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Rhys' Pieces!


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Hey guys, I realized I'd drawn some stuff without posting it, so here's some more from Aku and I's RP, which will be posted too later! But anyways, this is Rhys, the oldest of the fay, a death diety, and biggest DORK on the planet. B-P He loves me.


And here he is looking miserable without his eyepatch on. His eye was torn out by goblins many centuries ago. (In case you were wondering.)


Hope ya like! :drool:

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Oh. My. God. B-P

The first one is teh Hotness, the second is teh Cuteness, and you, my dear GreenFaerie, is teh Awesomeness! Yes. :drool:

THANK YOU for sharing!

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GAH. B-P I know we flailed like idiots about Rhys earlier, but now I must do so.....IN PUBLIC!!!! ;)

GYYYYAAAAHHH!!!!!!! *giggletitterguffaw!!!* Hnnnggghh....

Rhys should not be SUCH A PILE OF SEX, dammit! I want to LICK HIM in the first one and cuddle the ever-living HELL out of him in the second!!! Sssh, I'm SO writing something horrible about him later. :drool:

Hail, Cromm Cruach! My pants are afire! :innocent:


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*flails* Brain...not...working... Guhhh...


I love the art!!!! :) Thank you for making my day... :D

Edited by Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw
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dude.....ok...now thats just not right!!!!! i should not be flailing and drooling over a crumb crotch!

*faints at the insane HOTNESS that is before my eyes*

(i may have to peeve my boys and set the second one as my bg......dude...its seriously that amazing! the color...his poor red nose....i just wanna....uhm....oh wait....there could be muses reading this.......)



ok...so yeah.... :);):D:blushing::)

what else could i say.......*dies so i can go be with the death god*

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  • 2 months later...
Guest No More Lies

Holy damn! That's... holy DAMN! I am speechless. I have no words, they've all gone and left. I speak four languages, and there's nothing appropriate left in any of them. But I can still ramble apparently. :( Seriously though, the second! The posture is simply beautiful. I'll never finish this comment because I keep scrolling down to look at the drawings again.

You broke my brain! :yes:

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Holy damn! That's... holy DAMN! I am speechless. I have no words, they've all gone and left. I speak four languages, and there's nothing appropriate left in any of them. But I can still ramble apparently. :lol: Seriously though, the second! The posture is simply beautiful. I'll never finish this comment because I keep scrolling down to look at the drawings again.

You broke my brain! :twisted:

Heeheehee! Thank you, dahling! Don't worry, I love rambling. I speak fluent ramble.

And hello to you, by the way! I saw your post on Aku's blog, and I must now flail at you because you're another Merry Gentry fan!...and a JOHNNY DEPP/HELENA BOHNAM CARTER fan! *SQUEE!* Omg I can't wait to see Sweeny Todd! :laugh: So eh...yes. Doyle belongs to Aku, but the Killing Frost is all mine. :rofl: They hang out frequently of course. And by the by...your first born is of course accepted. I shall take it to my realm and raise it as a changeling. o.O

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