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Ok, so I seldom draw/paint, only to distract myself from studying or anything that has to do with language, and this is my first time trying to paint anime characters... and the scan is horrible, ofcourse. So you've been warned.


I'm even not a big fan of Meine Liebe, and I've never played the original game, but after seeing sleeping Naoji by iffthelurker, I couldn't get this thought off my head anymore! And I know I'm going to be punished about this in afterlife, if not before! It's not my fault! The voices told me to... Would that be voices of sneezy strahl-candidates? That would be actually... Takahiro Sakurai's voice... NOOOO!*running and hiding*

So seems like when taking care of Naoji, Orphe has catched it too...


Here's a closeup of the sneezy one:


Edited by Shiny_bug
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Must control....pants exploded urges...due...to hotness.

MY G-GAHH--- -dies of happiness-

That's just...hot <-- my zzombified corpse is saying that XD

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O.O Omg girl! You busted out the watercolors for this! Mad props for all the work that must have gone into it! It looks really lovely. I don't know this fandom, but I especially like the shading of the blond one's hair, and the way you did the tissue. Very nice!:D Perfect pre-sneeze expression. :drool:

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Stunning. Absolutely stunning. :rolleyes: And you use watercolors! LOVE!!! :D

Thank you so much for sharing and I really hope we'll get to see more art from you! :drool:

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You've got us ALL STUNNED AND CRAZYFIED HERE. Now's the time to grab our wallets in our state of stupification :drool:

WOW!! I LOVE the colouring and shading... and like, everything else!

Hgn... i mean, i know about art and i can talk loads about it, but i cant think of one technical compliment. :D

HURR... :rolleyes:

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:D Nya, That's so HOT!!! You did a great job, and with watercolours too! (Feh, wish I could use paints, but I suck :rolleyes:) I've never heard of this anime before, but Orphe is teh smex (:) internet slang)! Hope to see more from you :drool:
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Whoa thank you SO much! :cryhappy: I'm really honored because even if I've found this place only recently, I already know... well, I know what you people can do. This really gives me courage to paint and draw more... Hehe, I'm actually inking another blonde right now, but I won't tell who :bleh: If it turns out ok it'll take me a couple of days put it up. And it's great because 1) I'm living devastatingly stressful and shitty times IRL, so I need a hobby to stay sane, and here I've got one. And 2) I really need to learn to draw and paint, as I want to commit gay-porn and pretty boys sneezing their heas off and drama and huge submarines* draw comics someday, and this is such a nice way to train! And I love watercolor, if you paint big enough (this is A3) its really... waah I don't know the word in english but I feel kinda eased out with watercolor, plus if it goes well, you can make things look quite delicate.

Yeah, there's only one POSSIBLE reason to watch this show, and that's Yuki Kaori -boy-design ;) And Orphe looks like this... Well, he IS a sneezy aristocrat! And ohmigod it's Takahiro Sakurai's voice! :) He sounds so damn annoying you have to love his voice when you have ceased to hate it. (lol this really happened to me!) I wish I could hear him sneezing... Ah!

(well maybe two; another is the possibility to replace the subtitles with new ones so that people who don't know japanese might be fooled to think that everyone's gay and talking dirty shit all the time and doing this and that between the scenes; actually, I'm in the process of trying to do that for one episode)

*when I read this myself, it sounds like a bunch of pretty, gay scifi-soldier-boys in a Clancy-style submarine on a long journey, but oh noes! One of them had a cold when he boarded... I've got a plot! :blushing: ...need...sleep...

Edited by Shiny_bug
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Guest Raksu

... [dots]

OMC! That is too good- WAY too good to be real O_O

I just love this, expecially the WATERCOLORS! How you can create something so beautiful (and HOT) with them?!

*I always mess up when I use watercolors ;__;*

[offtopic](Näenkö oikein, vai oletko.. Suomesta kotoisin? :drool:)[/offtopic]

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Haha, I'm so dumbstruck that I can't think of specifics to comment on...and that never happens. I'm never stuck for words and I am right now. Just add me to the crowd that is saying "Wow, watercolours. That is so darn cool."

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Man, my self-esteem and motivation with these things just hit the highest score ever! :bleh: So I'll take this like: I'll stick with the watercolors.

And Raksu, no jumanpeba! Vielä pari viikkoa sitten luulin olevani ehkä ainoa maailmassa. Nyt tiedän, etten ole ainoa edes Suomessa! :rolleyes:

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Guest iffthelurker



OMFG! I'm still playing MASSIVE amounts of catch up from last weekend, and to come back to THIS?!? FDJKFJLKDSFJLDSJFLK Oh, the HAWT! And you have NO IDEA how :blink: I am that you've blamed me for it. Your ability with watercolors is AMAZING! (I could never get beyond "pathetic swaths of pale color melting in to each other with no definition to them") And oh, poor Orphe! (NOT!!!!)


(BTW, Naoji and Ed both sneeze in one of the drama CDs. Orphe doesn't ever sneeze in anything I've seen/listened to, but there are a few clips of Sakurai's character from Kyou Kara Maoh sneezing in both episodes and drama CDs. If you want me to pass any of them your way, let me know...)

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You DEFINATELY are to blame here! What could I do? They just started sneezing talking to me when I saw that picture!

(BTW, Naoji and Ed both sneeze in one of the drama CDs. Orphe doesn't ever sneeze in anything I've seen/listened to, but there are a few clips of Sakurai's character from Kyou Kara Maoh sneezing in both episodes and drama CDs. If you want me to pass any of them your way, let me know...)

WHAT?! I mean. Krhm. First: Ed -> That's frigging Tomokazu Seki sneezing there! LOVE! :omg: And about Sakurai sneezing ANYWhere... :)

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  • 1 month later...

Omg, this is amazing! My father was a painter so he taught me to appreciate a fine work of art and let me tell you, this is totally awesome. :heart: It just made my day.

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Omg, this is amazing! My father was a painter so he taught me to appreciate a fine work of art and let me tell you, this is totally awesome. :lol: It just made my day.

OMG thank you :laugh: Maybe I should paint something sneezy again? That might be fun... :unsure:

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Omg, this is amazing! My father was a painter so he taught me to appreciate a fine work of art and let me tell you, this is totally awesome. :) It just made my day.

OMG thank you :blush: Maybe I should paint something sneezy again? That might be fun... :rolleyes:

:) I think you should!! :) seem to have a rather steady hand with a brush and i think you should DEFINATELY do another sneezey one :P :P :P

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