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Sneeze Fetish Forum

nose is tickling so much


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I've had the feeling I need to sneeze for the last half hour and it's driving me crazy. Now that I'm at the computer it feels like they might actually come. My right eye is starting to tear up and I can feel...heh... feel.... heh... HEH TSheew... HEH TSEW, *sniff* it coming. Ugh, it still itches. *grabs tissue* HEH-MPSHHH *rubs nose* HEH-MPSHH.. eh..heh...heeeh HEH-MPSHHH *blows nose gurgly into tissue*. oh man, I'm glad I have a tiss....eh heh HEH TSEEEEW, *sniff* tissue *rubs nose more with tissue*. Normally I don't sneeze this much but... oh... I feel more... *holds tissue up as breath is hitching* HAA-TSeeew... haa... haa... HA-TSEW.... hAAA...HAAA-MPSHHH HA-MPSHHH... haaa... HA-MPSHHHUUUU *blows nose and sniffs*. hA-MPSHHH *blows nose more and rubs*. I think thats it for now. It feels so good to get that tickle out. *rubs nose more* Nose still itches slightly, but it feels much better.

Hope you guys like the obs

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Golly! There ought to be more obsides like this. Divinely erotic or what? Who can doubt that this was a totally relieving experience....

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sweet nibblets! That was veeeryyy erotic, I liked the "live obs" thing you had going, very awesome and bless you! :blink:

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Thanks everyone. It was definitely a "relieving experience" at the time, but the rest of the night I had to blow my nose a lot more than normal and generaly just felt yucky. This morning I felt a little better but now I have a scratchy throat, am coughing, and my entire body aches. And to top it off, I have an all day babysitting job tomorrow with an energetic 4 year old. :huh:

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Thanks everyone. It was definitely a "relieving experience" at the time, but the rest of the night I had to blow my nose a lot more than normal and generaly just felt yucky. This morning I felt a little better but now I have a scratchy throat, am coughing, and my entire body aches. And to top it off, I have an all day babysitting job tomorrow with an energetic 4 year old. :blink:

Best obs ever! By all means ickydog keep obs like this coming!!!! :(

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