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Tickling with the pointy thing?

count tiszula

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Another question beginning "Am I the only one...?"

Does anyone else, when looking at pictures or vids or indeed cartoons, artwork etc onthe web find themselves irresistibky drawn to moving the pointy bit of the cursor{?} around and "tickling" the nose of the pictured person?

Of course it's easier to imagine whwen it is a proper sneezy pic or vid, but I find myself doing it with anything with a nose , basically.

No? Just me , then.

Still, if you haven't tried it yet, give it a go.

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Another question beginning "Am I the only one...?"

Does anyone else, when looking at pictures or vids or indeed cartoons, artwork etc onthe web find themselves irresistibky drawn to moving the pointy bit of the cursor{?} around and "tickling" the nose of the pictured person?

Of course it's easier to imagine whwen it is a proper sneezy pic or vid, but I find myself doing it with anything with a nose , basically.

No? Just me , then.

Still, if you haven't tried it yet, give it a go.


please tell me you're joking, right?


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Another question beginning "Am I the only one...?"

Does anyone else, when looking at pictures or vids or indeed cartoons, artwork etc onthe web find themselves irresistibky drawn to moving the pointy bit of the cursor{?} around and "tickling" the nose of the pictured person?

Of course it's easier to imagine whwen it is a proper sneezy pic or vid, but I find myself doing it with anything with a nose , basically.

No? Just me , then.

Still, if you haven't tried it yet, give it a go.

:yes: You're not the only one. I've done it too. But I don't do it everytime. :D

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Jesus I can't believe I am saying this but I've done it too. Gosh it seems so terrible seeing it written down :(

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That's absolutely hilarious guys =)

You've made my day :(

(though I don't think there's anything wrong with it... you don't have to be embarassed ^_^)

Edited by Amatsu Akuma
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I'd never done it, but whilst reading this thread, I tried it on KawaiiKitty's signature picture, and I can see hows it's quite pleasurable!

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Can't say it's ever crossed my mind! Pity it doesn't work.

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I have traced the noses of people I'm fond of on my computer, but never "tickled" really. I just use the pointy thing a lot. In fact (and this is totally off topic), when I'm reading something, I swirl it around on the computer screen really fast, and this drive my husband nuts! :rolleyes:

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I used to :P When i first got my school laptop with OMGa TOUCHPAD!! :P I found that SO COOL that i was wiggling it absolutely everywhere :rolleyes:

Now i dont :dead:

For the pure reason that i set my mouse to animated, so the bottom tail of it (there's the arrow bit, then there's the tail.. you know?) WAGS. Like, a dog. It wags back and forth. :bleh:

So when i hold it underneath a nose, it looks like a massive swaying piece of snot! :blushing:

And i find that REALLY gross :blushing: So no, i dont do it anymore :shy:

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I just started doing that when I first entered the forum... not sure why I never did it before, but I think the reason I started was because I had this nice picture of Gaara (who else :P ) as my background on my laptop and was moving my mouse around (because I was bored and waiting for something) and found my self moving the mouse around under Gaara's nose and I kinda freaked out :dead: even though I knew my pic of Gaara wasn't going to sneeze, the thought kinda made me say,"WAHH!!" kinda screamed it :shy: what did I expect from myself :P but since then I've learned not to freak out over it and now I do it pretty often... *off to tickle Gaara's nose* <--- of course!

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Hehe, I've done that a couple of times, yes :dead: But I usually don't tickle the nose with the mouse - I caress it with my finger instead :shy:

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I used to :rolleyes: When i first got my school laptop with OMGa TOUCHPAD!! :P I found that SO COOL that i was wiggling it absolutely everywhere :bleh:

Now i dont :dead:

For the pure reason that i set my mouse to animated, so the bottom tail of it (there's the arrow bit, then there's the tail.. you know?) WAGS. Like, a dog. It wags back and forth. :blushing:

So when i hold it underneath a nose, it looks like a massive swaying piece of snot! :blushing:

And i find that REALLY gross :laugh: So no, i dont do it anymore :shy:


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