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Lace handkerchiefs

Guest hankyinsleeve

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Guest hankyinsleeve

Hi, can we talk about lace hankies. There used to be a fantastic shop in London's Burlington Arcade that sold a fantastic selection of lace hankies (shop now gone, unfortunately). Are there any females out there who use lace hankies either for show or blow. And what age are you? Are there any `lace hanky ladies' under 40? Let's here from you....

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Lace hankies ... souvenir shops in the main Belgian cities are still full of them.

Made in China nowadays, but still nice. I bought one when I was in Ghent last year.

Rather for fun as it is very thin and not very confortable to blow into.

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I have a few lace hankies inherited from various female relations, and I used occasionally to wear one in my top pocket instead of a normal , or indeed coloured hankie, as an act of absurd ostentation and fetishism; until I lost one that way..

I'm surprised thsi doesn't come up more, because to me, the sight of a delicate lacy hankie in the hand of a delicate lacy girl is better than anything except perhaps for a coloured [eg red, spotted] hankie ditto.

Moreover, there is less chance of asmall lacy hankie being able to obcsure , or otherwise spoil an enormous sneeze.

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  • 5 years later...

I have a bunch of lady's lace hankies. I went through a phase where that was all I used! As I got older, and added more men's handkerchiefs to my collection, I decided I like men's better because they are bigger/more practical. Trying to find a dry spot on a small, thin lacey hanky when your allergies are running wild is nearly impossible! They are perfect for catching a small amount of tears though :'-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds painful but sexy. wink.png



I meant like how lace can be rough. My nose is super sensitive to that kind of stuff. Abrasive but i love how it looks.

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  • 9 months later...

Abigail--the lace is really not a concern when using a lace handkerchief.Some lace is very soft too.

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i got two that are embroidered with flowers and have lace on the edges...handmade ones. id never use them though...too pretty :P

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I think is this kind of on topic... Where do any of you buy your lace hankies from? I've tried looking for some on the internet (I'd be too embarrassed to buy one in the real world) but wow they are so expensive, I saw one for £20! weirdsmiley.gif So if any of you know where I can find one from an online shop can you respond? :)

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I think is this kind of on topic... Where do any of you buy your lace hankies from? I've tried looking for some on the internet (I'd be too embarrassed to buy one in the real world) but wow they are so expensive, I saw one for £20! weirdsmiley.gif So if any of you know where I can find one from an online shop can you respond? smile.png

Try this website: Han Flower or uchiha_itachi_japan--l've gotten about 5 or 6 Nina Ricci lace handkerchieves over time there(awesome customer service)--all are white with faintly printed roses and bordered with 3/4"-to an inch wide white lace.Each is 18-19" sq.(that sounds huge,but they really aren't),so they're wicked practical as well as gorgeous.I use them a lot and nothing lasts forever,but l'll really enjoy using them scores and scores of times before they're not usable any more. I've never considered ANY handkerchief to be in the" too pretty to use" category.Lol-that's what they're for--you can't enshrine them in a drawer and enjoy them much too--at least that's true for me-but l've a lot of women say that about some handkerchieves. They have a great variety of colored mens' and ladies' handkerchieves and they're presented well on an entirely user-friendly site.Service is superb and consistent and the prices are great too.Lace handkerchieves appear sporadically,so you may need to check frequently.I just got three large ladies' prints and a large mens' handkerchief yesterday-no lace ones available,but they have gorgeous stuff. You could also buy lace and have it sewn onto a handkerchief of your choosing.Do you also like crocheted borders?
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Do you also like crocheted borders?

Yes I think they look really pretty.

That's so awesome! l like the extra weight that comes with the crocheting too-nice feel in the hand when it's opened and then used.Did you look at the site l mentioned?
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Yes I saw some that looked very nice, but I think I'll buy them when I have a little more money in the bank biggrin.png

Hope you can get some soon! Some are really gorgeous.
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Some of my hankies are entirely lace, but many more have lace trim.

i got two that are embroidered with flowers and have lace on the edges...handmade ones. id never use them though...too pretty tonguesmiley.gif

I most enjoy sneezing into the pretty ones!

I have a bunch of lady's lace hankies. I went through a phase where that was all I used! As I got older, and added more men's handkerchiefs to my collection, I decided I like men's better because they are bigger/more practical. Trying to find a dry spot on a small, thin lacey hanky when your allergies are running wild is nearly impossible! They are perfect for catching a small amount of tears though :'-)

I carry two or three for exactly that reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The larger size lace handkercieves are hard to find,but worth it.I have a number of Laura Ashley's--all 16x16-18x18,3/4 inch lace border included.As blowing handkerchieves,they last awhile on most days.Ten to twelve decent blows is not unusual.I can start one at 4pm,say,and don't need to get a fresh one until 10-11pm.The little thin,flimsey ones are pretty,but not practical,so l only use the larger ones,and they're great to open for a sneeze or blow.The lace is beautiful and the pale printed roses on white are exquisite too.It causes a little rush every time l take one out to use.A really nice experience.

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I have a lot of lace hankies. I love sneezing into them.

It's so elegant a way to deal with a sneeze or needing to blow.
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  • 7 months later...

oh just reading about this turned me on. i would love to blow my nose in one of those little lacy hankies. though it might only take one blow to get it wet

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I have a lot of lace hankies. I love sneezing into them.

It's so elegant a way to deal with a sneeze or needing to blow.

i would love to blow my nose in one of these. though it might take only one blow to get it wet

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