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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anyone have this happen to them?

Guest sneezynick

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Guest sneezynick

My g/f has known about my sneezing fetish for about four years now . She has never had a mental block about sneezing infront of me before but it seems like the past three months she has only sneezed around me once but has had lots of sneezing when im not around. She said she has had alot of almost sneezes when im around but they just havent came. Has anyone else had this happen to them where all of a sudden they just stop sneezing infront of you or do you think its just been some really bad luck?

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GOD YES! My husband went through stage fright right after I told him. He was pretty sure that he couldn't sneeze in front of me because he would think of me when he was about to sneeze, therefore making it go away. He's gotten better, but it's still been about a month since I've seen him sneeze, I think. I guess we go through spurts like that, because he doesn't really have allergies or anything like that. Although it has been sunny, so I guess he just hasn't felt the need to sneeze lately.

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At first when I told my boyfriend about my fetish he got stage fright... I mentioned it in an obs actually, that he was trying to find something that would make him sneeze, and ranch dressing powder worked, but then he tried it in front of me and all he got was false starts. Then he went through a period where he would need to sneeze, and he'd think of me and so he'd try to sneeze, and then he'd lose it. He also said it made him nervous if I was always looking at him while he was building up to a sneeze. But since then he's gotten very comfortable with it, and he doesn't lose his sneezes nearly as often.

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I had a gf once who I told about the fetish before I ever saw her sneeze (prohbably a big mistake). She was a photic sneezer, had some allergies and apparently had some major sneezing fits periodically. But in nine months off and on of our dating she never sneezed once in front of me (incouding a five day camping trip in summer). She would tell me about her fits at work, on the road , after leaving my house, etcv. But never sneezed once in my presence. Near the end of our dating she admitted that she did subconciously not want to turn me on that way and worked very hard never to sneeze in front of me. Consideirng she also had her own quite specific somewhat unusual turn-ons/fetishes, this was hard to understand. But needlessto say we did not click well.

But a later serious gf and then my now wife have both conclued that the fight to not sneeze gf was rather foolish not to have taken advantage of such a powerful and natural turn-on fully at her disposal.


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