarely get someone else sick (which I'm very grateful for, because I agree with JenJen's comment). Even when I got the extremely communicative flu that went around this year, which EVERYBODY who met ANYBODY who had it, caught... I didn't spread it to anyone. I'd like to say it's because I have such impeccable hygiene skills, but I guess the germs like it so much in my body they don't want to leave it. :lol:

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