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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wouldn't it be weird/funny if...

Guest Microfine19

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Guest Microfine19

This Saturday I sneezed at a public event. Right after the sneeze, I thought how funny and weird it would be if one day you sneezed, and then happened to see a post in the observations on this site, and it was an observation about you! I don't know if I would laugh, or be embarassed, or what! It would just be really weird to know that someone saw you sneezing and then put it on this site. :drool:

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That would be pretty funny :twisted: Lucky me I don't sneeze in public or at all... I have a mental block at all times :drool: even when I'm alone...

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That would totally rock! Only, that never happens to me. I haven't sneezed in public in YEARS! And also, I don't think there are many people from the forum in my little hometown here. Just me!

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You never know....I found out that I almost met someone, likely saw them at some point, at school.

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I thought of that. Or what if one day I wrote an obs (like I ever do, but it could happen) and somebody came up and said "ummm......that was me, actually."

I guess that is very unlikely to happen to ME because I don't think there's a lot of other forum members who live where I do. At least not any of the really active ones, anyway.

But if I ever do sneeze and somebody sees it and writes an obs about it, I really hope it starts out "Man, I saw the most amazing pink haired chick today..." and not "Man, that girl was funny looking but she sure could sneeze. And she kept talking to herself..." :)

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I'd freak out a bit I think at first, then get used to it.

I don't sneeze in public so it won't happen to me.

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sneeze catcher
That would totally rock! Only, that never happens to me. I haven't sneezed in public in YEARS! And also, I don't think there are many people from the forum in my little hometown here. Just me!

And me when I visit ocassionally....

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That's funny--I have had that thought. Which is why I make sure I put on a decent show if ever I have to sneeze in public. :(

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Sneesee you live in MA? I don't know why but for some reason I thought I saw your bumper sticker before I became a member of this forum...

I have thought about this before, although not of me, I'm paranoid that one day I'm going to read an ob and be like that was my friend their talking about, or my nightmare that was my family member ;):lol:

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If one of my female friends were to come on this forum and post an obs about me I would be like :laugh::drool::laugh:;)

Now, if It was a cute boy I knew, It would be more like this :laugh::lol:

I shall now name this day, express yourself in smileys day :laugh:


Edited by Tubas
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