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Sneeze Fetish Forum

for my next fic...


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for the eighth installment of super sneezes, i wanted to take a request from one of my readers. if anyone wants to give a request to amy's next sneezy situation, you can either post it here or PM me. thanks :yes:

also, if anyone would like me to draw a super sneezes pic, or draw fanart themselves, thatd be cool too.

Edited by Animeeze
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  • 1 month later...

*waves* Hi, Animeeze! Remember me from youtube? CherryQueen875!

Anyway, how's about this idea:

Amy has a new boyfriend! (everyone claps) But when she catches a cold, her new boe insists on taking care of her. Will she be able to cease from sneezing until he leaves?.....Everyone know's that answer. :laugh:

So, waddaya think?

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I liked the theme of the Stealth going inside Amy's nose that you've used a couple of times. Anything like that really gets me going... But if you think that's getting stale, then try whatever you want. I'll read no matter what the plot is. :laugh:

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