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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Texted Sneeze- Male


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It was fun anyway! So, here's the story:

Saturday night, I went to see Def Leppard (who still totally rock, btw :D ) with my buddy, Cute Cashier Scott. He had an extra ticket, and knew I'd appreciate the music because of how old I am many Def Leppard CD's I have. :(

Foreigner and Styx opened up for my boys, and in between those two bands, there was a long break, and Scott and I both went to the bathroom. I made it back to my seat, and Scott went to get a beer. While I was sitting there, I got a text message on my phone. (Yes, we were dorks and texted each other at the concert. Ever since getting the unlimited text package on my phone Friday, I've been using it ALL THE TIME!!!!) So, I look at the text, and it read, "I just sneezed lol." And so I wrote back, "R U serious? I missed it? Damn. Bless u, hot stuff!" I was kind of sad about missing it, since it's been, like, foreversince I've seen or heard a sneeze from him.

The really funny part came when we were driving home, and I forgot how the fetish got brought up, but Scott said, "It's wierd, I've been sneezing so much lately, like all the time. I thought for sure that because I was spending so much time with you, it would've happened in front of you. I can't believe it happened while I was in line to buy a beer." I agreed, and said that was one of the worst parts about this fetish, was that you couldn't exactly control when people sneezed. :nohappy:

He also laughed when he saw my bumper sticker on my van. He came to pick me up, and recognized my other car, but wasn't entirely sure he had the right house, until he saw the "I enjoy sneezing" sticker. He said, "I thought this was your house, but then I saw that and figured it must be, or else you need to go and have a talk with one of your neighbors." ;)

Also, he did a great job of sniffling and rubbing his nose as he drove to and from the concert. In fact, at one point, while we were on the way there, his nose got all cute and pink, and he rubbed at it pretty furiously, like he might sneeze,but obviously didn't. Oh well. Maybe he'll treat me at my party this coming Saturday night!! :D

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Wow, the concert sounded great. I love the two opening bands. And I am a huge Def Leppard fan as well. Saw them twice over the years. That was super cute that he texted you to tell you he sneezed. What a doll.

Did someone say party this Saturday night? :nohappy:

It was fun anyway! So, here's the story:

Saturday night, I went to see Def Leppard (who still totally rock, btw :D ) with my buddy, Cute Cashier Scott. He had an extra ticket, and knew I'd appreciate the music because of how old I am many Def Leppard CD's I have. :(

Foreigner and Styx opened up for my boys, and in between those two bands, there was a long break, and Scott and I both went to the bathroom. I made it back to my seat, and Scott went to get a beer. While I was sitting there, I got a text message on my phone. (Yes, we were dorks and texted each other at the concert. Ever since getting the unlimited text package on my phone Friday, I've been using it ALL THE TIME!!!!) So, I look at the text, and it read, "I just sneezed lol." And so I wrote back, "R U serious? I missed it? Damn. Bless u, hot stuff!" I was kind of sad about missing it, since it's been, like, foreversince I've seen or heard a sneeze from him.

The really funny part came when we were driving home, and I forgot how the fetish got brought up, but Scott said, "It's wierd, I've been sneezing so much lately, like all the time. I thought for sure that because I was spending so much time with you, it would've happened in front of you. I can't believe it happened while I was in line to buy a beer." I agreed, and said that was one of the worst parts about this fetish, was that you couldn't exactly control when people sneezed. ;)

He also laughed when he saw my bumper sticker on my van. He came to pick me up, and recognized my other car, but wasn't entirely sure he had the right house, until he saw the "I enjoy sneezing" sticker. He said, "I thought this was your house, but then I saw that and figured it must be, or else you need to go and have a talk with one of your neighbors." ;)

Also, he did a great job of sniffling and rubbing his nose as he drove to and from the concert. In fact, at one point, while we were on the way there, his nose got all cute and pink, and he rubbed at it pretty furiously, like he might sneeze,but obviously didn't. Oh well. Maybe he'll treat me at my party this coming Saturday night!! :D

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Did someone say party this Saturday night? :D

Yes! Hopefully, it'll be a good one. I invited lots of cute, sneezy-type guys! :(

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Aw! Even if you missed it, that was really cute. I'll be crossing my fingers for you so that you'll get to see one up close!

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Oh yeah-so even if Cute Cashier Scott left, you still hang out with him? That's really cool!

Edited by shy_obsession
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Did someone say party this Saturday night? :bleh:

Yes! Hopefully, it'll be a good one. I invited lots of cute, sneezy-type guys! ^_^

Excellent. :)

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I love it that he actually texted you with a sneeze announcement -- you've got the men in your life well-trained!

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Woman! You haven't texted me in like... *counts* several days! And you have unlimited texting now? Come on, don't hold out on me. You know, I was just listening to Armageddon It today on my iPod. We are so on the same wavelength! Very cute obs, by the way. :laugh:

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Yeah me too....I haven't got a text in...........weeks? I see how it is lol. Just kidding..... :winkkiss:

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*squeak* cute cute cute ^.^= sounds like a really nice evening too! I :drool: live music.

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I also have unlimited text messaging.. lol anyone want my number?

Great obs, sneesee, wish people would be more like that to me :unsure:

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Woman! You haven't texted me in like... *counts* several days! And you have unlimited texting now? Come on, don't hold out on me.
Yeah me too....I haven't got a text in...........weeks? I see how it is lol. Just kidding..... :drool:

I believe you've both been texted!!! :drool:

I also have unlimited text messaging.. lol anyone want my number?

Great obs, sneesee, wish people would be more like that to me :drool:

And why yes, I would love to text you! And I am very lucky in my friends, because they've all been very supportive of this fetish for me. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't be so open about it.

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