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my search for hankies in Italy


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Italy, or at least the places I have visited, is not the best place to look for nice hankies.

With my husband and son keeping me company I have not been really searching for them, but I kept my eyes open whenever strolling shopping streets and markets.

And I was lucky to spot some several times !

Italians seem to have something with UNDERWEAR. Really, there are so many shops and especially market stalls selling those items.

And - sorry to say - hankies seem to belong to the same category ... Unfortunately, whenever I saw them on sale it were just low quality ones (and for females : always with that same ugly flower print), I did not feel the urge to buy some.

Except for one time : I saw some colourful silky ones in a shop window with erotical stuff. Deep red and blue and green, several patterns, ...

All at once my son, walking at my hand, pointed at some vibrators : mama, look, what is it ? And is that lady a pirate ?

Hmmmmmm ... I had to stop dreaming and walk on ...

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Although my experience is limited to the U.S., I've also found that it's true that you usually have to ask if you're looking for quality handkerchiefs. I actually enjoy this part of the hanky buying experience, since I love identifying myself as a hanky user. That's why I tend to buy my hankies in stores, even though it would be much easier to order them on line.

By the way, Countless, I loved the story about your son: very funny!

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I've also found that it's true that you usually have to ask if you're looking for quality handkerchiefs. I actually enjoy this part of the hanky buying experience, since I love identifying myself as a hanky user. That's why I tend to buy my hankies in stores

So, shy guy, have you just asked about handkerchiefs, or have you ever actually had a conversation with a store clerk about them? Anything interesting said?

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So, shy guy, have you just asked about handkerchiefs, or have you ever actually had a conversation with a store clerk about them? Anything interesting said?

I'm glad you asked! Most of the time I just get a dismissive wave in the general direction of the ties or underwear, but once I was fortunate enough to be waited on by a very nice older woman who walked with me to the furnishings counter, and proceeded to lay out the various options on the counter top. She then asked me if I was looking for a three pack or a dozen, and I replied "with my allergies, I always buy hankies by the dozen!" She replied "It's nice to see that some men still use handkerchiefs."

The best part happened when she was ringing up my purchase: the woman turned away from me and sneezed a discreet double. I was already aroused from the hanky conversation, and her sneezes really sent me over the top! I blessed her, and realized I was feeling rather sniffly myself, so I took out my hanky (the one I was carrying, not one of the new ones), and gave my nose a quick blow. She smiled and thanked me for my purchase, and I thanked her for providing such good service.

Well, I suppose that was a once in a lifetime experience, but who knows, maybe lightning does strike twice!

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