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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self obs

Guest Kiyoshi

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Guest Kiyoshi

Along with mono, I have a sinus infection ((which is hell in a basket :drool: )), and my nose is all stuffy and tickly, and it has been for about a week and a half or so. I personally don't like my own sneezes, but maybe someone else will like to read this. So this happened on the 5th, but before I actually type it out, I'll describe myself.

Well..I'm a shorty. I'm about 5'1", pretty skinny, I have silver eyes ((really, I do!)), shoulder length black and pink hair, snakebites and a septum piercing ((which I have temporarily taken out)), a "cute little button nose" ((or so L says)), and I'm half-Japanese and half-..Uhh..Caucasian I suppose.

Well, my nose was really bothering me, so I was rubbing it and sniffling a lot, and L noticed ((For those of you who don't know who L is, he was in my last obs)). He's very protective of me, and he has almost this "motherly instinct" with me. He grabbed some tissues and actually held them to my nose, insisting that I blow. Usually I'm embarrased when I sneeze or blow my nose in front of people, but with L, I don't really mind.

So I blew my nose, but that made it tickle more, though no sneeze came yet. While he was throwing the tissues away, I turned to the side and let out a medium sounding hh'kisheww! I'm not really sure why, but I'm always a bit disoriented after I sneeze, so I blinked a few times and shook my head, kind of like a doggy.

L laughed and handed me the box of tissues, poking my nose gently. My nose was horribly sensitive to everything, and my breath started hitching. After nearly 30 seconds ((which is a long time when you really have to sneeze :drool: )), I let out a hh'chiiff into a tissue that he pressed against my nose and mouth for me.

I realize that in my last obs, I made it kind of sound like L is my boyfriend, which he is not. We've been friends since I was in 3rd grade, and I've liked him since pretty much forever. He knows now and is comfortable with it, but he's not sure of his own sexual orientation at the moment. He thought he was straight, but he said that when it comes to me, he's not sure if what he feels is love love, or best friend love.

Eheheh, I'm sorry for straying off topic there. ^ ^;;

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Awwwww.... That's so sweet! Nice sneezes, definately. It's like my fav. sound 4 a guy. :blushing: Thnx for sharing, this was a really good obs!

A little off topic, but L sounds really sweet! It's cute that he takes care of you like that, especially when he's unsure of his feelings! You guys sound so kawaii together! :blink:

Gahh, I'm such a freak... Feel better! :laugh: (I've had mono, it sucks! :blink: )

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Guest Raksu

Aww, that was so cute! *Reads it again* ... Half-Japanese *yum* :wacko: *Reading it again* ....[dots]

[offtopic]I have silver (or gray, whatever, silver sounds so cool :huh:) eyes too O_O[/offtopic]

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Gah! :sillybounce: This post made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

While he was throwing the tissues away, I turned to the side and let out a medium sounding hh'kisheww! I'm not really sure why, but I'm always a bit disoriented after I sneeze, so I blinked a few times and shook my head, kind of like a doggy.

That's just about the cutest thing I've ever, ever heard. I love the way you spelled your sneeze here...

Man...I can't stop smiling hehe :huh:

Anyway, L sounds adorable. I've never had a guy take care of me when I'm sick, so of course I'm a sucker for any kind of obs dealing with that...

Okay, I'm rambling...so I'll stop now...feel better! :wacko:

Much love,


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