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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I need advice

Guest hollywoodx

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Guest hollywoodx

I told my boyfriend awhile ago about my fetish. and he diddnt seem to mind but yet he never offered to do any sneezing for me and of course i wasnt going to sugest him to after being so embaressed from admiting it. and ever since then we never talked about it and he barely sneezes in front of me i think its just because he barely does in general. but when he does sneeze in front of me i feel awkward cause i dont want him to think i noticed or soemthing. *Sigh* i dont know its jsut frustrating beign with someone that doesnt do it for you and not to be perverted but thats like the biggest thing that turns me on. like nothing else does that much honestly except that. i just want to eb with someone thats ok with it and tries. =[ HELP.

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I have a question before I start my ran...uh...explanation, ;)

How long have you been dating this guy?

First of all, I think you should talk to him and ask him what he thinks about it. I asked my S/O what he thought about the fetish and what he thought about doing it for me. He is just fine with it and loves it. If you're S/O has a problem with something you like or something about you, yall need to talk about it, and if he can't accept you and your fetish, that's a major problem (in my book at least). I can't stand people I'm dating having problems with who I am and what I like, because if they have such an issue with me or my fetish, we aren't going to be together for long.

I think you should talk to him about it. I know it's embarrassing, but maybe he's embarrassed to talk to you about it because it is such a turn on, and he doesn't want you to think that all he wants is to turn you on and stuff. Maybe? You never know.

The best thing right now is to talk about it. I can't press that enough. Every relationship needs communication, and this is an issue that requires communication as well. B-P

Hope that helped! (I'm not very good with wording my advice, but I think I did ok this time :drool: )

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First of all, I think you should talk to him and ask him what he thinks about it. I asked my S/O what he thought about the fetish and what he thought about doing it for me. He is just fine with it and loves it. If you're S/O has a problem with something you like or something about you, yall need to talk about it, and if he can't accept you and your fetish, that's a major problem (in my book at least).

I can't say better than this. Don't go further without finding out or you will regret it in the long run.

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I had a girlfreind like this... only moreso! :innocent: When I told her about the fetish... she NEVER SNEEZED AGAIN around me! :innocent: 3 years... not one sneeze!! :nohappy: Didnt she KNOW that the sex would have been rough and tumble?! :nohappy: Why... yes... yes she did! B-P I never understood her reasoning.

We didnt last. ;) I wish you better luck. :drool:

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Guest Carolina-Gal

I know exactly what you are talking about. I think almost everyone with this fetish does. After you told him you probably felt like a freak right? I know I did when I told my ex-husband. All you have to do is be true to yourself. You are who you are and don't change a thing for anyone. No one is worth losing yourself in the long run. But what you could do is ask what his fetishes are and maybe play out one of his and then in a coy way say " You know what would really turn me on?" Honey, all I can say is, be you and no one else. I had a really hard time telling my boyfriend and when I did I found out something I never would have thought. He has the same fetish. You never know until you ask. Hope what I said helps. Keep your chin up and be proud.

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