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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Strange sneeze (m)


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I was recently in Missouri while on vacation and was at at a Mcdonalds in Branson having coffee with a friend. While I was a the counter waiting for my coffee I heard one of the strangest male sneezes I've ever heard. It was very loud and violent and I can't even begin to write it out. It almost sounded strangled . Of course I looked to see who had produced this monster. It wasn't hard to figure out. A business man of about 50, clean shaven with brown hair was standing by a table with several friends. They were laughing at his sneeze. One of them said, "My God, Carl, bless you! Carl he smiled, said "thanks" and admitted "that was a big one."

I hoped Carl might sneeze again before leaving, and he didn't disappoint. About 5 minutes later he produced another sneeze which sounded the same, but not as loud because this time it was into a handkerchief. This was just as he was walking out the door after his friends, so I didn't see their reaction. Would love to have a recording of that sneeze, it was so strange.

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Sneezes are individual - you may have seen on the Halfbakery forum a suggestion of an identification system that people would have to sneeze in to be recognized!

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You're right, of course. That's part of what makes sneezes so fascinating. You never know what you're going to get!

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I've heard several people, both male and female, sneeze with a sound that made me wonder whether they were getting ready to throw up. Sort of choking/gargling . . . good Lord, what a horrible thing to do to a sneeze!

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I've know some people to sneeze and sound like a dog barking :bounce: at least no one's sneeze sounds like a cat meowing :dribble: that I know of... how funny that would be :wub:

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My friend B's sneezes have, at various times, sounded like a dog throwing up, and been completely silent (without stifling). Weird!

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This was a fun observation to read! And it reminded me that I also heard a strange male sneeze myself recently at work. This guy sounded, and this will be hard to describe, at first like almost a strangled scream, and then he sounded as if he coughed two more sneezes. I know he sneezed because as soon as I looked back at him, he was rubbing his nose and sniffling. He was much older and not very attractive at all. His sneezes were strange, kind of like how he looked. :laugh:

Anyway, I do find the uniqueness of everyone's sneezes to be completely fascinating! Thanks for this obs! I also loved all of his friends' reactions, and his own! Too adorable!

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