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Sneezing Powder

Guest Sneeze and Read

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Guest Sneeze and Read

Okay, I want to make some sneezing powder, but I can't seem to find a recipe. Does anyone know of it, and it's ingredients/how to make it? Thanks!

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Is that really such a thing? It sounds like that would irritate someone's lungs more than it would make them sneeze! I always thought "sneezing powder" was something just in cartoons-but then again I've never set foot inside a joke shop, so I wouldn't really know!

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A friend of mine, told me he bought sneeze powder before and blew it at someone then they sneezed and he laughed. He's not a sneeze fetishist (his fetishes are something else) he just thinks everything is funny :D No clue on how to make it ;)

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Sneezing powder is actually illegal in most states for the most part. Some formulas even had little bits of FIBER GLASS ground up into a fine powder! :cryhappy:

However, VERY finely ground white pepper will work just a well, especially if you zap in the microwave for a few seconds. Makes it extra dry.

I've never tried this on anyone, but it's made me sneeze quite a bit before. :lol:

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Blegh, nothing works for me. I bought some supposed sneezing powder in a joke shop years ago and it did nothing. Didn't even burn! Just felt like there was talcom powder up my nose, but didn't have any smell.

I have also used white pepper and black pepper and all they do is sting.

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