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Sneeze Fetish Forum

20 minutes ago


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As many of you know, I'm not big on obs and as such, do not post them very often, so this is actually quite a rare occurrence for me.

I had the tv on in the background, all quiet, nothing at all on so I had a shopping channel on. (yeah I know, how friggin sad is that) :rolleyes: Anyway, the male presenter, live on air, announced that he could feel a sneeze brewing. Now, get this. I thought that would be the end of the matter. However, his lovely female assistant who tells whoever might be watching about upcoming products and also becomes interactive with whatever product is being shown at the time, immediately announced without any reticence or shyness whatsoever, how she liked the feeling when she sneezed, saying that she kind of felt complete and that she got a great feeling of release. :bleh: I mean wtf!! This is on live tv :lol::)

Just thought you might like that :D;)

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  • 2 months later...

As many of you know, I'm not big on obs and as such, do not post them very often, so this is actually quite a rare occurrence for me.

I had the tv on in the background, all quiet, nothing at all on so I had a shopping channel on. (yeah I know, how friggin sad is that) :innocent: Anyway, the male presenter, live on air, announced that he could feel a sneeze brewing. Now, get this. I thought that would be the end of the matter. However, his lovely female assistant who tells whoever might be watching about upcoming products and also becomes interactive with whatever product is being shown at the time, immediately announced without any reticence or shyness whatsoever, how she liked the feeling when she sneezed, saying that she kind of felt complete and that she got a great feeling of release. :lmfao: I mean wtf!! This is on live tv :lol::blushing:

Just thought you might like that :D:heart:

Wow that's great. I don't know how I missed this one. It reminds me of the celebrity obs I wrote a while back when Howard Stern sneezed a double on the air and said how much he LOVED sneezing. :bleh:

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:D I haven't seen this either! must be the location it's at, but I'm more than happy to be reading it now! so even though you didn't really describe her and since she didn't actually sneeze, I think I'll have to resort to improvising some sort of a "lovely assistant" prototype in that hectic brain of mine and imagine how she would sneeze :( (that's odd, she's got a French maid uniform ;):)).
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