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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Belated Bless You


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This really is more of a “bless you” obs because the sneeze wasn’t anything special. I thought the reaction was kind of interesting though, so I wanted to share with you all …

A bit of background, the office I’m working at this summer is full of compulsive blessers. People will even yell it across the office if they hear someone sneeze.

But anyway …

Today I got to work pretty early. There was only one person in my department when I arrived and I sat down and began my work. Shortly after I started working, I felt like I was going to sneeze (my office is pretty dusty I think … I’ve been pretty sneezy here the past few weeks.) After a little build up I sneezed a double “Heh, Hih eshhhIIIew! Heh ISHHHhoooo!”

Since not many people were in yet, and since the other person that was here sits a little ways away, no one blessed me and I didn’t think anything of it. About 2 minutes later, the lady that was here when I arrived walked over and said, “bless you!”

I was like, “what?”

“You sneezed a little bit ago, but I was on the phone and couldn’t say anything. I wanted to come over and say bless you.”

“Oh, thanks …” I said, and smiled and turned red. It always makes me smile when non-fetishists go out of their way to react to a sneeze …

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:laugh: Do you know how many times I've wanted to do what that lady did? And then how many times I have done it? If someone's sneeze really begs to be blessed, I break my rule on the blessing period and do it anyway, regardless of how long it was after they sneezes. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who does it!

Bless you, sweetie! Too bad you couldn't call me, dusty desk girl! :(

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I did this once and only once. The other day I was at the barn with my friend and she was making some important phone calls while I was just sitting there waiting for her to finish up. Well my phone started ringing so I walked away so as not to disturb her. As I'm trying to get off the phone because it really wasn't an important phone call and just someone wanting to talk she sneezed. Well after about another minute or two I finally got off the phone walked back over to her (she was still on the phone) I kissed her on the cheek and whispered bless you in her ear. I don't know why LOL. I just felt like it. Weird cause I've never done that before.

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In college my roommates and I would scream "bless you", "shut up" or "fuck off" depending of course on our moods when one of us sneezed where ever we were - then sneeze it must be acknowledged in some way!

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In college my roommates and I would scream "bless you", "shut up" or "fuck off" depending of course on our moods when one of us sneezed where ever we were - then sneeze it must be acknowledged in some way!

"fuck off" :twisted: that's a good one to remember I may have to use it in future "blessing" scenarios


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"The sneeze wasn't anything special". Heresy! All sneezes are special. And those sound quite delicious.

Late blessing would be a bit difficult for me, despite my compulsive blessing . I wonder, in an office or similar situation, would it be acceptable to leave one's own office, on hearing a distant sneeze, walk around barriers or corridors and put one's head around the sneezer's door just to give the blessing?

i mean obvoiously it would be the correct thing to do to identify the sneezer and hang around in case there were any more, but to bless before the second half occurs?

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In an open plan office situation I have on one occasion sent an e-mail to say bless you. This does however rely upon the fact that the recipient checks their e-mails regularly. Although the person to whom I sent it was sneezing pretty much all day so the chances of her not getting it at an appropriate moment were quite small. Very distracting it was too, even though she was female.

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Ahhh cute :o belated bless yous are kind of special (though at this point in life I'm still working on getting on-time ones :cryhappy:) I think it's endearing that she went out of her way to say that and I love how it made you a little fumbly :eek:

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