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can you tell if...


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I was wondering (because I wouldn't know), for those of you who sometimes have sneezing fits, and also sometimes sneeze in singles/doubles, can you tell before you start sneezing if it's going to be a fit or not? If so how can you tell? I was just wondering about this, and I'm very curious...

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Well, I can't really tell how much I'll sneeze, but sometimes, before I sneeze, I usually how strong it's gonna be. I know, for example, that if I am about to sneeze without the sun, which happens a precious few times a year, then it's going to a really powerful sneeze.

Sorry, I know this does not really answer your question, but I thought it was kinda related. :dribble:


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I sure wish I could answer this question, but I can't. Since, when I do sneeze, it's always singles. But, maybe I'll ask some of my friends who tend to sneeze doubles or more. I've been waiting to ask them such a question! :dribble:

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I've never really been able to tell. They both seem the same when they're coming on and stuff.

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I can tell with certain people. If Mr. Aku begins to sneeze, I can usually tell if it's going to be his usual 2-3 or if it will morph into a fit. There are also people in my dojo that I can "pattern predict" as well, but I think this is because I know their sneezing habits. :(

My own? I never have fits, so that's easy. :lol:


Edited by Akutenshi
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It's difficult to describe. . . . maybe the best way to put it is that if I'm having a day of bad allergy symptoms (non-sneezing, I mean), then most likely I'll have a fit from time to time during the day. If I'm not, then I won't, or at least it's less likely. Does that make sense? It's just a particular feeling that's really hard to describe. . . .

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I noticed that whenever I am about to have a sneezing fit, the tickle in my nose seems to much more intense and almost has a "burning" feeling compared to when I'm about to sneeze a single.

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I rarely have fits (generally only sneeze 1-3 times, or 5 at the most), but if I'm gonna sneeze 4 or 5 sneezes as opposed to just 1 or 2, I find the tingling is very itchy as opposed to tingly. It's itchy all through my nose and also the roof of my mouth feels fuzzy/itchy.

This is also the feeling I got once when I had a really bad cold and had been trying not to sneeze for hours early in the morning in bed, but then eventually had to get up, and I had this itchiness all over the lower part of my face, and just sneezed and sneezed and sneezed SO many times! It was the most times I've sneezed ever in my LIFE.

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I hope after reading the rest of this thread as it happens, I can work out how to predict how many times people sneeze!

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I usually only sneeze in singles, but I do sneeze a double maybe once a week, and for me this doesn't feel any different, it's only immediately after the first sneeze has finished that I feel another tickle.

I did once, last winter, have a cold and sneeze six times in a row, and I remember being really shocked when I kept sneezing, so it can't have felt any different at the start, I guess. :rolleyes:

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I can usually tell by the intensity of the tickle...it seems deeper inside the nose...if that makes sense. But I've been surprised a few times too!


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I talked to a few friends of mine, and they mostly said that they never know when they first start to sneeze, but after the first one, they can usually tell if it's going to get bad. Gee, I kind of wish I knew what that felt like. :o

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Sneesee, your question dovetails perfectly with my question about the end of a sneezing fit. Hopefully we're going to learn a lot! :o

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