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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It really is the most magical place on Earth...

Guest Posaune

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Guest Posaune

Warning: This is really long. :laugh:

So, during my unbearably long hiatus from teh intarwebz, about 60 members of my high school's band, including myself, got to spend a full week in Disney World, to march in a few of the parades at the various interconnected parks, and generally enjoy ourselves (after a 20-some hour bus ride there x_x). Now, this opportunity by itself was absolutely wonderful thing, but, you see, my trip became spectacular when I was hit with a staggering amount of lovely, sneezy people the whole week. (Seriously. I don't think there was a single day that I didn't see someone sneeze. :lmfao: ) Now, it would take up far too much room to post everything, but here's some of the nicest obs from that wonderful week. :heart:

The first person that begs mentioning would be my best friend S.S., since he's just so yummy and wrong and, well... sneezy. He's tall and lanky, with an average-ish face (nothing too big or small, etc.), beautiful (and rather big, for a boy) blue eyes, scruffy, longish blonde hair, and to compliment everything else, he's fair-skinned. Aaaand, even though he won't admit it, he's actually pretty sneezy. (He was my most frequent sneezer the whole trip! :o )

Some of my favorites from him:

To set the stage: It's around two in the morning during the trip down to Orlando, and a bunch of tired band geeks are milling around at a rest stop in Georgia. S.S. and I are standing outside by the buses, talking while we're waiting to get back on, when he suddenly gets The Look. Now, he must have been willing it away, because he managed to continue talking for about another minute before he broke off into a delicious double stifled into his cupped hands. (Both a nice "Hah-esh!".) He looked up, sniffled once, and started to say something again, when he broke off yet again into a single of the same sound and stifled the same way as before. I laughed and blessed him, and walked back on that bus rather pleased, I'll tell you what. :omg:

So, later that morning was another obs-worthy observation from him. It's about 4 or 5 in the morning, and everyone's asleep on the bus. I've just been jostled awake by my seat partner (another friend, A.S., whom you'll see later) turning in her sleep. So, I'm trying to get myself comfortable again when I hear a slightly muffled "Hah-bsh!" from across the aisle, where S.S. was sitting. I look over, and as soon as I do, the apparently-still-sleeping S.S. jerks forward into his pillow with another "Hah-bsh!" ...I couldn't get back to sleep after that bit of adorableness. :/

Last obs-worthy obs from him was almost a full week later in the hotel swimming pool. Wet S.S. in swimming trunks + a delicious, waist bending double muffled by him sticking his face in the water = win. :omg: I couldn't hear them, unfortunately, due to his muffling strategy, but I did get a full view of his pre-sneeze face.

Another favorite obs brings us back on the bus in the middle of the week, as we are returning from Universal Studios. The resident hottie assistant director that was featured in my first ob, was moving up and down the aisle, counting the students and making sure we were all there. Everything was normal, until he got right up beside me. (Aisle seat, lol.) Suddenly, he snapped forward into a rather loud "Isshh!", covered with the only hand he managed to get there on time. Needless to say, I jumped, which lead to him apologizing for scaring me in between sniffles. :laugh: Oh, Mr. C. H., you can scare me like that all the time.

Aaaand, a female ob for the guys. This one featuring my other friend A.S., that I mentioned above. She's a bit short and stocky, with shoulder-length black hair and pretty hazel eyes, who tends to dress in black a lot. Now, we were walking around Frontier Land at the Magic Kingdom, when she suddenly has a tiny sneezing fit with the most adorable sneeze I could ever imagine. There were 5 little "Hah-ISH!" with the "ish"s being significantly squeakier and higher-pitched than her regular voice. She sounded exactly like a little girl. :jawdrop: I laughed, blessed her, and told her how cute she sounded, and got smacked for my troubles.

:laugh: And that's it! I may post a few others in later posts on this thread, but I think that's enough for one post.

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I'm in love with S.S. ;) His sneezes sound absolutely drool-worthy! Especially the ones into his pillow while he was sleeping, and the ones in the pool! :clapping: Wow, you aren't kidding when you said it's the most magical place on Earth! And spending that amount of time with soemone who's so sneezy is priceless! Thanks for sharing! :)

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Guest Posaune

Though I will never say it to his face (as his ego may explode if I did), S.S. is absolutely adorable in his own skinny, blonde, and slightly girlish way.

Hehe, those were my favorites of the bunch, too, Sneesee. The pillow obs was just plain cute, and watching him stick his face in the water as he sneezed was hilarious (and hot).

On an S.S. related note: I just got the pictures from my graduation party developed, and you will never guess the picture my grandmother took. She somehow managed to either catch him in mid-sneeze or in the middle of an action that looks incredibly similar. ...I think I died from the cute. :(

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Though I will never say it to his face (as his ego may explode if I did), S.S. is absolutely adorable in his own skinny, blonde, and slightly girlish way.

Hehe, those were my favorites of the bunch, too, Sneesee. The pillow obs was just plain cute, and watching him stick his face in the water as he sneezed was hilarious (and hot).

On an S.S. related note: I just got the pictures from my graduation party developed, and you will never guess the picture my grandmother took. She somehow managed to either catch him in mid-sneeze or in the middle of an action that looks incredibly similar. ...I think I died from the cute. :)

Wish I could get a picture like that.. great obs, so cute how S.S. sneezed into his pillow while asleep, I loved that one the most not sure why :D

Um... Would you show us the picture some time? I'd like to see it :(

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Guest Posaune

I'm glad you like it, GS-Coyote. :3 And it's truly a once-in-a-lifetime pic, since no one in my family knows about my fetish. I flipped out when I found it in the pack. :lol: Oh, and I'll definitely scan it when I get the chance. It'll have to wait until the next time I'm at my mother's though. My scanner here at home only scans in black and white. ^^;

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Omg, S.S.'s sneezes sound perfect. You lucky girl! That was a positively delicious group of obs-thanks for sharing them!

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