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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Oohh, it's our favorite mass murderer with a cold! XD


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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :winkkiss: Light looks sooo desperate and hot even though he's normally such an awesome evil bastard!!

super sexy! Thanks for sharing. I just wanna eat him up :P

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Phew. Scrolled it away. Happy me.








around 2 seconds a time is good for me. i can't be looking at this.







i'm sorry VoOs, you're so awesome doing this, but i really can't look at it. i feel embarassed. i'll try again later if i have the guts. i'll come back after a glass of port or two or three.

THANK YOU! :winkkiss:

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:yes: I so needed this burned into my mind for...ever. :3 andhe'spossiblynakedomg!!! *FLAIL AT!*

Ah~ sweetie. You're too wonderful. *happy-bliss while staring forever*

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Heehee, thank you so much everyone! :omg: I'm glad you liked.

Ah, how I LOVE torturing that bastard! :huh:

Oh. *looks at own pic* I just realized: I want his pillow! It looks so soft and fluffy. B)

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(OMG how am I here again?! :P Busted again...)

Oh. *looks at own pic* I just realized: I want his pillow! It looks so soft and fluffy. :cryhappy:

Oh you want it? Mmm, I can't blame you. As at the moment it seems to be touching... the lower portion of his... lower back. :twisted: Oh VoOs, I really didn't know you had... cravings like that.

Now I'll continue staring XD

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OH MY! :cryhappy: That is amazingly hot! I'm almost speechless now. Thank you! Such talent!

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(OMG how am I here again?! :laugh: Busted again...)
Oh. *looks at own pic* I just realized: I want his pillow! It looks so soft and fluffy. :blushing:

Oh you want it? Mmm, I can't blame you. As at the moment it seems to be touching... the lower portion of his... lower back. :drool: Oh VoOs, I really didn't know you had... cravings like that.

Cravings, me? Oh, if they only knew! :cryhappy::twisted: I mean... Ahem, I'm SO happy you like the picture, hon! :P

Edited by VoOs
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:) Duuuuude! That is NOICE! I love the coloring! And the way the force of the sneeze is totally taking over him. *shakes head*...nope...not sorry for him.. :rolleyes:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooooh I just found this. It's fantastic.

Can I borrow the pillow when you've finshed with it pleeeeaaaase? :cryhappy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whoooooaaah.... WRAWWRRRRHH sexyhotflaminsweetgorgeoushornyflailirawrness. EYECANDY DELUXE, yes. Thank you SO much for making my panties me so happy.

(I'm so sorry... but I have to mention it briefly. 1337th post! CH3X0RZ!!!111one)

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