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Curiosity Killed the Werewolf!


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Title: Curiosity Killed the Werewolf!

Author: Spoo (thaaaat’s me! :jerry: )

Fandom/Original: Fandom â€â€œ Harry Potter - RemusxTonks

Disclaimer: I don’t own them. That, my friends, is the almighty privilege of Ms. J. K. Rowling.

Summary: Remus has got a cold, and Tonks is curious. Uh-oh! SPOILERS for the newest book.

Authors Notes: Hey there, everyone! Remember me? Haha. I disappeared for a while there, but I’m back for the most part. I still need to finish up some summer assignments for school, and band camp is just a hop-skip away, buuutt~ After reading the latest Harry Potter book, I was somewhat inspired to write this. Remus is just so fun to torture and Tonks is adorable in her own unique, clumsy way. This is my first Harry Potter fan fiction EVER, so I apologize if the characters are a little OOC or something. ^_^; Now~ onto ze fic!


(( Art by Mibu-Wolf. All credit goes to her =3 ))

"Curiosity Killed the Werewolf"

Prologue-ish/Chapter 1:

"Remy, is that you?"

The familiar, bright voice of his wife was nothing short of a relief from his seemingly relentless schedule that particular day. Remus Lupin looked absolutely dreadful, and, for once, his condition had nothing to do with the matter. "Yes, Nymphadora, I’m home." He’d only recently started addressing her as such, and Tonks really didn’t seem to mind; however, if anyone other then her husband called her that in any way, shape, or form, she’d have a rather verbally violent go at them (as she often did). A quick peek into the sitting room granted him the sight of his young wife who was curled about a large armchair reading what appeared to be some sort of vibrantly colored magazine. Today her hair was a soft shade of burgundy- one of her more relaxed colors as he liked to think about it.

Remus padded quietly into the room, so as not to disturb her reading, and sat himself in a seat that was adjacent to the chair she inhabited. A tired groan escaped from his lips, followed by an incoherent slew of words as the weary man rubbed at his scarred face with his hands.

Tonks lowered her magazine and stared curiously. Besides, it wasn’t as if she were actually reading it; she just enjoyed skimming over the latest fashions and such as a sort of side hobby. "Are you alright? You look terrible," she said softly in a voice dipped with concern.

Remus looked up in regards to her words and gazed at her with his warm, reassuring brown eyes. "Just a bit tired," he replied evasively, hoping she’d drop the matter all together. After all, she didn’t need to know about his pulsing head, constricting nasal passages, and scratchy throat he’d woken up to that very morning. It was more then given to assume that he was coming down with something, and being one with such a weak immune system, the bouts of illness were always brief, though still violent nevertheless. Especially when it came to…


The violent nasal explosions surprised Remus and he’d barely had time to bury his nose and mouth into the draped sleeve of his coat. The first two, thankfully, had been successfully stifled, though the third had had a mind of its own and clearly despised the very thought of being restrained. Sniffing rather wetly, the werewolf lifted his head and turned to excuse himself when he noticed a most fascinating look plastered about his wife’s heart-shaped face. He blinked. "Ah… snff! Excuse me."

Nymphadora "Tonks" Lupin blinked her bright, lively eyes and gaped. What in the world…? It wasn’t as though she had never heard someone sneeze before (that was just ridiculous!), however she never once recalled having ever heard Remus Lupin, her husband, do it once. She was evidently at a loss for words, but soon her soft, pink lips managed to form a started "bless you!" in response.

Remus felt strange beneath her stare and quite uncomfortable. "Thank you," he said politely, running a finger or two beneath his nose.

"Are you ill, Remus? I’ve never heard you…well…do that," Tonks added, a little shy of her word choice for some odd reason.

The man who sat close by fumbled deep within his pocket to retrieve a folded white handkerchief he often carried on him. "Dust," he answered pointedly.

A thinly-arched, maroon eyebrow rose. "Dust?"


Whether she could see quite clearly through his lie, or it was the simple empathic string that connected a few select pairs of lovers, Tonks was sure Remus wasn’t being straight with her at all. What was more was that the strange little lightning-light jolt she’d received from hearing her werewolf of a partner display such a bodily function before her very own eyes. Well, it was bound to happen at some point, but she never assumed it would be so soon. She had a feeling that it was somehow only the beginning of a terribly interesting evening.


A/N: Short, yes, but it was really only meant for an introduction-like purpose. More shall come soon! Thanks for reading! :blushing:


Edited by chui
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Very nice. And wasn't the new book great!?!? A very sweet little scene, really looking forward to more...and I think that they were very in character, by the way...


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AAH! You're my hero! There are so few Remus/Tonks sneeze fics out there and this one just rocks! Does Tonks have the fetish?

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AAH! You're my hero! There are so few Remus/Tonks sneeze fics out there and this one just rocks! Does Tonks have the fetish?

Thank you very much. :) Regarding Tonks...heheh... we'll just have to see, won't we? :P

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GAAAAH!!! Oh this is SOOO cuteness.


Are you ill, Remus? I’ve never heard you…well…do that," Tonks added, a little shy of her word choice for some odd reason.

The man who sat close by fumbled deep within his pocket to retrieve a folded white handkerchief he often carried on him. "Dust," he answered pointedly.

A thinly-arched, maroon eyebrow rose. "Dust?"


That was just TOO much awesomeness. *grins* Cannot wait to see more!!

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D'aww... thanks guys. :cry: I'm working on a second chapterish thing to this, so it should be ready soon. Hehe. Poor Remus! *cackles*

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ok, this is a fab story! I'm not normally into harry potter fanfiction (although I love the books), but I just couldn't resist this one, and it's great! Keep on going, please!!

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Ooohh... nummy Remus-ness. I like it. And it is very in character - I like how Tonks is kind of playful, but not stupid, if I'm explaining that at all well. Anyway, I eagerly await the next section! x

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D'aww... thanks guys. :proud: I'm working on a second chapterish thing to this, so it should be ready soon. Hehe. Poor Remus! *cackles*

Fabulous. Can't wait!

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