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Sneeze Fetish Forum

is it just me?


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Some people out there with this fetish get lucky, when they tell people about this fetish. Me on the other hand, people usually react negatively. One friend I told about this feish she said to me right after, "Dang I ain't sneezing in front of you!". Another friend was like,"I hope I haven't ever sneezed in front of you." And others who know try not to sneeze in front of me. One friend said this to me, " I had to stifle my sneezes, because you were here." Another said this to me, "I was about to sneeze but I remembered you were here." :hug: These people are four different friends, 2 girls and 2 boys. When people tell me these things it makes me more nervous about having this fetish. This is why I don't want to tell anyone else about my fetish, almost everyone seems unaccepting of this fetish (only one person ever rejected me for this fetish).

Ok, don't laugh, although it is kind of funny, I just got this gut feeling I'm going to be getting a boyfriend soon... how would I tell a boyfriend about this fetish without him rejecting my fetish (or me)? The only one I had good luck with moved away, and I don't have good luck like that often :lol: So if my gut feeling is right :unsure: how would I tell this guy about it? If I don't he will find out, because of my reaction to it, I shake, smile, and blush... people have noticed this before (many times) and ask me about it... I wouldn't want to go with you scared me because they would probably try not to sneeze in front of me, so some advice please?

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Hmm, i geuss it's how you put it :lol:

Some people really get freaked out with the use of the word "fetish". When i think of it great big raunchy clip stores and porn sites come to mind, and all sorts of really wrong "scandelous" things. This is the same with a lot of people.

Instead, people TEND to take it better if you make it out to be totally harmless (which it basically is! :lol: ) and dismiss it.

I dont think it's you, so much as the people you say it to.

Another thing, this may not be true for you, but if you say "i dont like it when you sneeze or other friends" (unless it's someone you want to sneeze for you like your boyfriend :unsure: ) it is easier for the person to take. This is especially with friends.

I've done this with my friend and she wasnt freaked out or anything, but just thought it was hilarious, and thats fine with me :hug:

Hope that helped! :drool:

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Another thing, this may not be true for you, but if you say "i dont like it when you sneeze or other friends" (unless it's someone you want to sneeze for you like your boyfriend :omg: ) it is easier for the person to take. This is especially with friends.

i tell pretty much all of my female friends this, as they always tend to watch me when someone sneezes to see how i'll react. or, they fake sneezes at me to see what i'll say. i guess it depends on the person though. all the guys ive told have thought it was cool. even if they werent interested in me (which they werent) they still got a kick out of me...uh.."liking"....thier sneezes.

as far as a boyfriend, i would either wait until the situation arises, like if you begin to get physical, or until he asks. i would just bring it up out of the blue. one thing ive done....i started joking with my guy friends about it...before telling them. if they sneezed i would look at them and say in a really cheesy voice..."oooh thats soooo hot" and then just move the conversation along to something else. hell, i even rate sneezes for people... like..that was waaaaay hot..ill give it a 9/10... :P

one last thing, your fetish is a part of YOU. not anyone else. if you enjoy it, dont let anyone else make you feel weird or uncomfortable about it. like any other aspect of your being or personality, when you accept it and become comfortable with it, nothing anyone says will bother you. and when you are that confident about it, other people tend to view it as something normal for you, and nothing to make a big deal over. all of my close friends know about this, and none of them see it as anything unusual anymore, because i tell them thats the way it is...and i assure them that i will not attack them with lovins should they catch cold.

good luck with whatever happens, and i hope you meet a nice tasty guy who is open to all the fun this can bring you.

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Another thing, this may not be true for you, but if you say "i dont like it when you sneeze or other friends" (unless it's someone you want to sneeze for you like your boyfriend :omg: ) it is easier for the person to take. This is especially with friends.

i tell pretty much all of my female friends this, as they always tend to watch me when someone sneezes to see how i'll react. or, they fake sneezes at me to see what i'll say. i guess it depends on the person though. all the guys ive told have thought it was cool. even if they werent interested in me (which they werent) they still got a kick out of me...uh.."liking"....thier sneezes.

My friend just explodes with peals of laughter every time someone sneezes around me and she's there :P I dont mind.

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Well, I wish I could say that I had some sage advice for you on telling someone, but I really don't. When I told hubby, I was still embarrassed, and I just kind of blurted it out one day after we were physical with each other. He was amused, and we've had our ups and downs with it. Lately, since it's summer and sunny out, I got a hell of a lot more sneezes from him than I have in the past. So, I can't complain!! :omg:

And, whenever I've told any friends, I have usually gotten a positive response. Although, a few have been like, "WHAT?" and given me strange looks.

You should probably only tell your boyfriend if you are comfortable, though. And no one can really tell you when the perfect time is. I think you'll just know. I take it your crush isn't your possible boyfriend, because he already knows, right?

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Ok, don't laugh, although it is kind of funny, I just got this gut feeling I'm going to be getting a boyfriend soon... how would I tell a boyfriend about this fetish without him rejecting my fetish (or me)? The only one I had good luck with moved away, and I don't have good luck like that often :drool: So if my gut feeling is right :wheels: how would I tell this guy about it? If I don't he will find out, because of my reaction to it, I shake, smile, and blush... people have noticed this before (many times) and ask me about it... I wouldn't want to go with you scared me because they would probably try not to sneeze in front of me, so some advice please?

I will never understand hoiw a guy can react negatively to this kind of "news."

We spend endless amouts of our time, money and energy trying to get with girls, and there are men dumb enough to ignore a potential (and sometrimes fairly reliable) shortcut. (Of course it's typical - "real" men never ask directions... or read the manual!)

I'd like to shake them until they go limp. ^_^

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You should probably only tell your boyfriend if you are comfortable, though. And no one can really tell you when the perfect time is. I think you'll just know. I take it your crush isn't your possible boyfriend, because he already knows, right?

My crush doesn't know... when I type in the thread things about my crush I mean my past crushes... because right now my crush isn't...well... he isn't real *points at avatar* ^_^

My friend just explodes with peals of laughter every time someone sneezes around me and she's there :drool: I dont mind.

I have a friend who laughs whenever someone sneezes... I don't like it so I recently started laughing whenever someone does his fetishes which are crying and bleeding, to get back at him :wheels: .... and he looks at me whenever someone sneezes to, I don't mind having people looking at me, but I don't like it when they give me weird looks, that makes me nervous...

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I agree with the earlier reply (sorry, I'm too lazy to go back and see who said it) suggesting that use of the word "fetish" can be "charged" language for some people. I'm not sure, from your post, whether you do actually use that word when you tell people . . . but although I've never told anyone about the fetish, if I were going to, I would say one of two things to whomever I was addressing:

1) I've always enjoyed the sound of sneezing

2) Believe it or not, I think sneezing is sexy

. . . I think that if I were going to tell my SO, I'd work up to it in stages. Many people either apologize or make some self-deprecating comment after sneezing; that's a great opportunity to say "You know, I really don't mind," and work up from there, not necessarily all on one occasion. I know that many people on the forum have had wonderful good luck with telling people about the fetish, but for myself, I'd ease into it, and I think that's probably not a bad plan for people who have had bad experiences with reactions in the past, or who fear a bad reaction in general.

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Ok, the friend of mine who said, "I hope I haven't ever sneezed in front of you." She was the one who helped me find out what the "sneeze thing" was. I told her how I felt when a someone I had a crush on sneezes. She decided to go online and do some research into it. She came across that website, Diary of a sneeze fetishist. Then that night I got into her car and she said that "the 'sneeze thing' was a sneeze fetish." I said "what's a fetish?" and she said that," it means it turns you on?" (I was 15, but very retarded on the subject of sex :D ) I wasn't sure what she ment my turns me on... and so I asked, and she said to me, " It turns you on for sex." We talked about it some more (I don't remember what else was said) but I do remember that she said at the end,"I hope I haven't ever sneezed in front of you." This happened 2 years before I started having anxiety problems around my fetish...

And the friend who said," I had to stifle my sneezes, because you were here."The other thing he told me is alttle 18+ that went with it. I don't want to say here because then not everyone can answer this post (if anyone wants to know pm me :laugh: ). He has a fetish of his own... feet. I told him because another friend had mentioned his fetish to everyone and I was one who had heard, then online he said something like, "*insert friends name here* told everyone about my foot fetish." He said something somewhere that made it sound like he was embarressed, so I said," If it makes you feel better I'll tell you what my fetish is." So I told him and he just said ok.

The friend who said to me, "I was about to sneeze but I remembered you were here." He has the bleeding and crying fetishes, but he is a little more understandable, because I told him about the anxiety attacks I had every night from my dad sneezing :hug:

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Yeah. To be honest, this is a question that regularly freaks me out. I would never tell anyone other than a SO about having the fetish, and that's been difficult for me, so difficult I often think I'll never be able to actually, properly tell someone. I think liricospinto has the right idea; there are diplomatic ways of telling someone. The guy I'm with at the moment is the first person I've ever been able to vaguely broach the subject with; he gets hay fever and hot damn is he gorgeous when he sneezes, and it was kind of on impulse one day that I found myself telling him how cute he was when he sneezed. He didn't think anything of it, just laughed and said there had to be a good point to having hay fever, but he obviously immediately forgot about it. That's the thing: sneezing is such an ordinary thing to people that they'd never entertain the idea that it could be erotic for someone. I don't know if I could ever fully confess to it as a fetish. But would that mean I was missing out on something? You never know, do you? :laugh: I think my paranoia is showing. :hug:

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Ok, don't laugh, although it is kind of funny, I just got this gut feeling I'm going to be getting a boyfriend soon... how would I tell a boyfriend about this fetish without him rejecting my fetish (or me)? The only one I had good luck with moved away, and I don't have good luck like that often :nosad: So if my gut feeling is right :D how would I tell this guy about it? If I don't he will find out, because of my reaction to it, I shake, smile, and blush... people have noticed this before (many times) and ask me about it... I wouldn't want to go with you scared me because they would probably try not to sneeze in front of me, so some advice please?

I will never understand hoiw a guy can react negatively to this kind of "news."

We spend endless amouts of our time, money and energy trying to get with girls, and there are men dumb enough to ignore a potential (and sometrimes fairly reliable) shortcut. (Of course it's typical - "real" men never ask directions... or read the manual!)

I'd like to shake them until they go limp. :nohappy:

Bravo! :devil1:

Having said that, as I've said before, this is why I'm reluctant to tell. There are people in my life who would understand; who would say, "it's just part of who you are", but I don't want them to get all squirrely about sneezing in front of me. :blushing:

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It IS a tricky thing, isn't it, coming out of the fetish closet? I made an attempt not many days ago, too. I was with a bunch of friends and we were talking about embarrassing dreams... All of a sudden I found myself telling them I once dreamt that "I got horny whenever I heard somebody sneeze".

They all started LAUGHING like I don't know what. :unsure:

I fibbed on a little about being unable to forget it for a few days afterwards, thinking of that dream and the feeling etc., and one girl asked a few questions like "but did you actually get horny when someone sneezed, after you'd had that dream?" I evaded a little, saying that the feeling did stick in my memory for a while.

However, I don't think I'll soon be telling any of them that the 'dream' is, in fact, very real. :unsure:

Of course, when there's a good occasion I might tell somebody else one time. I think the thing is to keep courage and always be aware that not everybody reacts the same to that kind of revelation. If you really want to tell your friends, you find a way to do it, I think. And if you'd rather not tell your friends... well, it isn't a bad thing either. The fetish makes for a delightful secret. And the forum makes for a delightful place to talk about it. :lol:

Now this guy who might be your boyfriend in time... When you get a little more intimate with him, you could always try saying something like "you are pretty sexy when you do that", when he sneezes in front of you. Because that way you're focusing on him instead of on the fetish. He'll think it's something HE does in particular that turns you on. I hardly think he wouldn't appreciate that. :)

However you handle this, darling, good luck and keep enjoying the fetish! It's what it's for. :wacko:

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I really want to say something useful, but alas, I cannot :wacko: I've never told anyone about my fetish, I'm really worried about what people will think :unsure: I'm glad I found the forum, I can finally talk about it after so long *BIG exhale* I first discovered that I had a sneezing fetish when I was 12, but I've liked sneezing since...as long as I can remember! :)

I'm too nervous to talk about it I guess, and talking about sneezing makes me nervous, but I suggest just complimenting how sweet/cute your (real-not gaara :lol: ) crush is when they sneeze, then when you feel comfortable enough, break it down slowly and tell them about how you like sneezing (if you feel more comfortable, don't mention how it is a fetish, but rather how you enjoy it) and when you feel completely okay, tell them about the fetishy part to it.

So there you have it! That's how I would do it, if I were brave enough :unsure:

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Well. I've never told any friends . And I'm surprised that so many people who are otherwise quite shy want to do so; judging by my friends, it would mean everyone within a five mile radius knowing immediately, a lot of unpleasant comments from friends and non-friends alike, and the embarrassment or worse, stage fright from people I want to see sneeze.

However, I have told some girlfriends, so my suggestion is only to tell people you're in bed with; by then there ought to be some level of trust and understanding; so while it may not always go entirely well, at least they won't immediately rush into the High Street shouting about it [unless they like nudist exhibitionism , of course]. Alternatively, it may be someone you'r e never going to see again an d don't care about anyway.

I can't remember exactly what I said, but I'm sure I never used the word fetish [because it isn't in the ususal sense anyway; and I like all sorts of unusual clothing too.]. I must have started from "I really like it when you sneeze". Actually there are lots of perfectly ordinary things you can say along these lines, and you only have to say Turn-on if they're a bit slow on the uptake. There is always the risk of a bad reaction, but if you already know the person you can judge.

Now, GS I know that your situation is a bit different because you need to be able to explain your visible reaction; I am slightly at a loss about this, but I still wouldn't spread it any further amongst friends; why do they need to know anyway? You have had good and bad experiences with your crushes; I should hope for the best and perhaps go with the "I really like it when you sneeze "line; if they don't get it, you deserve better.

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Well if I were in your situation I wouldn't say anything until your either pretty sure that you trust them or not, or if you think the relationship is serious enough. But..... then again im TERRIFIED to tell anyone about my fetish.

I hope that this helped.

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Thanks you guys, your advice is really helpful. Right now my only crush (and I am embarressed about this) is Gaara :yes: but I still have this feeling that someone real is going to come into my life and be my boyfriend, don't know who or when or how, but I just have that "gut feeling". I have another problem, but it's with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with getting a real crush after Tom played games with my mind But that is a topic that belongs in the snake pit.

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