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Do you take allergy medications?


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I was just wondering *insert scary music.... NOW!* After reading an obs, many of us saying "Oh you poor thing... go see an allergist.... try these medications... etc. etc." Where as I am thinking... "NO! SNEEZE MORE, PLEASE!" B-P

Now... dont get me wrong. Im as cold and callous and uncaring as the next bastard ;) , but.... this is a SNEEZING fetish forum, yeah :innocent: ? I suffer pollen allergies almost all year long... and they are getting WORSE over the last year or so. I dont take any allergy medication :nohappy: , because of the simple fact that ... well... in my very simple logic... that would make me a hypocrite. :nohappy:

I beleive, the drug administration is RUINING OUR FETISH... and must be stopped. :innocent:

Again.... the ramblings of Sternuto will stop now. :drool: Go back to your relationships and freindships and human contact now...

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*switches off scary music*

Do you take allergy medications?,

Er no. But then I don't have any allegies.

Aren't I boring? :laugh:

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Yeah, hehe, I take allery medication. I blame my parents though, because they both have bad allergies. My Dad's used to be so bad that he had to have a shot for them *Shudder.*.

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You name it, I've taken it, and nothing seems to work.

I'm sure some people I know love that they don't work though :laugh:

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Sternuto, hon, didn't we discuss this?

If it were just sneezing, I probably wouldn't bother to take medication regularly. (And when they're bad, it doesn't help so much on that front :laugh:)

However, for those less enjoyable symptoms: sinus pain, ear pain, the fact that my eyes feel like a toxic waste dump and the asthma type stuff, the medication is a god-send. It's just after, 26 years, one sort of becomes addicted to breathing. And, I hate using my inhalator because it makes me kinda shakey, so anything to keep that in check.

If I could take the medication and have it leave the sneezing alone, I would. Or if I could have allergies without the other stuff. But I don't think I can get either wish, so the medication stays so I stay something remotely resembling human.

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I don't have allergies, but I DO take benadryl to knock me out when I can't sleep. :laugh:

I have to agree with brigidmn, though. If Mr. Aku's allergies were all sneezing and no other misery, I would have ZERO sympathy for him. However, that's simply not the case. He gets a horrible headache, his eyes water terribly and he can barely breathe. There's no way I'm going to let the man I love suffer like that just because his sneezes give me a girl boner.

However, I DO joke with him that I must love the hell out of him because I DO make him take medication for it rather than sit back and watch him suffer. Hell, that's what writing is for! I can make my Muses as miserable as I want and not feel guilty! :twisted:


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Sternuto, hon, didn't we discuss this?

Possibly. :twisted: I DO drink... and all those college parties so many years ago. :hug:

What were we talking about? :laugh:

... just because his sneezes give me a girl boner.

:laugh: girl boner :laugh:

Well... to hell with it then. Im off to the pharmacy, and im not going to let myself feel like a damned hypocrite. :)

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Yes, many allergy meds, every single day of my life, and for the reasons cited by brigidmn and Aku: so I can feel like a normal human being and be able to breathe well. And I get allergy shots every week, too, so that one day my pharma bills will not bankrupt me.

I don't think I'm a hypocrite just because I want to be healthy. Others can choose as they wish -- either take allergy meds, or not -- but I'm not going to say, don't take the meds, nor do I enjoy their suffering if they don't. If they choose to suffer, and they're ok with it, and it's not of my doing, and they sneeze. . . .well, that's another story. I can enjoy that. :laugh:

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Well... to hell with it then. Im off to the pharmacy, and im not going to let myself feel like a damned hypocrite. :laugh:

I don't think it makes you a hypocrite. And the meds don't completely stop my symptoms so I'm totally allergy free. Still have symptoms and all, yet, I can enjoy them more since I don't feel dead. I just know that if I ignore mine, they will make themselves obvious in less fun ways and then I get to spend the weekend hacking up my lungs and fighting to breath. Like Trillium said, putting your health first doesn't really make you a hypocrite. I'm not a fan of antibiotics, but if the doctor tells me I need them for strep throat, I'll take them since my objections over the overprescription of antibiotics doesn't mean I'm going to risk winding up in the hospital with something major. Of course, the doctor has to prove to me that what I have isn't viral first (although usually I wait it out a few days before going in to see if it gets better on it's own indicating a virus).

And sneezing when you've got a major sinus headache and your head feels like it weighs a ton, NOT ENJOYABLE at all. The meds just make it so I can enjoy the funner aspects, and enjoy everyone else's.

It's a choice to take medication; if people don't want to, fine. That's their perogative. And if I'm around people that are sick or clearly miserable, I will offer them something, but I won't force it on them if they decline. At least, then I can say I tried to help and enjoy it in a guilt free way. Or enjoy it while waiting for meds to kick in.

You never know, you might feel better and enjoy the sneezes around you even more. And you don't have to take them everyday...you can always just have them for when things are really bad, and when they're not so bad, skip them.

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I used to have allergies, but i grew out of it. Now i just have shots for my peanut allergy. I do feel sorry for those who have allergies though. It would be awesome if you could just have sneezing as your only symptom.

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Sternuto, hon, didn't we discuss this?

If it were just sneezing, I probably wouldn't bother to take medication regularly. (And when they're bad, it doesn't help so much on that front :))

However, for those less enjoyable symptoms: sinus pain, ear pain, the fact that my eyes feel like a toxic waste dump and the asthma type stuff, the medication is a god-send. It's just after, 26 years, one sort of becomes addicted to breathing. And, I hate using my inhalator because it makes me kinda shakey, so anything to keep that in check.

If I could take the medication and have it leave the sneezing alone, I would. Or if I could have allergies without the other stuff. But I don't think I can get either wish, so the medication stays so I stay something remotely resembling human.

I take it for same reasons. Not that it helps much.

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I take over-the-counter meds for some of the less enjoyable symptoms of pollen and dust allergies (specifically, the HEINOUS sinus-headaches). They've never... um... "impeded" the sneezing process in my case.

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Guest hollywoodx

I used to take alergy meds when i was a bit younger then i stopped for some reason. I think i still have them but not so bad that i NEED the medication like some people. Though there are times where i have random, long fits. im sure i have an allergy to something and i just dont know what. but i dont intend on getting on allergy med. again and i never take it.

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I've resisted a lot of meds for some fetish-related anxiety/shame surrounding my allergies, my parents and their attitudes towards it. At this point it's Advair and Singulair, mainly for asthma (although, despite what my doctors have said, I believe triggers like exercise and cold weather or more of a problem than actual allergies.) I also have an albuterol "rescue" inhaler (fortunately it's been ages since I've needed to use it) and I take tylenol sinus severe congestion for sinus headaches I tend to get in the spring and early summer. I also have awful problems with gritty, gunky eyes (my doctor, again, says its allergies, despite the fact that I rarely have the normal itchy eyes.) I used to take Patanol for that, but I've been using over-the-counter stuff for a while now.

I took shots for a while. The result? A few years later they said I needed shots again. I said forget it.

Everyone else (doctors and parents) say my allergies are worse than I think they are. They've been pushing me to take prescription nasal spray again, but I resist, not so much for fetish indulgence, but weird feelings of shame, and the fact that I'm on enough medication as it is and don;t need another.

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What so many others have said. I only recently developed allergies at all, and to my great annoyance -- they don't make me sneeze!

The sun makes me sneeze. Reliably, one to three times every time I walk out in the light. Occasionally I seem to get a tickly nose and sneeze once or twice in a very rare day from allergies -- but not enough to be any fun. More often I'll just get a mild sinus headache or be dizzy. :blush:

achoo20 -- it must be weird having bad allergies like that; I can see where you'd have developed shame responses much the way people do around their sex drives.

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achoo20 -- it must be weird having bad allergies like that; I can see where you'd have developed shame responses much the way people do around their sex drives.

What seems weird is that everyone seems to think they're worse than I do. It was the asthma that finally made me say, "ok I need to see a doctor" without prodding from parents. And the eye thing sucks. It's not eventhe usually itchy, watery stuff. It feels like there's dirt in my eyes.

And I've never had sneezy allergies, just a chronically stuffy nose. Some more observant doctors have noted that I'm probably so used to it by now, that it doesn't seem stuffy

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achoo20 -- it must be weird having bad allergies like that; I can see where you'd have developed shame responses much the way people do around their sex drives.

I thought this was an interesting point. I wonder whether those who are uncomfortable about having the fetish also are generally uneasy with taking allergy meds -- and the converse.

I fall into the latter category -- no problem with taking meds as long as they make me feel good! And no problem talking about the fetish.

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I took Zyrtec when I was younger because my allergies were really bad and so much mucus would run down my throat into my stomach that it would make me throw up. Now and again my allergies act up, but not bad enough to take anything for them usually, and if I do take something it is normally a benadryl to knock me out and get me through whatever situation I'm in causing all the problems.

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Do you take allergy medications?,

Er no. But then I don't have any allegies.

Aren't I boring? :P

Yeah, same here. Although while I had asthma-like symptoms when we still had our hedgehog, I used to take Allegra. It was a breathing thing, definitely no sneezing with that allergy.

Edited by Sneesee
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  • 2 weeks later...

unfortunately, i do take them. but mostly because not only does my nose itch like the devil but my eyes get really watery and itchy, making it EXTREMELY hard to concentrate at work. And in my line of work I cant afford to not pay attention. Hell, the whole reason my job position even EXISTS is because people need someone to keep an eye open at all times....

but... as compensation, i only take the 12 hour ones B) so that when i get home from work, it hits me like a freight train.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't have allergies, but I DO take benadryl to knock me out when I can't sleep. :)


Try Dramimine. I did, once, and slept all night and half the next day. :innocent:

I'm forced, due to unbearable comgestion, to use a prescription nasal spray[nasonex]. I used to take 12 hour sudafeds but those don't even make a dent anymore. Never really used antihistamines because the only ones that worked for me were the ones that make you drowsy :)

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Dramimine doesn't even affect me! :D I've taken this stuff called "bonine" that will knock me out, though. But I don't get motion sickness or anything so I rarely keep either of those around.

The one thing that knocks me out QUICK is this stuff called Promethazine that is an antinausea medication. Damn, I'll sleep like I'm DEAD for at least 15 hours...

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i did shots for a year plus and they didnt help at alll, if they did it wasnt noticeable. I had to give it a try tho. blargh :D what does seem to be helping is dietary restrictions and special herbs and vitamins. there are a ton of alternative therapies I have yet to try, so hopefully something will eventually help.

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No allergies and no medication. Although once I suffered from really bad vertigo, which included nausea. Although I don't hardly ever sneeze, the doctor prescribed something for the vertigo and recommended that I take an over the counter antihistamine. The doctor concluded that the post nasal drip from my sinuses was making me nauseous in addition to the vertigo, which he also attributed to sinuses. I just wish that I could sneeze rather than cough, because coughing from post nasal drip is awful, because like so many, I usually throw up. Nonetheless, I hated the way the antihistamines made me feel, and I only take them under extreme circumstances; for instance, if I start gagging and coughing for a few hours and I know I have to function. I'm unsure if I'd take them for sneezing though. But easy enough for me to say since I'm not a sneezer, and I don't know how uncomfortable sneezing uncontrollably would be. However, the coughing and throwing up can be miserable, and horribly inconvenient when I am in public. But it has been years since I suffered this way because I don't push myself to exhaustion too much anymore, and being well rested and working out has controlled the symptoms.

Thanks for reading, sometimes I go on far too much.

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