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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Stifling Help


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Hi all,

Just a quick question.

1. Would you mind a significant other or friend holding(Pinch) your nose to help you stifle a sneeze?

2. Would you mind it if the significant other helped you stifle sneezes during a fit?

3. How many stifles you would like someone hold(pinch) your nose for(one, two, three or more?

Happy sneezing!!!


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I honestly hate my own sneezes, but I would enjoy to help a boyfriend (if I get one) stifle his sneezes if he wanted :wheels:

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1. Would you mind a significant other or friend holding(Pinch) your nose to help you stifle a sneeze?

well...i wouldnt like them to pinch my nose, but i think i could really go for them helping by placing a finger or their hand under my nose to stifle. i just dont like to have my nose pinched.

2. Would you mind it if the significant other helped you stifle sneezes during a fit?

as i have really powerful sneezes, which generally knock me forward a bit, i dont know if this would be feasible...but i wouldnt mind.

3. How many stifles you would like someone hold(pinch) your nose for(one, two, three or more?)

no more than two i guess. like i said, they tend to get pretty forceful and it just wouldnt be pretty... :wheels:

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