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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Trapped in a house of WRONG!!!!


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ok...so my air conditioner went out yesterday....and living in the umpteenth level of HELL :hyp: like i do...we had to get it fixed. i was woken up at the asscrack of dawn :boom: this morning by the repair lady, and her two scrumptious male assistants.... :thumbsup: well, they proceeded to rip a giant hole in my attic, and pulled out the old unit, and knocked all manner of no out into the air.... so of course i sat expectantly...just hoping to hear a wonderful sound emanating from one of the two juicy guys....and then it happened:

hngkt' chu! :plasma: it wasnt supposed to be ME sneezing at all that....it was supposed to be the two hotties!!!! :starwars: NO FAIR!!! and this continued all day...every two seconds it seemed i was sneezing...and not my usual screaming, throat raking sound of desperation...more of my high pitched girlish half stifle...i had all but given up hope.....

"h'ssch!".....heh'shhhu! both very soft...and with a great deal of hissing on the exhale...not my normal prefernce, but hey...who am i to complain when someone in my house OTHER THAN ME finally sneezes!!! apparently i have been a very good girl lately :jumpon: because i was treated to a repeat not too long after...same guy, same exact sounds and pattern... *bites lip tp keep from screaming out a blessing* and then i hear something that makes me want to stick my whole fist in my mouth..."dude, im sneezing my ass off here!" one of the guys, apparently my mystery sneezer, was having a bit of a fit outside.... :alien2: poor dear...

so, that was it for the lucious wrongness that i got to hear...but i did have one more notable one myself i thought id share... a few hours later, while sitting here in my room, typing this observations, with my radio on, and the tv in the other room on, and my door closed, i let out a nice ungh'k'Chu in my typical screaming style...and it set my dog to barking. either she has a funny way of blessing me, or she just doesn't have the fetish. mores the pity... :lol:

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Nice obs. Also, I like the liberal use of rare emoticons, it reminds me of those stories in Highlights where every noun had a little drawing after it.

I have to say, though, when I first opened the forum and saw that "Trapped in a House of Wrong" was the title of the most recent post in the Stories, Obs, and Artwork section, I was really hoping it was a story. Has a promising title for one, no?

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Trapped in a house of WRONG makes an awesome title! :( I loved the obs, especially what the mystery dude said after he wronged his ass off. You should turn it into a story just so you can re-use that title!

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OMG cute!! As VFP said, LOVE the title :lol: and this line;

" it wasnt supposed to be ME sneezing at all that....it was supposed to be the two hotties!!!! NO FAIR!!! " Just made me crack up all over my computer :( Awesome obs mate!!! :hug:

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:) of course, now i must write some sneezy fiction with that title.....*is contemplating a plot* oh wait...who needs a plot...ill just have a lot of gratuitous hotties sneezing, male and female for you guys out there. :wub:
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:laugh: of course, now i must write some sneezy fiction with that title.....*is contemplating a plot* oh wait...who needs a plot...ill just have a lot of gratuitous hotties sneezing, male and female for you guys out there. :laugh:

Can't wait; but just a moment; why not just fictionalise all those lovely girlie/screaming sneezes of your own? Gorgeousness.

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:wub: you guys are gonna shoot me with snot rockets!!!

im glad you like my obs...and i really have been writing it into a story..totally different plot of course, but you were right...i just had to use the title.

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Lovely. I totally wish I had some sneezy workers to come to my house! Thanks chui! I'd love to be trapped in a house of wrong! :laugh:

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Lovely. I totally wish I had some sneezy workers to come to my house! Thanks chui! I'd love to be trapped in a house of wrong! :winkkiss:

My god, who wouldn't want that! :bleh:

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