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Sneeze Fetish Forum

POTC Jack Sparrow Request

Guest lilly munster

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Guest lilly munster

Could someone please write a story where Jack catches a cold and is very stubborn when someone tries to care for him?

Thank you so much!

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Guest lilly munster
I don't know if you already have and didn't find anything you liked or not, but you might want to peruse the story board a bit as I know there are several POTC Jack fics that at least somewhat match what you asked for.

I'm not saying that means you shouldn't be asking for more, I'm all for more Jack torture, but in case no one takes this request and/or while you wait I bet you'd enjoy some of the ones that have already been posted. :blink:

Personally, I'd offer, but I have so many other things I'm working on at the moment that I wouldn't feel confident that I'd manage to get around to it anytime soon. Still, if I happen to be inspired I'll keep this in mind. :blink:

Thank you for the help!

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