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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Favorite response to the sneezer


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-Forgive me if such a thread exists, but I couldn't find one!-

I thought of that thread titled "favorite response to a sneeze", and I came to wonder what people prefer as a reaction from others, around the sneezer. Both in real life and fiction (cuz responses in fiction tend to be a bit different than real ones).

I dind't make a poll, cuz there can be so many. But I have some suggestions:

Bless you!


Are you OK?

Need a hankie?

Aaa-choo! :)(<= that's a veeery fake sneeze, if you wonder :angry: )

Edited by TeaParty
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I prefer a response that is not likely to embarrass the sneezer. Therefore, a simple "bless you" is nice. My mother is a fake-sneeze "imitator," and I don't understand it. It's idiotic, and usually makes the sneezer feel self-conscious.

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I prefer 'Gesundheit' because it doesn't call excessive/embarrassing attention to the sneezer, and also because the religious connotations of g-d and blessing and souls and devils all just kind of squick me out far, far too much for a 'bless you.'

Am I a total weirdo in this regard?

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I prefer Bless You. If I am really close to the person (provided they are male and know about this fetish), and no one else is around, I'll also add a little something like, "Whoa, that was hot." I noticed that wasn't an option. :lmfao: And if they are Seinfeld fans, I have also said, "You are so good looking." :angry: But, normally, it's Bless You. It just sounds nice to me, and I think most people in my area are used to it.

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I like a nice simple "bless you" or "gesundheit" is always cute. If only I had Sneesee's courage I would same something like," That was cute..." but I don't so I keep my mouth shut :angry::lmfao:

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Typically 'Bless you'. :winkkiss: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :drool:

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Typically 'Bless you'. :winkkiss: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :drool:

"Leg humping"? :bounce:

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Typically 'Bless you'. :drool: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :clapping:

"Leg humping"? :wub:

Tea... It's STERNUTO :wub: You don't need to understand the exact words to know what he means. :winkkiss:

Oh, and I prefer a simple "bless you". :bounce:

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I think that it is fine if it is unnoticed. Or "bless" asking after them ("you ok?") is fine if it is after a big fit or several small ones or something but it sort of annoys me if is after one sneeze or something.

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Typically 'Bless you'. :drool: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :clapping:

"Leg humping"? :wub:

Tea... It's STERNUTO :laugh: You don't need to understand the exact words to know what he means. :winkkiss:

Oh, and I prefer a simple "bless you". :bounce:

Uh, the thing is: I did not understand what he meant! :hyper: That's why I asked, lol :wub:

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Typically 'Bless you'. :bounce: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :wub:

"Leg humping"? :wub:

Tea... It's STERNUTO :hyper: You don't need to understand the exact words to know what he means. :winkkiss:

Oh, and I prefer a simple "bless you". :clapping:

Uh, the thing is: I did not understand what he meant! :lol: That's why I asked, lol :laugh:

He just means that he shows them exactly what those sneezes did for him! That's why he's called "Dirty Old Man." But, we love him dearly! :drool:

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Typically 'Bless you'. :drool: Unless the girl is REALLY cute, and REALLY sneezy.... then I go right for the leg humping. :twisted:


Right. I just broke my own rule about not spitting whatever I'm drinking all over the screen of my brand new laptop.

I'm going to be boring and say that 'bless you' is always a favourite of mine as well. Now if only I could get up the nerve to actually say it to someone at some point :rolleyes:

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Guest Raksu

If the sneezy one is my friend, I just joke about it a bit. If it's someone else, even if I knew him/her, I don't say anything. 'Cause in here people usually just ingore others sneezing.

The word 'terveydeksi' is kind of 'bless you', but I've only heard over 50 years old people to say it :drool:

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What about "Curse you for making me horny?" *not as funny as orginally thought... but hey... I'm tired... " :(

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I think I'm weird. I prefer nothing. It spoils the moment.

And I've never said "bless you" in my life...so if anyone sneezes around me and waits for me to say it, you'll be waiting a long time! :(

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"That was hot. Let's *explitive deleted*!" XD I mean... WHAT!? *shoos blonde muse of DOOM away from keyboard* :(

In real life, I think my personal favourite is probably "Salud", I'm not much of a fan of "bless", or "bless you", and I cannot STAND "god bless you" it makes me squirm and inevitably respond with "Which God?" and possibly a grimace. Oddly, in fiction I quite like "Bless" and "bless you", still don't like getting gods involved though :D

Finally, I'm not the only one.

'Salud' is good, though I never say it as I don't speak Spanish. (As I never seem to want to study practical languages.)

One I'd forgotten is 'santé,' ('health') which is what my grandmother always says, but I think most people say, 'à tes souhaits.' ('to your wishes')

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I usually say something funny because if I say "bless you, " to someone, what I'm REALLY saying is, "Holy crap, you're making me hot. I think I might need to jump your--LALA, what now?"

Therefore, I tend to say, "stop that!" with a look of mock horror on my face. "Now, now . . . don't you start that nonsense!" is another I'll use or "how dare you sneeze in my general direction!" with a look of comical indignation.

If I DO happen to say "bless you," I suggest you run. Fast. Unless you want to get eaten. No wait, that will only excite my prey drive. Maybe you'd better stand still.


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if they are Seinfeld fans, I have also said, "You are so good looking." :(

Thats exactly what I was going to say :D Jinxs, you owe me a Coke! :drool:

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