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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I don’t post here very much and I figured it was time for me to contribute. I am not into male sneezes, especially my own, but I know many of you out there are. Lately, I have been sneezing quite a bit, which is rare for me. I have allergies, but they usually manifest by way of my asthma, not nasally. It really isn’t so bad. They seem to come on mostly when I first wake up and late at night.

Usually it starts with a tickle, but not in my nose. It usually starts at the back of my throat with a feeling that I can only describe as being like having a piece of popcorn shell stuck back there. Shortly after that, my nose begins to itch, and then it becomes sniffly. Eventually it builds into a sneeze, or rather I should say a series of sets of sneezes. They will usually come out 3 or 4 at a time and then subside briefly. The sneezes are fairly powerful; coming out as a kind of HEPT-CHOO. Then I blow my nose, wait a few minutes, and a new set will come along. After a few sets go by I will be ok for a long while, usually until the morning or late night round comes back again.

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Many blesses! I am curious, though, wouldn't you rather have sneezy allergies, than asthma-like ones? I myself, have some allgeries, but they are either skin reactions, or more like asthma. I'd rather sneeze.

But, I do feel for you. Hopefully they are just seasonal? Not year round? :cry:

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Thanks for the wlecoming responses. :proud:

Trillium, in response to your question, I have no idea. Part of the reason I find this so odd is that I don't know what is causing it. Very little in my envirionment has changed of late. The only thing that has changed is my new job, but I don't have symptoms there. As soon as my new insurance kicks in, I'm going to the doctor to find out.

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Sneesee: I agree, the sneezes are preferable to an asthma attack. It is just the change makes me wonder. As I said in my reply to Trillium, I don't know what this allergy is, so I don't know if it is year round or seasonal. My other allergies are partially seasonal and partially random environmental.

Thaks for the vote of sympathy. :proud:

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I'm sorry that you're uncomfortable -- it was thoughtful of you to be generous with your allergies, and share this with us. The detail about the "bit of popcorn shell" feeling was quite wonderful.

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Thanks for the wlecoming responses. :winkkiss:

Trillium, in response to your question, I have no idea. Part of the reason I find this so odd is that I don't know what is causing it. Very little in my envirionment has changed of late. The only thing that has changed is my new job, but I don't have symptoms there. As soon as my new insurance kicks in, I'm going to the doctor to find out.

Could be something in the air, I guess, at this time of year.

Good luck with your allergy tests. At least then you'll be able to better control your asthma. (I know all about that; what a pain.)

Thanks for posting the obs.

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Well, I haven't been to the doctor as yet, but I believe I found the culprit. I kicked up a good bit of dust while cleaning the apartment the other day and had a huge sneeze fit/asthma attack. It is weird; dust never used to bother me that much.

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