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Sneeze Fetish Forum



Stifling Sneezes  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it dangerous to stifle a sneeze?

    • Yes
    • No

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I don't think it's particularly good for you, but I don't think any great harm will come from doing it. Unless you have any sort of pre existing condition that could make it dangerous for you, that is :)

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Even though I'm a reformed habitual stifler, I do believe it is bad for you. Between the pressure, and the stuff that doesn't come out like it's supposed to, it's just not good for you. I no longer do it.

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Give the choice, letting it out is probably better - it happens for a reason after all; but I just con't go so far as to call it dangerous. Too many people do it habitually without incident.

Driving a car... that's dangerous. Smoking? Takes years off your life. Marrying a redhead? That can get you killed.



PLUS IT'S A WASTE OF PERFECTLY GOOD SNEEZE! Ah! don't hurt me Akutenshi-chan!

Edited by Niceguy
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Do you have a problem with redheads? *taps foot* Don't make me go all Gaelic-Waza on your ass.... :laugh:

You think I'm lying about the red-heads? Ha. Ask the one I married if I'm misrepresenting.

(When she punched me in the nose all those years ago I knew I was in love!)

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I voted no, simply because personally, I dfon't think it is. I don't stifle all the time but I do sometimes and to my recollection, it hasn't had any ill effects on me. I don't do it by pinching my nose though and I can be absolutely silent and I don't feel any pressure in ears etc. Maybe that's just me, I don't know but I don't really see the problem with it. Possibly the only after effect that might be possible may be to feel more exhausted after maybe a stifling fit. I've felt that occasionally since I normally sneeze doubles and the occasional triple.

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I read this on msn.com -

"Does holding in a sneeze damage your hearing? True. Trying to stop a sneeze pushes air into the Eustachian tube with enough force to rupture an eardrum."

So let 'em fly!! :laugh:

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I used to stiffle, but I stopped because it hurt. Whether or not it's bad for everyone I don't know, but I figured, if it hurt for me to do it, then it might be bad for me. My theory, if it hurts too bad, you probably shouldn't do it....

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You do realize I'm a red-head, right?

Not natural. :laugh:

I voted that stifling is bad for you.... not for the obvious reason that I HATE IT :notworthy: ... but it just seems like if you hold back all that force.... well... that energy has to go SOMEWHERE! It just doesnt disappear. :hug: Ive heard (and I dont know if this it true or not) that it can harm the ears?? :cryhappy:

Anyhoooo... dont stifle. Make a sneeze fetishist happy. :whistle:

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I believe it's bad for you... or at least would be for me, as my ears are kinda sensitive.

Redheads?!?! WHERE?!?! *faints*

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You do realize I'm a red-head, right?

Not natural. :innocent:


:twisted: And you know this how? My hair is dyed bright red, but it's naturally a "traditional" red. Don't assume. :twisted:

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Sneezing is a sign of health. It indicates that one has a functioning immune system and that one's reflexes are fully able to get rid of any invading pathogen. Any interrference with this is potentially dangerous, let alone the potential damage to ears, nose and throat.

Besides, it's just a..........

Imean...sneezy redheads....drooooooooooooool.

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Sneezing is a sign of health. It indicates that one has a functioning immune system and that one's reflexes are fully able to get rid of any invading pathogen. Any interrference with this is potentially dangerous, let alone the potential damage to ears, nose and throat.

Besides, it's just a..........

Imean...sneezy redheads....drooooooooooooool.


What you just said makes me wonder about the phrases used in other countries after a person sneezes. I know several of them reference "health," so that's an interesting thing to think about. :twisted:

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It's hard for me to answer this question with a simple "yes" or "no."

If I had to answer with something like a "yes" or "no," then I would say "yes, it could potentially be bad for you ."

However, I would have to go along with what Niceguy said earlier in this thread. Many things are bad for us to some degree, but we engage in them anyway without worrying about them. I'm not convinced that the probability of having ill effects from stifling is high enough to worry about.

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It's kind of a pity that there wasn't a "unsure"-answer of choice in the poll. Cuz I have no idea if the rumor about damage by stifling is true or not! :unsure:

A stifled sneeze has never hurt me... ;)

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