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So now that I have a way to get my crack online...

Guest Minto

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Guest Minto

I have finally managed to figure out a way to get my art online. This way is a webcam, which will have to suffice until I manage to scrounge up enough money for a scanner. The lighting might be slightly bad at times, but I've figured out angles enough that my computer light/overhead will suffice. Of course, no one has ever seen my art, so there's no way to actually tell it's good, but you'll have to take my word for it that it is, indeed, passably decent.

I draw in the anime style. I cannot and will not attempt any other style, simply because my brain and my fingers disagree with it.

I will also need a referance picture of whomever you want me to draw. (Humanshape only, please. I can't draw animals, because I am lame.)

I can also do original characters, but again, need a referance pic. If you think you're eloquent enough to describe your character in great detail to me, that's fine, but don't be completely shocked if I mangle them. ^^; Post with it here. If it isn't detailed enough, I'll let you know.

Crack will not be coloured. I'm sorry, but every time I try to colour something, it dies. So no.

Once I get a few more non-fetish drawings on the internetz, I can post them here so you can see my style, but until that happens, it's Lucky Dip. =P

So, request, if you dare.

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Can I make a request? :yes: I would be forever grateful if you could draw me a picture of Mori-senpai (<-- click for pic) from "Ouran High School Host Club". :dead:

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Guest Minto

Yes, yes, I can do that. I need to practice drawing MEN in the first place, because I am a loser at it. I'm using a different reference pic I dug up from Wiki (yours was just a little small, but no worries), so I think he's going to look a bit different stylistically, but he'll remain intact, I promise. XD (I like his hair. XD)

Also. As a general warning to anyone who requests. If you requested something, but I do someone else's before yours, please don't be offended. ^^;; Sometimes things are just easier for me to do out of order and I'll get to yours ASAP. I can be a little slow at times. And if I finish the picture at night, I'll put it up the next day, because it's going to turn out as a shadowy blob if I don't. 8D

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Yes, yes, I can do that. I need to practice drawing MEN in the first place, because I am a loser at it. I'm using a different reference pic I dug up from Wiki (yours was just a little small, but no worries), so I think he's going to look a bit different stylistically, but he'll remain intact, I promise. XD (I like his hair. XD)

Also. As a general warning to anyone who requests. If you requested something, but I do someone else's before yours, please don't be offended. ^^;; Sometimes things are just easier for me to do out of order and I'll get to yours ASAP. I can be a little slow at times. And if I finish the picture at night, I'll put it up the next day, because it's going to turn out as a shadowy blob if I don't. 8D

Ooohh, thank you! I'm all excited now! :):blushing: SO looking forward to see what you'll do to him! :wub: (But no worries, take all the time you need. :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a request :lol:

Alucard from Hellsing.

Here's a link for full body: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsa...ing/arucard.jpg

Here's a link for close up on face: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w78/Got...singova1200.jpg

I don't know if this one will help...but here's a profile of his face: http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/ya...ife/alucard.jpg

He doesn't wear his glasses or hat sometimes...but I don't mind, which ever way is easier for you to draw.

-Thanks! ^^

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hmm, I always found it a tad bit bothersome that Alucard looks immensely handsome in some scenes and not in others, no consistency (OCD), but I digress, going the Hellsing route (might rival hellsingfans love for hellsing >_>) could you possibly, if its not too much trouble draw Seras Victoria?

Seras profile this is her profile. Hope you can fit it in your quickly building request schedule :huh:

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