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Sneeze Fetish Forum

4th of July Obs (f)


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I was at my friend's mom's house, and her slightly attractive sister was there. She was talking, and all of a sudden she just stopped and a glazed look came over her face, followed by a loud, wet-sounding "Heishoooo!" I couldn't help but stare, as she started talking again. However, she raised her hands to her face, and once again, "Heishoooooo!" After that, she sneezed twice more in the same manner. She was also wearing a bikini at the time, very important to mention. The last sneeze was the best :omg:. She raised her hands to her face, with a great pre-sneeze expression, eyes closed and everything, but she stayed like that for at least 10 seconds before the sneeze came. After her mini fit, she waved her hands in front of her beautiful face and complained about her allergies. I was in heaven, but unfortunately she got up to blow her nose. I made up an excuse to follow her into the house, hoping for more sneezes, but listening at the bathroom door, I only heard blowing. I know more sneezes would have come but for the blowing, and unfortunately none did. However, it was probably one of the best nights of my life!

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You followed her into the house? You're pretty obvious..........like me! :drool:


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You followed her into the house? You're pretty obvious..........like me! :drool:

I have to admit, I'd probably do the same thing.

Nice obs. I bet you loved the fact that she was in a bikini!

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