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I'm allergic to my new city! (f, self)


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So just two weeks ago, I moved to a new city-- undisclosed location, but I moved from a fairly small city on the east coast, in the mountains, to a BIG city in the south. Just a few days after I got settled in to my new apartment, I noticed that I was sneezing a lot more than usual.

My boyfriend was helping me move in and I mentioned to him that I thought I felt like I was coming down with a cold, because I'd sneezed several times randomly as we were unpacking. The next day, I sneezed round the clock. It felt like every time we walked outside, I let loose with two or three sneezes. It was incredibly annoying! My boyfriend said, around dinnertime, "You know, I've been paying attention, and it seems like when we walk outside is when you start sneezing. I bet you have allergies." I blew off his comment. I had just moved from the mountains-- a place with tons of blooming stuff, grass, flowers, trees, etc. Somedays I would wake up sniffly and take some allergy medicine, but it was nothing very serious. No way could a big city with much less flora cause me to have allergies.

Sure enough though, the sneezing hasn't let up. In fact, my symptoms have gotten worse. After my boyfriend went back to our old hometown and I got all my stuff unpacked, I started spending more time outside-- laying by the pool, going for runs, etc. I noticed one afternoon by the pool that my nose was itching SO incredibly badly. No matter what I did, it didn't help-- it felt like a sneeze was constantly on the brink of popping out of me. I tried blowing my nose, rubbing my nose, sniffing, nothing helped. Sneezes kept creeping up on me, but the itchy nose would NOT go away! It was kind of embarrassing, laying out in my swimsuit surrounded by neighbors I don't yet know, and I can't stop sneezing! Luckily, it wasn't non-stop or anything, just a sneeze or two at a time, but they just kept coming. It would be like this: "eh--Ahchoo! Ahchoo!... (rubbing itchy nose, blow nose, nose still tingly)...four or five minutes pass.... AHchoo! Ahchoo! (rubbing itchy nose, blow nose, nose still feels like a sneeze is about to come out)" etc etc. My throat also started feeling itchy/scratchy, like there was something stuck in it. Soooo annoying. After about an hour of laying out and sneezing, I decided I was too embarrassed and went back to my apartment. The rest of the afternoon, I stayed inside, thinking the feeling would go away, but it didn't. Literally, until I showered a few hours later, I was still sneezing every few minutes. My nose started to hurt, and my sneezes started to get much more drawn out-- sounding like "ahIIISSSHHHOOOO!!!" Once I took a nice hot shower though, the steam seemed to help unclog my nose and the sneezes winded down. The rest of the evening I stayed inside in the AC, and didn't sneeze anymore.

The next day I got up and decided to go for a run before it got too hot out-- horrible idea! Not only did I wake up feeling slightly sneezy, but as soon as I stepped outside I sneezed FOUR times in a row. On my run, the nose didn't let up-- it was a constant stream of snot running down my face, and I was sniffling and wiping it away with the back of my hand pretty much non-stop. The only good thing was that when a sneeze came up, since I was already sweaty, covered in snot, and outside, I just turned my head loose and let the sneeze spray out in front of me. My eyes also started getting really itchy and watering up. This was getting ridiculous. I cut my run short, turning around after about 20 minutes-- on the way back, I sneezed and sneezed and sneezed and sneezed. For whatever reason, I was caught in this crazy fit of sneezing. It made it incredibly difficult to keep running-- I kept having to stop when a really big tickle would pop up, and just sneeze it out-- usually three or four HUGE ones in a row with just a quick, huge gasp as a buildup-- "AHH-CHOOO! AHH--CHOOO!!! AH--CHOOO!!" These little mini-fits usually sprayed out in front of me, and sometimes I could see the snot shoot out of my nose and land on the sidewalk/grass. Clearly I am wildly allergic to something in my new city, because I couldn't have been more of an allergic mess that morning. Walking up my stairs (only one flight!) I sneezed SEVEN times in a row. My nose felt like it was on fire! So itchy and runny. Right away, I jumped in the shower, and things settled down for the most part.

Yesterday, I stayed inside the whole day hanging up pictures and stuff around my apartment. Even though I hadn't even been outside or opened the door, my nose was stuffy and tickly after breakfast. I sneezed pretty randomly throughout the day, but my nose was itchy all day long. My sneezes were really built up-- usually took at least ten seconds of feeling like I was about to explode before the sneeze finally came out. The sneezes were pretty big and breathy, not too much spray. The best string of sneezes was when I was standing on a step stool hammering some nails into the wall. I don't know if some dust got up my nose, or what randomly struck me, but all of a sudden I had the most intense urge to sneeze. I cocked my head back and took a few deep breaths, and then sneezed rapid-fire six sneezes! "Hehhhh..... Hehhh... Hehh--Hehh-Et-choo! Et-choo! Et-choo! Et-choo! Et-choo! Ah-choo!" And then I took two more breaths and sneezed a final sneeze-- "ahh... Ahh... CHOOO!! I took a break from hammering and blew my nose several times and took a water break.

Today started off alright, only a few random sneezes throughout the morning. Then, as I was walking to the mailbox, I was overtaken by an almost non-stop string of sneezes. I could barely catch my breath before I was cocking my head back and exploding with another sneezes. Coming back in, I sneezed rapidly four times in a row, and then decided enough was enough. Clearly my nose is extremely sensitive to something outside, and it's not going away on its own. I grabbed my car keys, where I drove straight to Wal-Mart and bought some allergy medicine. I sneezed about six times (three sets of two "Et-Choos"-- quick and wet) while in Wal-Mart and walking back to my car. I sneezed three more sets of doubles (just like the ones in wal-mart) on the way home, where I took a pill and then a shower! I haven't sneezed since. We'll have to see if it helps! I'll keep you posted!

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Poor you; hope you feel better soon.

This was a wonderful observation, one of the best I've read in quite some time. Thank you for sharing it.

And if you ever want to try and figure out what you might be allergic to in your new city, the National Allergy Bureau site has a lot of information on indigenous pollens and molds in your new area of the country: http://www.aaaai.org/nab/index.cfm?p=pollen Of course, pollen.com is good as well, but doesn't include mold counts. (Sorry if this is TMI!)

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As hot and sexy as that was, I think you may have to have a close look at what is around you versus the allergens in your old location.

I could suggest an allergy specialist, but that is somewhat premature as they have to have something to go on other than the air outside.

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Ooh, that stinks!

You might consider getting an allergy test o_O; I had one when I was younger, they just pricked me with a bunch of allergens and waited to see if my skin would flare up in certain spots. Eh, it didn't (as I'm not allergic to anything!), but it worked for my brother.

Congrats on your move, though :heart: Hopefully you'll figure out what's bugging you and come to fully enjoy your new home :D

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A couple more thoughts to add to what everyone else has said:

There is much, much more "stuff" in the air in the South than in the mountains, so that in itself could account for the intensity of your allergic response. For example, indoor and outdoor mold is quite high in humid areas like the South. (It's humid here in summer, and right now the mold counts are off the charts.) And it's well known that pollen -- whether it be tree, grass, or ragweed (which is just starting now) -- is a huge problem for allergy sufferers in the South, because allergy seasons are prolonged and plants give off more pollen down there.

The air pollution in cities can also be an irritant. And the increase in CO2 in cities can cause allergenic plants (like ragweed) to produce more pollen.

Another allergen that thrives in the hot, humid South is dust mites, which are microscopic arachnids (spider-family insects) that live in bed mattresses, pillows, and bedding.

And finally, when your allergies have been aggravated, you'll be much more sensitive to things like dust (including plaster dust from hanging your pics) and perfume.

If you're pet-allergic, it could be that the person who rented your apartment before you kept a pet to which you're reacting.

Sorry for going on and on about this. . . . I've become a student of allergy since developing allergies myself a couple of years ago. Plus, since I work in a healthcare field, medical articles come across my desktop at work every day, so it's hard not to read about this.

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You poor thing! I really hope you'll feel better soon.

BUT! This observation was simply amazing! Incredibly well-written and oh-so-sexy! ^_^ Thank you SO much for sharing it with us! :D

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Brilliant description; all those different types of sneeze and situations; such a shame it is getting you down. I expect that once you are accusomised to the climate/ sneezy ambience things will calm down.

Or alternatively if you adapt to a regime of allergy pills, you may find that you can get yiourself just sneezy enough to have a nice, sneezy time, without getting too fed up by it. It could be the start of a real bonus.

Do let us know how it turns out.

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Often when you move to a new location, your body reacts differently to the new pollens and irritants. Sometimes it's the opposite. I never really had allergies until after my oldest was born, but once I had them, they got progressively worse and worse each year. Last year was by far the worst. This year, for some reason, they're present, but not overly bothersome. Funny thing is, I have a good friend who lives just north of Chicago, and when I go visit him.... NOTHING. No allergies at all. In June, we spent a weekend with our respective significant others in the woods (mostly)... his girlfriend's allergies were bad, my SO got his butt kicked the second day, and me? slightly itchy eyes and that was about it. Even my friend from Wisconsin who joined us the first morning had trouble. I was the only one who had no symptoms whatsoever (or very little). And it's like that every time I go down there LOL

Granted, with me, it seems like the more "wilderness" there is around me, the less my allergies bother me (unless it involves a dog, like when I visit the farm and Sunny jumps on me before I can even get out of the car LOL). There's a national park near me that's famous for its mountainous forested nature trails etc... I go to one lake nearby all the time for walks, or just to look at the lake :o Never had allergy trouble out there. But if my window is open when they mow the lawn at the church next to my apartment... yikes. (then again, there's no grass in the mountains, only pine/birch/maple forest... obviously, none of those trees affect me too badly if I can frolick around in the woods unscathed LOL) Again, the cottonwoods in the church parking lot... ugh.

Different strokes for different folks, right? and different spots too. Sucks that you've just moved there and your nose has gone nuts, but maybe after a few weeks, and some decent allergy meds, you'll feel better! :wheels:< Good luck!

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I kept having to stop when a really big tickle would pop up, and just sneeze it out-- usually three or four HUGE ones in a row with just a quick, huge gasp as a buildup-- "AHH-CHOOO! AHH--CHOOO!!! AH--CHOOO!!" These little mini-fits usually sprayed out in front of me, and sometimes I could see the snot shoot out of my nose and land on the sidewalk/grass.

my favorite part....

*earl grey runs and hides* wow..... what a blistering obs! so discriptive!....ill keep the rest of my comments to myself...thanks for sharing! hope you feel better soon....!

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Lets see.... :drool:

A young girl, in a swimsuit, laying out by a pool... sneezing her brains out... B-P . Oh... THIS is going in the adult section! ;)

Nice obs! Bless you!

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I agree with what everyone else has said...I'm sorry you're suffering so much, but I did really enjoy your obs. I am also glad that the allergy meds seem to help. While I don't have allergies, my good friend does, and it's hard for her to find something that really works. I'm glad it seemed to be pretty easy for your nose to calm down with the WalMart drugs. Again, thanks for sharing! And welcome to the South!

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What a great ob's :innocent: Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your new city life, isn't fun to move some place new :rolleyes:

I do hope your feeling better :rolleyes:

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I've been enjoying reading this obs every day since you posted it :P Hope you're feeling all better now, but thank you for sharing your adventures in your new home :lol:

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Wow-ee, very hot obs! Sorry to hear that it's such a pain, but thanks a lot for posting! :laugh::vict::lmfao:

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Wow. This is the best Obs. I've ever read. I would link this topic in my signature, except that would make me feel creepy and weird :laugh:

Any chance you'd take a tape recorder with you on your next run? :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wow. This is the best Obs. I've ever read. I would link this topic in my signature, except that would make me feel creepy and weird :bleh:

Any chance you'd take a tape recorder with you on your next run? :innocent:

Down, boy. :winkkiss:

This comment comes a little late, I'm aware, but that was indeed one of the best obs ever. I hope your nose settles down a bit, for your sake, but thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! You know we love you! :)


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You poor thing! I really hope you'll feel better soon.

BUT! This observation was simply amazing! Incredibly well-written and oh-so-sexy! :bleh: Thank you SO much for sharing it with us! :bag:

I second that exact view :) well-written, oh-so-sexy and thanks for sharing you poor thing :)

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