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For ThreeDaysofRain


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Ok...ThreeDaysofRain didn't actually request this directly...but we dragged it out of her cause we knew she wouldn't ask! smile.png I hope you like it, babe!

Frost is not very well aquainted with modern type things...but he's a man on a mission. This is just a cute little funny pic. Makes me laugh anyways laughing.gif


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No words...brain no worky...

his expression...and then the....and Frost? dksjdkjkjk HGHNNNNNN!

When Aku told me to check the art board, I was NOT expecting THIS...pile of...NO and WRONG and incredibleHOTNESS!


GreenFaerie...you are such a sweetheart! You don't even know me, and not only did you draw me something...you drew me THIS!!

Ok, so maybe I'm a bit shy about asking....but, hi? You went above and beyond. :mellow:

This made me spaz and KDJFDKJF so ridiculously and loud, I scared my boyfriend. :blushing:

Then I giggled hysterically like a STUPID because Frost is a BASTARD! But such a loveable one.

And Doyle... hold on, let me clean up the puddle of drool on my keyboard...

....you drew him perfectly!

Thank you thank you thank you! I can't tell you how much I love this- it made my week!


*wanders off to find brain....and to take care of other important business*

Edited by threedaysofrain
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Woow! This is super special awsome! :):drool::mellow:

The black guy is so sexy! :P And his hair........*squeeeeal* ^______________________^

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GYAH, DOYLE....! You sexy black BASTARD!!!

WHY DO I LOVE YOU SO?!?!? :drool::mellow:

Hehehe, Frost is such a dink. Wtf, he'd totally do that, too. *hands him a can of lysol and watches Doyle go :) *


Omg, Green Faerie!! I'm so totally SPAZZY FLAILING over here!!! (Good thing I'm not holding a sandwich and a gun, right? :blushing:)

FJSDLFKDSJFDS the Wolf in me wants to EAT HIM ALIVE. But he'd like that. A lot. Never mind.

NO, WAIT.....*crooks finger and shoves Frost out of the way* Coooome to Butthead....huhuhuhuhuh......

GAH, look what you did?!?! YOU BROKE ME!!!! *FLEE!*

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Guest Raksu

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can't see the pic! :bawl::cry: There is only a red "x" ;;__;; Hope I can see it soon................................................

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It works fine for me? :bawl: Try refreshing the page or open it in a different browser. That sometimes works, because I can assure you, it's there! :cry:

If that doesn't work, right-click on it and select "show/display image" and that might work, too.

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Guest Raksu
It works fine for me? Try refreshing the page or open it in a different browser. That sometimes works, because I can assure you, it's there!

If that doesn't work, right-click on it and select "show/display image" and that might work, too.

I tried, didn't work, but the error was on.... I don't know what is the word 'nettiyhteys' in english O_o

But now I can see the pic :)

*drooling* That pic is hot. Short comment? No, it's just you.

But thanks GreenFaerie so much, DRAW MORE O__O Or I will draw something.......something.

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I am in love with your colouring! So much texture and depth...and I'm trying to figure out what you use? Coloured pencils? 'Cause when I use coloured pencils it sure doesn't come out like that!

And I am also in love with the concept for this. (Because I love it when beings not from modern times try to figure out things like that...with interesting consequences) It's cute, it tells a story. And it's hot. I love it!

Edited by KawaiiKitty
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:laugh: Haha, ThreeDays, you're very welcome! And everyone else! Thanks for the great comments. :innocent: Raksu, by all means, draw something! *giggles* I love to look at art! *drool*

KawaiiKitty, I am using colored pencils, but I outline and shade a little bit in ink first. They're Prang colored pencils because Prismas tend to be a bit too waxy for my style. :laugh: And I KNOW! I love when beings from different time periods get all aquainted with modern contraptions. Much fun. :omg:

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Ok, my first reaction when I saw this was AWWWWWW :wub:

Then I went :eek: --- The coloring is so awesome! --- and then I totally melted from the cuteness again. :laugh:

Wonderful as always! :hug:

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