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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Grocery Store Ob-Female


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Okay, I’m really not a sneeze stalker, I swear! Well, maybe I am. ^_^ Anyway, I was at Woodman’s yesterday, buying some last minute stuff for my party. As soon as I walked in the door, I noticed a tall woman, with short brown hair, and a very red nose. Of course, she instantly intrigued me, and so I sort of followed her a little bit, to see if perhaps the red nose was either because of allergies or a cold. Honestly, it didn’t matter which one, I was just curious to see if she might sneeze. And sure enough, about thirty seconds after I expertly started following her, she got a pretty intense pre-sneeze expression on her face. Then she silently stifled the first sneeze. I wandered not far from her with my cart, while she walked, and then the same look came over her face, only a bit more intense. To me, she looked very annoyed about it, too. Anyway, the second stifle did have a bit of noise to it, sounding as if she was struggling to keep them quiet and starting to fail. Then she walked away from me, but as I watched her walk down the aisle, and I could still see her over the baked goods, she tilted her head back once more, and then caught the third sneeze into a tissue, so I couldn’t hear it. Then she gave a little blow, and then I never saw her again, even though I did look for her as I wandered the store.

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You are speaking my language sister :twisted: *stalk stalk* :twisted: cheers, thanks for the share.

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I stalk people in public all the time. It's all in good fun. I'm not dangerous, and as far as I know no one has ever noticed. My husband gets so mad, but I can't help myself. I'm magnetically drawn to weirdos. I can't believe I've never sneeze stalked someone, though. What kind of crappy fetishist am I? :twisted:

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hahahaha im sure everybody has sneeze stalked at least one person

Only one? I should put up a brass plate and call myself a nasal surveillence expert. :twisted::twisted:

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I love sneeze stalking. It's a fun little game - I don't deal well with being noticed though. I get horribly embarassed and run away. :drool:

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Only one? I should put up a brass plate and call myself a nasal surveillence expert. :innocent::lol:

Sneesee, stalker makes you sound as if you are dangerous, or even -- heaven forbid -- selfish. As Mr. Sneezy has suggested, you are doing important surveillance work -- for the community. And your people thank you. :innocent:

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As Mr. Sneezy has suggested, you are doing important surveillance work -- for the community. And your people thank you. :innocent:

You can say that again baby my man! :innocent:


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