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Sneeze Fetish Forum

She must be suspecting me !


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A few days ago one of my friends was visiting us. We were talking about work and the kids etc,

but after some time she brought the subject to ... what is making a man attractive ?

'Uuuuhm ... I like big and intelligent men', I said.

'And ginger hair', she completed the sentence for me.

She looked at me. 'Do you know what I really HATE ?' she asked.

'Huh ?' I wondered.

'NOSES ! BIG noses. If a customer with a big nose is walking in (she is a shopkeeper),

that is such a big NO :rolleyes: to me ...'

I smiled and tried to stay neutral.

'Oh, really ? Actually I prefer big ones to small ones ...' :cryhappy:

SHE KNOWS IT, I thought. :D We have done so many things together, she must have noticed me

staring at sneezing and blowing men. But she thinks it is just noses :)

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I somehow doubt that means she suspects. Try not to worry. I know a lot of people who don't like big noses either. It's not unheard of.

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I agree that it's most unlikely that she suspects you of anything. It's probably just coincidence and as VfP says,big noses are probably a very common dislike.

Thinking about this, it occurred to me that if someone assumed i just liked big noses, I would be quite glad because it would mean I could talk to them about nasal matters without them knowing the full truth. After all I DO like big , pointy noses with huge, flary nostrils that just vibrate with sneeziness until.....ahem, yes.

And then I thought Whywould I be happy to admit to noses but not sneezing; how absurd that is!

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Yeah, I agree. You're just being paranoid here. If you came out and told her, I bet she'd be like :wub: . Most people, almost everyone inf act, doesn't even know there is such a thing. The 'net is raising awareness (hey, we need a ribbon!) but most people still have no clue.

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:wub: Chill, mate. Like the others here, i highly doubt it.

Jsut say you were talking to a friend about..... i dont know.... ears. :lol:

And you say, "Wow, dontcha HATE how some people's ears are all big and floppy and stick out?" And say you do an impersonation or something.

If he had a ear fetish he'd be like OSRIHEWSOIGNOWSEIH :D:P HE KNOWWSS!!!

When in fact you're just talking about a widely disliked feature. :lol:

No worries :lol:

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*puts on broken record*

Sneeze fetishists see the world through "Sneeze Fetish-Tinted Glasses." We often see in others what we expect them to see in us. It's hardly ever accurate. You have nothing to worry about.

*takes needle off record*

*puts on something obnoxious and rockin'*


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and... so what if she does know?

My brother new for YEARS, and didnt say a word until a few months ago! We were watching something on TV about different fetishes, and he looks over with a grin and says "I know what yours is!" and we talked about it for awhile. No biggie.

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and... so what if she does know?

My brother new for YEARS, and didnt say a word until a few months ago! We were watching something on TV about different fetishes, and he looks over with a grin and says "I know what yours is!" and we talked about it for awhile. No biggie.

I agree and before anyone feels the need to jump up and shout how "insensitive" people like Sternuto and I are, calm down. Just because we don't all agree on the whole "they know!" and the whole "telling vs. not" thing doesn't mean anyone is being insensitive to anyone else's concerns.

I shouldn't have to preface an agreement with all of that, but I do not want another gross misunderstanding. ;)


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Like Aku said, we look at things differently than others. Everyone else is oblivious. You could tell everyone you know and you'd most likey get the same reaction from all. Either " I have never heard of that in all my life" or one of those "whatever floats your boat" sort of thing. A non-fetishist never really cares...

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Like Aku said, we look at things differently than others. Everyone else is oblivious. You could tell everyone you know and you'd most likey get the same reaction from all. Either " I have never heard of that in all my life" or one of those "whatever floats your boat" sort of thing. A non-fetishist never really cares...

That's been my experience for the most part, but the one I hear frequently is, "really?! That's cute/odd/neat/a little weird/cool!" Never had anyone go, "OMG you effin' WEIRDO!" and run screaming yet! They have other reasons to do that besides my fetish.... ;)

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yeah, alot of people find it cute or interesting. I remember when i told one of my exs she was teasing me and then she was all " wait..you're serious?...Thats so ADORABLE!!!!!!"

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yeah, alot of people find it cute or interesting. I remember when i told one of my exs she was teasing me and then she was all " wait..you're serious?...Thats so ADORABLE!!!!!!"

Do you find that you get the whole, "how does my sneeze sound?? Is it HOT?!?" question, too? ;)

(I swear I'll stop threadjacking ANY minute now....)

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