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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Would anyone be interested in reading...

Quite Contrary

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Ok, would anybody be interested in reading a Gundam Wing fic? I kinda had an idea for a Heero/Duo fic and and little tiny idea for a Quatre/Trowa fic based on stuff I was writing in a non-fetishy way.

SO. If people would like to read it I will post it on the forum. It would be my first fic posted here and basically my first actual fetish story that I would complete.

Anyone interested?? :dribble:

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Oh, fair warning for anyone reading this post: I cannot write anything 18+. It has nothing to do with my age, I just suck at writing that stuff.

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Also, just to let you know... you really are not allowed to post anything 18+ on here anyway... regardless of how good or bad you would think that you would do. *Just a friendly reminder*

Love seeing new stories! Have lots of fun with it. :dribble:

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Oh, fair warning for anyone reading this post: I cannot write anything 18+. It has nothing to do with my age, I just suck at writing that stuff.

One could argue that is actually because of your age, but that's beside the point. IMO, you should just write whatever you feel like. I wouldn't wait on getting a load of positive responses (though in this case, you probably will)

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Hey, people actually read my dumbass post. Sweet. I'll probably post the 1st part tomorrow but then my computer will be gone for a day for repairs because the thing hates me. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Um, I kinda forgot to tell people that I did actually start writing this fic. :D It's finished now and I know some people have read it already but I just wanted to make sure that people knew it had actually been put up. :(

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