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What Was The First Sneeze Fetish Site You Found?

Guest Forsaken

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Guest Forsaken

What was the first sneeze fetish site you found, and when?

I first found Tarotgals realm about 2 years ago :P .

Was just curious to find out :cryhappy: .

Edited by Forsaken
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I think it was called "Sneezing Girls"? :twisted: Maybe "Women Sneezing Videos"? :blushing: Im not sure... :P About... 10... 11... 12 years ago perhaps?

Thats when I found out I wasnt alone. :cryhappy:

Edited by Sternuto
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Diary of a Sneeze Fetishist many years ago. I started reading her entries about how sneezing made her feel I was like "holy crap! That's me. I feel that way too." :P Then I found Tarot Girl and then eventually here two years ago. :cryhappy:

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Haha, THIS one!

I wasn't really looking for it, I was trying to google for a cartoon I watched way, way back in the day and there was a topic on this forum referring to it but it was a very, very long list of people sticking their email addresses up so somebody would send the clips to them. Consequently the first few times I landed on this site, I just assumed that this was the most annoying place EVER because all it was was people asking for stuff!

It wasn't until a few times of me ending up here in a random search for sneezing stuff that I actually decided to browse the forum and realised that there was all sorts of cool stuff here. :cryhappy:

Good thing I didn't go by my first impression or I would have missed out on lots of fun and making really cool friends!

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Diary of a Sneeze Fetishist that was almost 7 years ago. I'm glad that I started there it wasn't too much for me to handle and I really enjoyed all the psych. discussion.

Then tarotgirls site- all the stories... I was in HEAVEN!!! Then I got brave and went over to Bondi's Beseen forum. And came here via word of mouth.

I was really, really, really nervous about being in a Fetish forum when I joined Bondi's... and now you guys can't get me to shut up... the duck tape hasn't detered me yet. :cryhappy:

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This page about a couple of weeks ago :cryhappy: I was (and still am) going trough a crisis, so one night I couldn't sleep I got the idea that I will really look into this thing. I just sat by the computer, swalloved and started to surf. I had seen a similar page for hiccup fethisists (no, sorry, I'm not one of them, pure curiosity), and for a couple of moths I had been thinking: there must be a one for us as well.

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Sneezing Girls was my first, then The Tarot of Sneezing, then TG's Realm, next Bondi's Wav Page, and lastly the SFF its self. I guess I Nem is the last one I found, but technically I didn't really find it...

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Hmmmm...god, I have to think since it's going on like 10 years now...I'm not sure which one was first, but, it would have been TOS, Sneezing Girls and Professer S's site. I know I discovered them all about the same time.

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I think it was called "Sneezing Girls"?

That was the first one I found too.

I then used the links from there to eventually find here.

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This site is the first one I found. Although, I was actually looking for Hellsing sneezefics...which led me to this site. :blushing:

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There was someone called Temptres who had a site - that was technically the first I saw.

Missy - who became MJ and then Elyse - had a site. There was SFO and Tarotgal. Tarotgal's forums were the first I used.

This was all about 7+ years ago now.

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Sneezing Girls, I was amazed when I founded using those words in lycos :blushing: ahh so many years ago, then I realized I wasn't alone :)

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That would be...this one!! I found it back in February when I did a Google search on what might explain why I get so weird around anything related to the topic. And voila, here I am!

....February. Dude. It's been six months already. This place is addicting. (Even though I joined in...what, March? I still read in February.)

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I don't remember who hosted the board at the time, but it led me to Professor S and his site, then TOS. The first board I came to was black and the posts were all in lime green letters. Have NO IDEA who owned it or anything, but it was the first one I found. That was back in 1997. :blushing:

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I think my first site was Sneezing Girls, followed by Tarotgal's site...quite some time ago, maybe 1998 or 1999. Hard to believe it's getting close to 10 years of lurking the fetish sites.

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I founf three on the same day: The Tarot of Sneezing (a predecessor of TG's realm), Sneezing Girls and Sneezing Fetish Online. At the time all three were very active, but now none of them have been updated in years. Oh well. It was still great stuff!

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In 2001, almost six years ago, as soon as I got on the Internet, I found Bondi's first site, Tarotgal's Realm and Sneezing Girls For Girls.

Then Bondi moved his site to here and it took me a while to locate it, like several weeks and I finally did find it.

Most of the old ones haven't been active for a long time. This one still exists. I'm glad to have something to visit.

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It was called Sneezing Fetish Online, and I found it back in 1996 or 1997. I can't remember which, I just know I was a senior in high school. Makes me feel old now. :wub:

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It was called Sneezing Fetish Online, and I found it back in 1996 or 1997. I can't remember which, I just know I was a senior in high school. Makes me feel old now. :wub:

Yeah late 1997 - early 1998 for me too. I can't believe it's been almost ten years. (And I didn't stumble onto this site until 2005! How does that happen?!)

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For me, it was that one that looked like a journal... I think it was a DIV and the bgimage was lined paper or something. Hah, I must be confusing people :D

But that was... Man, I think it was Freshman year! ...about 3-4 years ago! Before I had internet access at home :P

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