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Frustration when you can't sneeze


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Sheesh this drives me crazy. :clapping: All week long, I've had to sneeze. I'm not kidding. It's been there, come close, almost to a build-up, and then it just goes away. I've even tried every breathing technique, sunlight, artificial light, whatever I could do short of grabbing something to stick up my nose and induce. :) I'd really love to be able to do it naturally instead of making it come out.

And I really hate the way I feel when I don't sneeze. It's a stuffy, unsatisfied, still ticklish sort of feeling that annoys the crap out of me. I know there are people on here who will say, "Yeah, but it's annoying to actually sneeze all the time." And maybe that's true, I'll never know. But, I totally wish that when I do feel a sneeze coming on, that I could get it done and over with. Because then at least the irritation is gone, and I wouldn't feel like it still needs to come out afterwards.

Sorry, I just get so frustrated when it happens. And lately it's been happening a LOT!

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I HATE that feeling! I get really frustrated too.

I know what you mean about wanting the sneeze to come out naturally rather than induced, it's just so much more satisfying in a way.

I hope it stops happening to you soon, Sneesee!

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Sheesh this drives me crazy. :lol: All week long, I've had to sneeze. I'm not kidding. It's been there, come close, almost to a build-up, and then it just goes away. I've even tried every breathing technique, sunlight, artificial light, whatever I could do short of grabbing something to stick up my nose and induce. ;) I'd really love to be able to do it naturally instead of making it come out.

And I really hate the way I feel when I don't sneeze. It's a stuffy, unsatisfied, still ticklish sort of feeling that annoys the crap out of me. I know there are people on here who will say, "Yeah, but it's annoying to actually sneeze all the time." And maybe that's true, I'll never know. But, I totally wish that when I do feel a sneeze coming on, that I could get it done and over with. Because then at least the irritation is gone, and I wouldn't feel like it still needs to come out afterwards.

Sorry, I just get so frustrated when it happens. And lately it's been happening a LOT!

Well, here's a home remedy that works for me. Try inhaling laundry detergent.

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