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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The population of Gaia online...


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I recently stared up a Gaia online account (I'm not telling what it's called, since I don't really want anyone not from here knowing about my double-action trigger) and I was browsing around the anime/manga forum, and you'll never guess what I found...

A thread titled something along the lines of "OMG, Hellsing SNEEZEFICS?" Everyone there was talking about how weird it was... I just sat there thinking about this place and looking around from behind my shades. I found this a while ago, so I don't have a link.

PS: Is it just me, or is Sneezefic a widely known term?

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I recently stared up a Gaia online account (I'm not telling what it's called, since I don't really want anyone not from here knowing about my double-action trigger) and I was browsing around the anime/manga forum, and you'll never guess what I found...

A thread titled something along the lines of "OMG, Hellsing SNEEZEFICS?" Everyone there was talking about how weird it was... I just sat there thinking about this place and looking around from behind my shades. I found this a while ago, so I don't have a link.

PS: Is it just me, or is Sneezefic a widely known term?

Hi I'm new! (just registered yesterday)


what a coincidence! Her name was Yang-chan, right?

well, uhhhhhhhhhhh......guess what? that was me ^^;;;;;;;;;

Sorry guys...I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's thanks to that fanfic that I actually became interested in this site.

And interested in sneezefics. I can send you the link if you'd like...not everyone hated it. I even got someone into Hellsing just from them reading the sneezefic. Oh, and by the way...I didn't say "OMG, Hellsing SNEEZEFICS?" I said "Hellsing SNEEZEFICS!?"

Not that it really makes a difference -.-;


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Hahah, wtf? XD That's my fic, I wrote it like two or three years ago. It's pretty bad, but I'm glad that it got you to join the site! I have a few more Hellsing-based fics scattered throughout my website and in the Stories & Obs forum, if you look around :D

And I just searched your username on Gaia and found the thread talked about XD Reading now.

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Shweet! I was reading through this and I think it's hilarious :D

We should all be like, a band of super secret SF friends on Gaia!

My SN's AmatsuAkuma (I waved in the thread =P)

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I wonder if we could get a Sneeze Fetish guild over there... :D Then we could have a sneeze fetish quiz like the magic the gathering quiz I'm taking now (I love Firefox and your multiple tabs!) and you could win crazy sneeze related stuff.

PS: I've noticed that some people have two avatars that stand next to each other and are displayed at the same time. How do you do that? And having one that sneezed would be awesome!

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There's a collectible item called Celebrity Date that adds a person next to you. Sadly, there's only like... 6 choices ><

edit: To think I'd see the day discussing Gaia on the SFC xD

Edited by Amatsu Akuma
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Collectible as in the things you have to pay real money for?

Thanks for telling me anyway! :D

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Either pay real money for or earn the gold to buy in the Marketplace

and to be even more helpful, the current MP price is 10,300 gold =)

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While we're on the subject, are any of you the Gaia member by the name of Iznamine_xX? I just saw him/her post something and she has the same Elfen Lied Nyu sneeze gif in her signature that I used to use as an avatar here...

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Im Merodiim on Gaia :(


Hey, what type of tuba do you play on? Mirrorphone? or Yamaha?

I play on mainly a Yamaha, but i have played on a Mirrorphone before ^_^

Do you play the tuba also? That'd be awesome XD

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I might sound really stupid, but what is Gaia?

It's a popular online forum (much like this one) and you can talk about pretty much whatever you want. When you join, you create a little anime-esque avatar to represent yourself. As you go on, you can buy things from shops using either Gaia Gold or "Gaia cash" (real money you've put into the game) to dress up your avatar with, or to decorate your house with. While on the subject of houses, you can get a small house and have it placed somewhere in a live 2D Gaia world where you can go to chat with people in real time. There are also a bunch of game you can play, all of which earn you gold or items for your avatar. Registration is free and requires pretty much nothing but an e-mail address as for personal information. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys forums or online chatting.

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I might sound really stupid, but what is Gaia?

It's a popular online forum (much like this one) and you can talk about pretty much whatever you want. When you join, you create a little anime-esque avatar to represent yourself. As you go on, you can buy things from shops using either Gaia Gold or "Gaia cash" (real money you've put into the game) to dress up your avatar with, or to decorate your house with. While on the subject of houses, you can get a small house and have it placed somewhere in a live 2D Gaia world where you can go to chat with people in real time. There are also a bunch of game you can play, all of which earn you gold or items for your avatar. Registration is free and requires pretty much nothing but an e-mail address as for personal information. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys forums or online chatting.


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LOL that's a funny coincidence! I need to look up that thread too :lol:

I'm on Gaia too... not telling my main ID, but my alt ID is Sanzoh for all my evil fantasies :nohappy:


You're like a badass Neko collector! It's awesome!

Where did you get all those? I've searched all the shops and market places for nekos/cats and turned up dry. Plus I think it's awesome that you can get necoconeco (a cat that sits on your head, but I don't know what it's called in Gaia)

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LOL that's a funny coincidence! I need to look up that thread too :laugh:

I'm on Gaia too... not telling my main ID, but my alt ID is Sanzoh for all my evil fantasies :laugh:


You're like a badass Neko collector! It's awesome!

Where did you get all those? I've searched all the shops and market places for nekos/cats and turned up dry. Plus I think it's awesome that you can get necoconeco (a cat that sits on your head, but I don't know what it's called in Gaia)

There are 2 different kitty plushies on Gaia, the kiki (white) and coco (black). They were given as special collectable gifts to people who donated real money way back in 2005. Right now, the only way to buy them is off other people or off the marketplace. They are not sold in any of the stores.

If you're looking for a list of all the different rare (non-store) items on Gaia, check out this website:


Edited by snuffles
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Im Merodiim on Gaia :blushing:


Hey, what type of tuba do you play on? Mirrorphone? or Yamaha?

I play on mainly a Yamaha, but i have played on a Mirrorphone before :)

Do you play the tuba also? That'd be awesome XD

Oh, I see. Is it BBb? (double b flat)

Yes, I do play the tuba. :drool:

I actually attend an arts school ^^ Most of the upper classmen like C tubas...but I still prefer BBb

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm Urisan on gaia...i'm soo glad i'm not the only one on there and i have been dieing to get the courage up to start a guild ^_^ now that i know more people are here, i'm seriously rethinking making one :blushing:

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