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Sneezy pics in medicine advertisements


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In magazines, in the window of the farmacy, on TV, on internet, ...

It is almost always pictures of FEMALES sneezing or blowing.

Why could that be ? Isn't it especially women who buy most of the medicines for the family ?

And wouldn't they feel more tempted to buy a certain brand if there would be a suffering male in the adds ?

Probably I am wrong ...

What do you think ?


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In magazines, in the window of the farmacy, on TV, on internet, ...

It is almost always pictures of FEMALES sneezing or blowing.

Why could that be ? Isn't it especially women who buy most of the medicines for the family ?

And wouldn't they feel more tempted to buy a certain brand if there would be a suffering male in the adds ?

Probably I am wrong ...

What do you think ?


You make a valid point. It seems a tad one sided. I hope trend changes soon.

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Wow, you're right! I've never noticed this before but now you mention it I do!

Maybe because there are many more female models around?

No idea actually.

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My guess would be...probably the adverts are not aimed at people who have the fetish!

And therefore I don't think the pictures are intended to create desire for the MODEL or arouse a nurturing instinct. If it is the case that females buy more medicines (and I'm just going on what was said before, I haven't actually bothered to research the figures), the female in the picture is probably intended to create affinity: "Hey look, she's like me. And if she uses this brand, I should too!", not "Aw that girl has a hot sneeze".

Many brands that are still considered to be "female" domains have more female spokespersons than male for that very reason, like washing up liquid or washing powder.

Of course, I only know the very surface of advertising theory...so the extent of my knowledge stops here.

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Marketing must have shown it is advantageous or it would not be happing that way. I suspect they feel the woman buying the OTC meds for the family relates most directly is she has experienced allergy or cold sneezes. (She still does not want her family members to suffer but knows, this first hand---maybe?).

In the reverse, there are far more vids of male sneezing on youtueb and myspace than females.

Why is that I wonder?


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Maybe because the Mum is the parent and provides for the family? So female relates to Mum?

What r said!

(Except I forgot to quote because I'm a dipstick!)

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I would say.... go down a level or two. :laugh:

There you go. Take a seat. Get comfy. :dead: Heres my explanation (which is typically incorrect). Sex sells. :lol: A cute girl on a package will sell more than some dude... everytime.

Paris Hilton washing a car wearing minimal clothing? :innocent: Made me want a hamburger. :laugh:

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I would go a bit with Sternuto and say:

You want to advertise with a human been who is seemingly vulnerable / calls for pity? Go with a woman. People don't want to see men that way.

Ofcourse, I think the former generalization is completely false, annoying and just... I just hate it! But so do I hate many other marketing "philosophies". Like "people won't buy if thy can see in some picture a non-anorectic / untrendy / not-rich-looking person in the commercial phone book." My friend was told this when she was working for a fairly big advertising company.

:eek: GRRRRR!

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