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Nose-blowing pic (M?)


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I think it's a man...

Key word: сморкаться

No, the article is about a girl ...

Here is a (language technology) translation for your enjoyment. Sorry if this is still Russian to you !

As it is correct to be blown the nose

Entire winter we have wet nose. Daughters of seven years. Soon everything will bloom, and I fear, that we smoothly will switch over to allergic head cold. How to leave the pitch-dark head cold?

L.N and [k] about l a........e into and, the Stavropol edge

Answers otolaryngologist Vladimir Maximov:

- IF nose wet entire winter, this can be allergy in the cold. To get rid of the year-round head cold with the aid of the medicines is impossibly. There can be the head cold also of catarrhal nature. It means, the organism of child does not resist infection - immunodeficiency. Cannot be brush off from the head cold. It is in any event necessary to be oriented toward the isolations. To look - transparent [sopli] or green. Green - microbial flora. Edema in to nose with transparent [soplyami] can automatically [perekinu]��[sya] on they are maxillary cavity. This one can see well on the roentgen (darkening). Doctor in that case assigns antibiotics. Cannot be started colored [sopli]! Child can become chronicle item. It is very important to learn child in time and it is correct to be blown the nose, but not to draw in itself contents of nose. In order to everything that it “[nashmygal]”, was not accumulated in the maxillary sinuses.

C :twisted:

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No, the article is about a girl ...

You could be right. I apologize if I posted something under-18.

countless, could you take the link out of your reply, too? Thanks.

Edited by allergyboy2001
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