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sneezing snot. love it? hate it?

Guest luv-a-sneeze

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Guest luv-a-sneeze

i love when a cute girl sneezes snot. or when they do it in there hands n like wipe it on there pants or something. what bout u guys? n e 1 done it lately?

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Snot? I'm gonna have to say no. It ruins the moment for me a bit if I see snot flying around. I'm more about the sneeze sound than the by-products.

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I don't necessarily like to SEE IT, but knowing that it happened does hold appeal to me. I openly admit to being fond of the "messier" sneeze sounds. For example, I recently saw a girl sneeze into her cupped hands and I KNOW she made a mess. She had to get up and walk out of the room with her hands still covering her face and I found it pretty hot. :P

I also like it when a person has to ask for a tissue because of such a thing.


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Like Aku, I don't really like to SEE the snot, but the sound and embarrassment a wet sneeze can cause is always very appealing to me. :P

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I don't necessarily like to SEE IT, but knowing that it happened does hold appeal to me. I openly admit to being fond of the "messier" sneeze sounds. For example, I recently saw a girl sneeze into her cupped hands and I KNOW she made a mess. She had to get up and walk out of the room with her hands still covering her face and I found it pretty hot. :winkkiss: I also like it when a person has to ask for a tissue because of such a thing.

I'm right there with Aku on this one. I don't want to see snot by any means, but the sound of a messy sneeze and knowing that they are in a panic because they made such a mess is hot. But spray on the other hand, I love to see spray and feel spray. My motto is spray away! :o

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I don't necessarily like to SEE IT, but knowing that it happened does hold appeal to me. I openly admit to being fond of the "messier" sneeze sounds. For example, I recently saw a girl sneeze into her cupped hands and I KNOW she made a mess. She had to get up and walk out of the room with her hands still covering her face and I found it pretty hot. :winkkiss: I also like it when a person has to ask for a tissue because of such a thing.

I'm right there with Aku on this one. I don't want to see snot by any means, but the sound of a messy sneeze and knowing that they are in a panic because they made such a mess is hot. But spray on the other hand, I love to see spray and feel spray. My motto is spray away! :o

Yeah, they both summed it up pretty well for me. Love messy, asking for a tissue, and SPRAY!

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I'd go with Aku, Dawnie and Sneesee with this.

The victim might panic when he realises that someone might see his snot. That's adorable and hot. If he's really attractive, I might actually love to be the one adding to that embarassment, acting like I didn't notice anything, and watch him doubt that and panic further... Oh I'm getting carried away..

Funny, as the sheer words like "sneeze" or "sniffle" feel really sexy, and I love to read them and hear them said aloud in appropriate circumstances, but the word "snot" makes me freak out.

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No snot! :bleh:

I prefer neat sneezes. A bit of spray is fine, but no showering anyone!

Agreed. :o (Although... I dont mind a shower every once in awhile). :winkkiss:

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I absolutely LOVE spray! but it has to be spray... even if it's alot of spray... but not a trail of snot :winkkiss: For me when it comes down to snot I think I would only like it if it were someone I have a crush on (right now that's still Gaara :bleh: ) otherwise I know I hate the snot :o

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Funny, as the sheer words like "sneeze" or "sniffle" feel really sexy, and I love to read them and hear them said aloud in appropriate circumstances, but the word "snot" makes me freak out.

Very odd; it's the same for me. Oh, the fetishy power of words. Good thing there are lots of synonyms.

Generally however, the wetter the better and the messier , the bessier. And I include wet, messy stuff of both kinds.

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I don't necessarily like to SEE IT, but knowing that it happened does hold appeal to me. I openly admit to being fond of the "messier" sneeze sounds. For example, I recently saw a girl sneeze into her cupped hands and I KNOW she made a mess. She had to get up and walk out of the room with her hands still covering her face and I found it pretty hot. :rolleyes:

I also like it when a person has to ask for a tissue because of such a thing.


Yeah, put me in with everyone else who quoted this. This sums up my feelings about it nicely. For me - It's not so much the snot itself as it is the inconvenience to the sneezer. That thay have been overwhelmed, and the situation is beyond their control. That they didn't want it to turn out that way, and now have to deal. That why I say "the messier the betterer."

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Oh put me in with the crowd who go by the "heard and not seen" philosophy. And I wholly agree with the embarassment factor.

But for some reason SEEING too much of it, no matter who does it...immediately makes my mind think of snot-nosed little kids and there's nothing LESS of a turn on than that...why does my brain do that, I don't know!

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  • 2 years later...

i'm not a fan of snot, at least not when it actually comes out of the nose during the sneeze. i don't mind hearing it, but i don't want to see it. also, i find it sexy when someone has to ask for a tissue after a sneeze. not the nose blowing itself, just the idea of them being embarrassed by it appeals to me for some reason. and a bit of spray can be very attractive to me, as long as it's well-contained.

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Like many people have said, I prefer the sound of a wet sneeze, but I don't like to actually see the snot.

I think its gross. But I do adore when you can hear it when they blow their nose.

Its better heard than seen in my books :nohappy:

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Wow, where are all these old, dusty threads coming from? lol

Personally...I like a good wet sneeze, but not too explosive.

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Sorry, it doesn't do anything for me

*votes for no spray or snot*

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