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Mad scientist and crazy pet: A cold - (4 Parts)


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OK... Here's my having a go at the Love Hina fandom. For those unfamilar with it: Love Hina is a somehwat farscical romantic comedy. This story is a bit shorter on romance, but long on farce. For those faimiliar with it: Not that it really matters, but in my mind this was playing out using the english dubbed voices - even though I hate them. But I was still picturing Su with the badly imitated Indian accent and Kitsune with that horrible Southern Belle thing going on when I wrote it.

Please comment!


Mad Scientist and Crazy Pet: A Cold

Author: Niceguy

A Love Hina Fanfic

Setting and all non-original characters are property of Ken Akamatsu

Part 1 of 2

The sun was about to rise on the Hinata apartments when Koalla Su finally collapsed from exhaustion. She had been modifying one her inventions all night and finally fell asleep right on top of the pile of unfinished metal parts. The pieces suggested a giant, mechanized turtle in a state of near complete disassembly. Although most of her devices were far too dangerous for any reasonable civilian use, Su loved them all, even when they nearly destroyed her home or threatened her life. One of them was at the moment looking at the slumped over, snoring school-girl from the inside of a nearby test tube. He had been created ages ago by Su, but for too long had been relegated to the back of a shelf in the closet, forgotten; a victim of Su's catastrophically short attention span. On this evening however he found himself back in the light. Su had needed a tool form the back of the closet, and had to remove a lot of older items. She planned to put everything back when she was done but sleep now got the better of her and the organism that Su had long ago christened "Hango" looked out with a single thought on what passed for its mind:

must get out must get out must get out must get out …

The sun rose, but Koalla remained in a slumber. The door cracked open and the young Shinobu Maehara poked her head in.

"Koalla? Ko-aaaa-llaaaa?" Shinobu called, in her sweet, shy little voice, "You'd better wake up soon or we're going to be late for school! Oh Koalla! You really ought to put your things away!" As Shinobu entered Koalla's room her elbow bumped into a rack of test tubes, knocking them to the floor, and shattering them.

"Oh no!" She cried. "Koalla, I'll clean this up! Buy you've got to get going."

"Hmmmhrrmmhmmm…" was Su's only reply. Shinobu swept up as much of the glass as she could.

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Nearly weightless, it drifted upward toward the unsuspecting Shinobu. She inhaled just as she finished sweeping up and, for Hango, everything suddenly became nice and dark and moist.


It was Shinobu's job to cook breakfast for everyone. In exchange for cooking meals, she was allowed to stay at Hinata rent free. While she felt 100% when she woke up, by the time she got to the kitchen she was sure she would not be going to school today. Her energy was gone, she was getting chills, and her nose had gotten all stuffed up.

"Shinobu-chan? Are you OK?" It was their apartment manager, Keitaro Urashima. He was a third year Ronin, having failed his college entrance exams three times now. Although he was not so good at school, he had a really good heart and Shinobu was quite smitten with him, although she did realize that his heart was already promised to another.

"Senpai?" Shinobu whispered, almost half asleep.

"Um… It's OK Shinobu-chan… but… you're ah… burning the fish…"

"Oh my!" Shinobu snapped awake. "I'm so sorry! I'll make some more!"

"Really it's OK Shinobu-chan! We can survive having to cook our own breakfast for one day! You really don't sound too good... you should get some rest."

Keitaro's words were very comforting to her and she was very tired. She agreed to let Keitaro handle the cooking this morning and really thought she'd better stay home from school as well.

"Thank you Senpai." Shinobu felt a tickle in her tiny nose. "I think I will. I think I'll stay… ho-home… from… sch… school… as… we… we… we…" Her breath hitched as her eyes narrowed and her nose and cheeks scrunched up… "hetchoo!" Her sneeze was high pitched and rather cute sounding. She turned, to avoid sneezing into the food and instead found herself bending over into Keitaro, who had been standing right behind her, coming over to offer a hand.

free free free free free free free free free free....

"Oh! I'm so sorry Senpai!" In her embarrassment she did not even realize that's Keitaro's outstretched hands were now placed directly on her small breasts.

New host New host New host New host New host New host...

As embarrassed as she was, it was nothing compared to what the much older Keitaro was now feeling. He could hardly keep from shouting. "IT'S OK SHINOBU-CHAN! Go ahead and rest. I'll get breakfast finished." Shinobu hadn't noticed, and as thankful as Keitaro was for that, he was ten times a grateful that Naru wasn't around to see it. She always seemed to misunderstand, and he always ended up getting clobbered.

Shinobu made her way back to bed but by the time she reached her room she felt 100% again. She decided to go school after all. Since she was now running late, she decided to skip breakfast and head right out. She still hadn't seen Koalla but hoped that she would still be able make it to school on time.


Keitaro cooked up breakfast as best as he could. He set the table for everyone else, but suddenly didn't feel so good himself.

"Brrrrrrr… So… cold…" He was now shivering, just as Shinobu had been. He left, muttering a 'good morning' to Naru and her best friend Kitsune as they came in for breakfast. As her drug his feet down the hall, they called out to him saying that Motoko was up on the roof and to let her know that breakfast was ready.

"Ugh…" He did not feel like going all the way up to the roof right now. He had gone from chills to a fever, and wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. He grumbled to himself about how the girls always pushed him around and stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the roof. He closed his eyes for a few seconds as he felt a sneeze coming on.

"Uh… Aaaaaah – TXCHOOO!" He bent over, sneezing loudly and wetly.

free free free free free free free free free free....

At that moment, for Keitaro everything was dark… "Huh? What happened?"

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Standing in front of Keitaro was Motoko Aoyama, a high school kendo champion and secret sword master. She was dressed in her training Gi and had been up since before dawn practicing and refining her technique. He did not see her come down the stairs because his eyes were closed, and he could not see her now because his face was firmly planted between her breasts, having been doubled over by the powerful sneeze. He slowly stood back up, and gazed eye to eye with what he thought had to be raw fury, incarnate…

"AHH! MOTOKO! I…" Keitaro turned white with fear.

"URASHIMA!!!" Motoko's sword was out in flash. Suddenly feeling a lot better, Keitaro fled as quickly as he could, screaming his apology as he ran for his life. There was however only one way that Motoko would feel any better…

"SECRET TECHNIQUE AIR-SPLITTING SWORD!" She harnessed her chi and sent waves of energy through her blade and down the hallway, striking Keitaro as he ran. The unfortunate lad somersaulted three times in the air and landed at the opposite end of the hallway, in an unconscious heap.

Honor having been satisfied, Motoko started down stairs. No doubt the pervert was coming to tell her breakfast was ready, she thought to herself.


By the time she got downstairs, she felt drained. She didn't think her workout that morning had been any harder than usual, so she had no idea why she felt so wiped out. Also, the morning air was quite warm so she couldn't explain the sudden chill she was feeling either.

"You don't look so good, honey!" It was Kitsune, who sounded concerned, in her Kansai [southern] accent.

"I'll be fine." Motoko answered curtly, though her voice sounded stuffy.

"You work so hard every morning, it's no wonder you caught a cold!" Kitsune was starting to get on her nerves. Considering the fact that she was drinking Sake with breakfast, Motoko, who worked out for an hour every morning, was not about to take any health advice from the party-girl, Kitsune.

"I said I'm fine. *sniff*" Motoko's voice now sounded as stuffy as it did annoyed.

"What was that?" Kitsune asked, in that same bubbly Kansai [southern] drawl.

"*sniiiiiiffff* I said… I'm… f…f…f…" It was taking all of Motoko nearly inhuman discipline to hold back the sneeze. Her eyes were nearly closed, and her breath came in short, sharp inhales. She really didn't want to hear it from Kitsune right now.

"Huh? Didn't quite catch that?" Kitsune was moving closer to Motoko…

"Fi… f… uh… I… s-said… I'm… f..f...f.." Her nose itched like mad, but she swore she wouldn't give in.

"Whaaat?" Kitsune asked, a little too sweetly. Her face was now only inches from Motoko's. A sly smile spread across her face.

Motoko firmly closed her eyes, and focused all her energy on stifling the sneeze.

"Hmm-ptcht! I SAID I'M FINE!" Motoko scarfed her fish in one bite and ran out of the kitchen, not wanting to take any grief from Kitsune. She was right however: Motoko felt terrible. Her chill was now morphing into a fever. She was about to open the front of her Gi a little to cool off when she stopped and noticed Keitaro coming from the other end of the hall.

"URASHIMA!" She screamed in manner which terrified Keitaro, momentarily freezing him in place. She had him lifted up and pinned to the wall in under a second. "Were you sick this morning?!"

"Huh? … Uh… well…Uh… you see…. Ha-ha…Ummm…" She knew she'd overdone it. Keitaro was now so frightened he had no idea what to say. She shook him a little and asked him again.

"SICK! Were you sick this morn… aah… *sniff* MORNING!" Her eyes looked like they could turn Keitaro to stone right on the spot.

"Well… I did feel a little under the weather this morning but…" Her grip tightened and she raised him a few inches higher. He shut his eyes, fearing the worst, and screamed desperately, "I FEEL FINE NOW SO I DON'T THINK IT WAS ANYTHING SERIOUS! I PROMISE!" When he opened his eyes and looked down, besides being able to see right down the front of her Gi, he noticed she wasn't even paying attention to him anymore. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open, he nose seemed to be twitching, and her breath was coming is slow, sharp hitches.







free free free….

The force of her sneeze knocked the sliding door she was holding Keitaro against right off its track. Keitaro lay sprawled out on the ground. His face was covered with something… sticky.

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"Oh! Urashima! I'm so sorry! I…" Keitaro couldn't decide if she sounded apologetic, embarrassed, or both.

"don't worry about it…" Keitaro managed meekly from his pile of rubble on the floor.

Motoko, suddenly feeling fine again, left quickly to change and get to school. She refused to let Keitaro see her blush, and she was incredibly embarrassed about what had just happened, even if she had thought he'd given her his cold.


Although a thrashing from Motoko was enough to put even veteran Samurai out of commission, Keitaro was almost getting used to this kind of treatment. All the same, he felt simply awful again. "Maybe I am getting sick." He thought to himself. He went to get some tea from the kitchen, and then planned on getting some rest.

Keitaro dragged his feet down the hall, slumped over a feverish feeling. "Uh… Aaaaaah – TXCHOOO! Ugh…" Another wet sneeze shook him, just as he passed Naru's room.

free free free…


"Bless you!" It was Naru, calling from inside her room. Thanks to his encounter with Motoko earlier, Keitaro missed her at breakfast. Come to think of it… he hadn't even eaten breakfast yet. He went back downstairs, thinking a bite might him feel a little better.

Just outside of the kitchen he bumped into his older cousin, "Auntie" Haruka.

"Morning Auntie…" Haruka stepped on his foot, while pinning his arm behind his back. "MORNING HARUKA!"

"Good morning. Keitaro." She said politely, releasing him. "You sound terrible."

"Yeah… Someone gave me… their… co… co… Ha-AAAHH…"

*@$* - BONG - *%&* ! (...choo)

Keitaro's face slammed right into the Iron Skillet Haruka held up in her defense.

"Don't get me sick." She said nonchalantly, and walked away. Keitaro crawled the rest of the way into the kitchen.

"sure… no… problem… *ow*…"

After getting some tea, Keitaro limped back upstairs to get some rest, again pausing in front of Naru's room as his breath hitched.

"Hah… heh… aahh… Aaaaaah – TXCHOOO! Ugh…"

free free free….


"Bless you again! Hey listen, you'd better get some rest. I don't think I can study with today." She started to open the door. "We've got the big practice test tomorrow, so I can't afford to get…"

"Aaaaaah – TXCHOOO!" Another sneeze shook Keitaro, just as Naru leaned out of the door.


free free free…. New host New host…

Her faced was drenched by the spray. Keitaro could hear what he thought was the sound of a tea kettle boiling over and looked up just in time to see Naru's fist growing large enough to fill his entire field of vision. Her aim was true, even though her glasses were obscured by think, runny fluid. The force of the blow sent Keitaro down the hall, through the 2nd floor window, down the stairs on the front hill, across the bridge leading to the town, and several blocks into the market district. Despite that show of superhuman strength, a chill hit her almost immediately. She knew she was going to get sick. "Stupid Keitaro!" She thought to herself disgustedly.

About two miles away, Keitaro decided to rest in the dumpster he'd landed in for a little while before heading back to Hinata Apartments. Although, aside from the rough landing, he felt like new again, he reeeeaaaalllly didn't want to face Naru again anytime soon.


With no energy left to study with, Naru grabbed a box of tissues, a cup of tea and her thick comforter as she curled up in bed, snuggling against her Lido-Kun doll. She put her hand to her forehead, and was so warm that she didn't even bother with the thermometer.

"Heh-shoo!" She sneezed, not for the first time.

free free free…. GET BACK IN GET BACK IN…

"Stupid Keitaro!" She thought, not for the first time.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt this miserable. Although the test loomed, she couldn't drag herself out of bed even to study and, after going through a quarter box of tissues, settled down and slept for several hours.

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Part 2 of 2

Meanwhile Kitsune was scrounging around in the pantry for something to snack on. She certainly didn't plan on cooking anything, and was disappointed to find that all of her junk food and most of her Sake was gone. "Aw shoot! Where is everybody? I'm starving!"

She knew that Shinobu and Motoko had gone to school, and assumed Su did as well. But she'd seen neither hide nor hair of either Keitaro or Naru for hours, and it had been too long to assume they've been studying this whole time. She made her way upstairs.

"Keitaaaarooo? Naaaa-ruuuu?" She called out, but got no answer. She knocked on Naru's door and, being her best friend, thought it would be OK to open it a crack just to check, even though there was no answer.

"Naru?" She asked quietly, before poking her head in.

Naru was asleep in her bed, cuddled against her Lido-kun with the comforter gather up around her. Although she looked adorable, from the wads of tissues lying around the floor, Kitsune could tell that Naru was very sick. "Aww, you poor thing!" She knelt by the futon, gently put Naru's head on her lap and lightly stroked her friend's long hair.

"hhhmmmmm…." Naru moaned. "stupid… keitaro…" she muttered, still half-asleep. "Kit… Kitsune?" She asked weakly.

"Aww… You poor thing! You look simply awful!"

"I feel terrible." She answered, adding "stupid keitaro" under her breath.

"So you we're dreaming about Keitaro then! I thought so…"

"Come on Kitsune *cough, cough*, I'm not in the mood."

"Well I can see that sweetie! Now you just lay your head here and let your dear friend comfort you…"

"Wait… *sniff* have to… sn-snee... eeze…"

"Oh you just cover up. I'm not too worried. As much as I drink I don't think any little bug can survive in my blood!"


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"Thanks Kitsune. I feel better already."

"Oh man… Now I'm not feeling to good!" Continuing the role reversal and acting more like Kitsune typically does, Naru immediately jumped up and pushed her friend out of her room.

"Sorry, Kitsune! Can't afford to get sick! Test tomorrow! Go get some rest!" Naru called from behind the door.

"Well I nev… nev… EeeehYA-Tchooo! NEVER!" Kitsune said to herself as she sulked away.


As this was Friday, Kitsune had no plans on getting any rest. Not when there was drinking and partying to be done. As she slumped down on the couch however, almost completely out of breath, and feeling like Keitaro probably does shortly after walking in on Naru in her underpants, she decided that scaling back her Friday night activities might be in order.

"Oh poo! And I've been looking forward to this since yesterday!" Truth be told, Friday night was really no different from any other night for the boisterous party girl, but she still felt cheated. "That Naru! That Keitaro! When I see them again I'm going to give them a piece… of… my… m-m-m… EeeehYA-Tchooo! MIND!"


Kitsune dozed off, but came to just as Keitaro, Shinobu and Motoko made their way thought the front door, accompanied by Naru and Keitaro's eccentric friend from cram school, Mutsumi Otohime. About this time Naru was also making her way downstairs. She still didn't want to risk catching anything, but she felt awful about how she'd treated Kitsune, especially after her friend had comforted her.

"I'm sorry Kitsune I was…"

"Yes you were! I can't be… lieve… EeeehYA-Tchooo! Oh… Sorry bout that Naru!"

"Kitsune! I didn't want to get… s-sick… a…gain…Heh-shoo!"

Across the room, Keitaro felt a familiar chill, just as he was saying, "I'm sorry Narusegawa! I didn't m-mean t-to… give… you… my… Aaaaaah – TXCHOOO!" He turned to his right, forgetting that Mutsumi was there…

"Oh my!" Mutsumi said innocently. "Have you doing this all day then? OK! I'll join in… Ha-CHOO!"

And so it went, each member of the group getting sick and then feeling better right after a hearty sneeze. By the third time around they weren't even bothering to cover up anymore. Haruka watched, from a safe distance, just shaking her head. After a several more rounds of "pass the sneeze" a sleepy looking Koalla Su finally made her was down the main staircase. Upon seeing the action she immediately perked up.

"Hello everyone!" Su called out, in her pseudo-Indian accent. "Have seen my Hango? He seems to have escaped!" She sounded as upbeat as always, although this did little to comfort the residents.

"Han… go…? Etchoo!" Shinobu sneezed, sending "Hango" in Motoko's direction.

"He is a pet virus that I invented a long time ago! He can't reproduce, but he can go from person to person though the air! If no one is around he will always go back the previous host! Isn't that amazing?!"

*SNIIIIIFFFF* Motoko wiped her nose on her sleeve and slowly approached Su, looking furious. She expected to have to chase her and had almost no energy at the moment. To her surprise, Su just stood there smiling.

"Can I have him back now?!" Su asked, seeming enthusiastic.

Motoko was stunned for a moment, and then obliged. "HAAAAAH-TCHOOO!"


Although they were exhausted, each having been sick several times that day, the residents of Hinata Apartments found no sleep that night, as the sound of Su's snoring echoed through the halls.

Su, on the other hand, slept quite soundly, snoring loudly with her nose thoroughly plugged up.

"han… go…" She mumbled quietly in her sleep. "bad…boy… missed… you…" She slept with a contented smile on her face, as fluid ran freely over her upper lip.

(cue happy-ending music)


Story is continued in Misery and Company: School, Train, Dojo. Enjoy!


Thank you for reading.

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I absolutely adored this. First of all, it is exactly the sort of mad type of scenario that would fit exactly in with the Love Hina universe and what an original idea you came up with. Also, I think it's really good how you came up with different sneezes for the different characters and made the sneeze to fit their personality.

And on a personal level, I ate up the part that you gave Motoko because I think she might be my favourite out of all the girls and you even threw some male sneezing in too so there really is something for everyone!

Haha, the phrase "pass the sneeze" just cracked me up to no end.

And the ending was hilarious. Su is mad, that's exactly the sort of thing she WOULD do and say!

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I absolutely adored this. First of all, it is exactly the sort of mad type of scenario that would fit exactly in with the Love Hina universe and what an original idea you came up with. Also, I think it's really good how you came up with different sneezes for the different characters and made the sneeze to fit their personality.

And on a personal level, I ate up the part that you gave Motoko because I think she might be my favourite out of all the girls and you even threw some male sneezing in too so there really is something for everyone!

Haha, the phrase "pass the sneeze" just cracked me up to no end.

And the ending was hilarious. Su is mad, that's exactly the sort of thing she WOULD do and say!

I'm glad you liked it!

Motoko is my favorite LH charecter as well. I originally got into the series because of a Narusegawa AMV that I saw on You Tube, but after seeing a few episodes I was totaly hooked on Motoko.

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  • 2 weeks later...
can you write a sequal where su loses (sneeze, nose blows) hango at school

:wheels: Oh heck yeah! That's a great idea! It will be a few stories down the line, but yeah... definitely. Thanks for the tip!

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  • 3 months later...

Misery and Company: School, Train, Dojo

A Love Hina fanfic by Niceguy

Setting and all non-original characters property of Ken Akamatsu

NOTE: This is a continuation of Mad Scientist and Crazy Pet: A Cold, so if you haven't read that yet, please check it out first!

Just as she had a day earlier, Shinobu Maehara tentatively poked her head into the door leading to her classmate, Koalla's Su's room. As a result of Su's prodigious snoring the night bofore no one (other than Koalla) had gotten much sleep. Shinobu called timidly to her friend to come down for breakfast so they wouldn't be late for school. "Koalla? Ko-aaaal-laaaaa? Are you ready?"

Shinobu was on edge, barely having slept and fully expecting the normally hyper-active Su to pounce in front of her, out of nowhere, unintentionally scaring the crap out of her. What she saw was not as frightening, but quite a bit more disturbing.

"Shin… no… bu…" Su slowly lumbered towards her, in an almost floating, phantom-like motion. She looked tired, but had a broad, stupid grin on her face. A bead of snot hung from her right nostril. As bad as that was, seeing her snort back up was almost more than the delicate Shinobu could handle. "I'm… coming… Shin… no… bu…"

"Ah! Koalla!" shriked Shinobu, "You look… kinda scary, actually… you should stay home from school today!"

"No… I'm… fine…" Koalla slunk past Shinobu and slowly made her way downstairs to breakfast.

At the table, everyone else was dragging as much ass as Koalla, her snoring having kept them all up the night before. Even so, they were struck by how utterly awful the normally energetic girl looked. "Good… morning… every… one…"

The residents exchanged puzzled glances, questions marks forming in the air above their heads. Keitaro was the first to speak. "Uh… Su? Are you… OK?" The rest of the girls looked over at Su.

"I'm… fine… It's… just… Han… Go…"

Motoko and Naru exchanged nervous glances, as neither wanted to re-experience what they'd gone through the day before. Keitaro continued. "Yeah, but… Don't you think you ought to get some rest? Maybe stay home today?"

*SNIIIIIIIIF* "Oh… no… I'm… fine… ah… aahhh… AAAAHHHH…"

Shinobu walked into the Kitchen just in time to see Naru, Keitaro and Motoko hit the deck and start fighting for space under the table.

"Hey! No pushing!" "I have a test!" "I have training!" "Guys, cut it out!"

Then she noticed Koalla and quickly slammed the door, feeling slightly bad about her friends. Even through the door, she could hear Koalla carrying on.

"AAAAAHHHH… *sniff*… HAAAAHHHHHHH… HATHC-chumpftx!!!!"

Just as audible were the sighs of relief expressed by the three captive residents in the kitchen. As Shinobu opened the door, she was practically trampled by the mad rush leaving the kitchen.

"Bye Shinobu!" "Take care of yourself!" "See you tonight!" They didn't even finish their fish, she noticed.

She sighed, thinking that, since she was now stuck walking to school with Su, she would likely get sick herself at some point. Luck was on her side this morning however. Even though Su's sniffling was constant and sounded like someone trying to suck the last sip of soda out of a glass through a straw, she only sneezed three times and managed to stifle each one tightly in both hands. Shinobu was certain that what Su was doing couldn't possibly be good for her ears but, standing only a few feet away, didn't really feel like saying anything for risk of hosting Hango herself.


In class she was no different. Su looked as though she could barely keep her eyes open, and continued to breath through her nose, sounding like someone vacuuming up a puddle. The teacher, who normally called on everyone in turn, was so shocked that he skipped over her when it was her turn to answer. The students were so put off by Su that they either didn't notice this or didn't care.

Perhaps the most uncomfortable of Su's classmates was young Sasazuka. Himself a quiet and serious boy, having the misfortune of sitting directly in front of the mischievous Su meant that he would often get blamed for her antics. Although he figured there wouldn't be any of that today, he was not liking the trade-off at all… and the slurping, dribbling, sniffling sound that passed for Su's breathing was starting to get on his nerves. (Although he really did feel badly for her.) When the teacher turned to write something on the board, he turned around to offer her a tissue. His timing could not have been worse.

Su's eyes were narrowed, almost closed and nearly crossed. Her nose was red and her nostrils flared outward. Her mouth was opened just the slightest bit too wide and she seemed to only be inhaling. He realized too late that she was about to lose in her struggle to keep from sneezing. As the sharp intake of breath preceded the inevitable, Su's eyes closed and she tried to raise her hands. It was at that precise moment however that Sasazuka had turned to offer her a tissue and his own hands were now in the way. The resulting split second delay was enough to throw of Su's timing. The sneeze came before she could get her hands up to stifle.




It was as if all of the fluid she had been sniffing up all morning was released at once. Sasazuka was drenched by it and sat, stunned. The class erupted in laughter and the teacher turned to see what looked like Sasazuka holding Su's hands down away from her face as she sneezed. He had absolutely no idea what to make of the situation, but fell back on his usual: "SASAZUKA! GO STAND IN THE HALL!"

What Sasazuka missed, from his vantage point in the hallway was that Su seemed to be back the normal self, at least after blowing her nose on the tissue he left for her. What the class could not see was just how awful Sasazuka now looked. The boy tried to say something to the teacher but, from the look on his face, figured that he was in no mood for any excuses. So Sasazuka sat in the hall, miserable, sniffling and sneezing.

On the other end of the hall, a younger girl, a few years behind Sasazuka, was slowly shuffling in his general direction. She was slouched over and dragging her feet. From behind her glasses, her eyes looked down to the floor in front of her. She barely noticed Sasazuka, standing in the hall shivering, and, as with most people, he didn't notice her at all. Emma Maeda was only a few steps from him when she was jarred out of her daydreaming.

"HEEE-YATCH!" The sneeze bent him over and he was a bit startled when he looked up to see the slumping girl almost right in front of him.


"Oh… I'm sorry… I didn't… see you there…" He thought he felt a bit better.


"Bless you…" Emma said, without even looking up from the floor.

She continued on and was about half way back to her classroom when she got a chill. Wrapping her arms around herself seemed to make her slouch even more. "Ooooh…" She moaned to herself. She had already asked to go to the bathroom, to get out of doing math problems, and judging from the teacher's grudging permission it seemed she was suspicious about it. Now she felt like she had to go to the nurse. She hoped the teacher wouldn't make her stay in class. She felt awful. Well… worse than she usually felt anyway. Just outside the door, she was overwhelmed by a sudden tickle in her nose.

"etch… etch… Ooooh… I don't… etch… feel good… hetch!" She took a tissue from her pocket and quietly blew her nose before going into the room. Once inside she went directly back to the teacher's desk.

"Sensei? I think I n-need *sniff* to go to the nurses office." She could tell the teacher wasn't happy.

"Miss Maeda. You always…" The teacher had planned on dressing down the apparently slacking student; at least until she looked up. The little girl looked positively awful. "Oh, I'm sorry dear. Yes. Please go strait away!" Emma always looked down, but the teacher had never seen her look that miserable before.

"*sniff* Thank you, sensei."

Emma slowly dragged herself towards the Nurse's office. About halfway there she spotted another boy in the hall. The timing couldn't have been worse. She had to sneeze, and was not sure how long she could hold it off. She was frightfully shy, and hated to sneeze in front of other people. She thought she could hold it off until she'd passed him.

A shiver went up just as they came up to each other. The tickle in here nose reached a crescendo. Desperately she tried to resist. Just one more step… "tcxt." She stifled it, and was nearly silent. All the same, self-consciousness washed over her. At first she thought he mustn't have heard – he didn't bless her. Then she just went back to feeling lousy, knowing that in truth he probably hadn't even noticed her.


"Hi there! Are you coming in?" Akiko Taichi was one of the first friends Shinobu Maehara ever made, aside for her friends at the Hinata Apartments. She was friendly towards just about everyone, and thought this girl (who looked a year of two younger) could use a friend. She looked miserable.

"Oh… um… yes… *sniff* I don't… *sniff* feel so… wuh… wuh… wah-etch!"


"Oh! I'm so sorry! Please, I…" Emma had remembered to cover up, but she was thoroughly embarrassed nevertheless.


"Oh it's OK!" Akiko smiled. "Bless you! Why don't you go lie down? You look like you really need some rest."

Emma nodded and went to lie down. Although she felt a little better now, she really didn't want to go back to class just yet. "Um… thank you. Bye."

"Bye-bye!" Akiko smiled and started back to her own class. Although she had only some minor cramps when she'd gone to the nurse's office, she felt like she'd been hit with the mother of all colds within a few minutes of leaving.

"Oh… I'm so cold… Hah… hat-chew!" Her sneeze was dainty and high pitched. There was no one in the hall to bless her, but she did soon here footsteps approaching. It was three girls form her class… Three girls that always seemed to give her a hard time. And as much as she'd always swore she'd stand up to them next time, she suddenly felt so miserable right now, she didn't think could do anything about them.

"Well, lookie what we have here…" The lead girl started in taunting tone. "Why you in the nurse's office? You on the rag or something?"

"*sniff* Just go away."

"Go away? I don't think so. You still owe for the makeover we gave you! 200 Yen. Pay up."

"Come on… I'm not giving you any thing… *sniff* just leave me alone…"

"You look real tough with snot running down your face!" Akiko was just about to wipe her nose when the two other girls grabbed her hands from behind. "That's it girls. We'll see if she got any money on her on not."

"No… don't… *sniff*…"

"What's that? Just hold her girls!" The leader of the trio got closer and started to put her hand in Akiko's pocket.

"Stop… let go… *sniff* hands… ah…"

"You just keep holding her…" Finding the first pocket empty the bully moved to the other one. "We'll find that lunch money. Make you sorry for holding out on us…"

"No… don't… hafta… ah… snee… ah…"

"What? Just hold her!"

"aahhT-CHEW!" With her hands held behind her and her tormentor checking her pockets there was no way to avoid catching her with the full spray.


Akiko suddenly had her strength back, at least enough to break free of the other two. She was not sure how the other girl was going to react though. She though she might actually hit her. And Akiko had no idea what she would do if the three of them actually started a fight.

"So… Cold… Why… you…! What… did… you…?" The bigger girl was shivering so much she could barely speak. Her breath started to hitch just as Shinobu came around the corner.

"Stop it you three! Leave her alone!"

Akiko was relieved to see her friend, but didn't have time to warn her. The bully took in a sharp breath and turned, away from Akiko and right towards Shinobu.

"HAAAT-PTXLEEEEW!!!" She sneezed obnoxiously loudly, enough to get the nurse's attention for her office around the corner.


Feeling suddenly better, and hearing the nurse coming, the bully called to her two underlings and they high-tailed it out of there. Akiko, noticing that Shinobu was now looking awful, asked if there was anything she could do.

"No… *sniff* I know all about this… *sniff* I need to find Su…"

"But she's in the next grade! Her classroom is upstairs! And they're in class! How are you going to find her?"

"*sniff* don't know. But I *sniff* have to go…"

"You're not going anywhere Miss Maehara." It was the nurse. "Miss Taichi, you can go back to class now. Miss Maehara, you come with me. You need some rest, and if you don't feel any better, you need to go home." She felt her forehead. "You're burning up!"

The nurse gently led Shinobu back to her office. As they went in, Shinobu spotted a younger girl laying in one of the two beds. She wanted to say "Hi" but barely had the energy.

"Miss Maeda, don't you think it's time you went back to class? Why are you even here?" The nurse sounded very annoyed as she prepared a thermometer for Shinobu.

"Yes, ma'am." Emma shuffled out hanging her head. Shinobu thought the girl looked very lonely, the same way she used to feel. Even in her current state she felt sorry for her.

The nurse asked about Shinobu's parents, but she explained that she lived on her own at a dorm. She said that it wasn't far from the station and that she could manage on her own. After securing a promise that she'd go strait home, and then to bed, the nurse let her go.

The train ride home was awful. There were a few people on the train and although they kept their distance, Shinobu knew what would happen if she sneezed. She did sneeze quite a few times anyway, as much as she tried not to, but forced herself to stifle each one. She hated doing that, as it hurt he ears and she swore that each time she did it the next one seemed even wetter than the last. The small pack of tissues the nurse gave her was almost used up. She got off the train and started down the two blocks that separated the station from the Hinata Apartments. She just wanted to go in, lie down and wait for Su to come home.

Unfortunately, she first had to climb the three enormous flights of stairs.

"*sniff* Oh man!"

Halfway up she had gone from having chills to sweating profusely. Her nose was running freely, and she had to keep *sniffing* it up, to make sure she held onto to Su's little pet. She finally reached the top and paused for a moment to catch her breath. As she did, a chill autumn wind blew by. Her concentration was already down and the tickle in her nose flared up in an instant.

"hetchoo! Oh no!" Although she immediately felt better, she realized that she'd lost Su's pet. As the symptoms did not seem to come back, Shinobu assumed that it was carried off in the wind. She felt awful for whoever it ended up with, but there was nothing she could do about it now.


The wind carried Hango higher and higher.


At first it was exhilarating, but he was starting to feel cold. And dry. From his current vantage point he could see the entire Hinata Apartments below him. The wind shifted and he was now moving quickly towards them. It changed direction again and he was now flying along the roof line. He didn't know exactly what happened, but he collided with something soft, dry and a little scratchy. He was slightly warmer, but this was still too dry. And he was in the sunlight! And he was stuck! He couldn't move! He had no idea where he was now, but he couldn't wait to be somewhere else. Somewhere dark… and warm… and moist.


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Motoko finished her roof top workout and headed down stairs to pack for the trip. She would be spending a few days at her training camp and although she was tired from the nearly sleepless night, she was exhilarated to be going back. As much as she always looked forward to returning to training, she had received a letter that day that gave her an extra bit of incentive – her closest rival from her days at the Shimmei-ryu, Setsuna Sakurazaki was also going to be participating. Although a couple years older and not as advanced, Setsuna showed more promise than any girl her age since Motoko herself. She had yet to actually defeat Motoko in mock-combat, but she never failed to really challenge her. And sparring with her was something Motoko always looked forward to. In her room, she undressed and folded her Gi. It was cool up on the roof and she barely broke a sweat working out, so she decided she could pack it as it was. As she did she was unaware of the microscopic organism that look up at her, desperately trying to escape it's prison in the garment's coarse fabric.

Downstairs in the Kitchen, the manager Keitaro Urashima had just finished wrapping a small present when Shinobu walked in from outside. He asked her why she was home early and she told him what had happened.

"Oh well… It couldn't be helped. You did really well to hang onto it for that long, Shinobu-chan. I think only Su herself could have done better!" Of course she actually seemed to enjoy it, he thought to himself.

"Thanks, Senpai. I just feel bad for whoever it ends up with. Hopefully Su didn't make it able to reproduce!" They both laughed nervously each thinking 'I'll bet she did, though.'

"What is that, Senpai? A present for Naru-Senpai?"

Keitaro was a little surprised that she didn't seem bothered by that possibility, but she needn't have been concerned anyway. "No. It's a good luck charm for Motoko. Just a little something to remember us all by while she's at camp."

"Aw, that's sweet. You could probably sneak it into her bag while she's up on the roof working out."

"Hmmm… Not a bad idea! Is she still up there?"

"She was when I came in."

"OK! Wait here, I'll be back in a second!"


Back up in her room Motoko looked at herself in the mirror. Since meeting Keitrao, she had changed a lot. She was a lot more comfortable exploring the more feminine aspects of her nature, something that she always felt that, as a warrior, she had to suppress. Standing in front of the mirror she undid the wrapping that she used to bind her breasts. She smiled self-consciously, surprised by the realization that she actually liked how she looked this way. But after a moment she was aware of footsteps in the hallway. From the sound she figured that it was Keitaro. Thinking that he must be going to see Naru she lingered a bit longer in her state of undress. She was surprised to hear that the footsteps had stopped in front of her door. "What was he doing?" she thought to herself. 'There's no way he'd…" She heard the latch click on her door. "Without… knocking…"

Keitaro slid the door open and stuck his head in. At first the thought he must be dreaming. He could swear he was looking at TWO naked Motoko's – one form the back and one from the front. But two things reminded him that this was impossible. First, if he ever actually saw even ONE naked Motoko, he probably be dead before the thought even fully registered. Second, there was only ONE Motoko after all, and one of her was quite enough. Then he realized that she was standing in front of a full length mirror. Ah! So that was why it looked like two naked Motoko's standing in her room facing each other. Once that realization came, he became petrified with fear concerning the first point…

"UR – RA - SHI - MAAAA!"

His brain couldn't even begin to formulate an apology, let alone get it to his mouth before her saw two things – bright light, accompanied by sharp pain; followed by darkness, accompanied by dull pain. From his pile of broken humanity of the floor he managed to hold up the gift, and meekly manage "Good Luck" before drifting off to dream about twin, naked Motoko's.

For her part Motoko didn't even notice the gift. She got dressed as quick as she could, hastily threw the rest of her gear and clothes into a bag and hurried out. She wanted to leave before Keitaro recovered from his thrashing, knowing that she'd be more likely to kill him that talk to him at this point. She needn't have hurried. Keitaro didn't wake up until she was on the train, and well on her way.


The train ride to neighboring prefecture, where her dojo was located, started out uneventfully. She tried to meditate, or at least get some rest, but images of Keitaro peeking in from her door kept flooding into her mind. She had to give him credit for one thing - it was because of his lechery that shed left in such a hurry and seeing Shinobu home from school as she ran out suggested that Su would not be far behind. The last thing Motoko wanted to do was contract that stupid "pet" of her's right before training. But the thought that that pervert might have actually helped made her even madder. And since she needed to focus, she tried to push all thought of Su, and sickness and especially Keitaro from her mind.

She meditated for a while before noticing some new people had gotten on the train. It wasn't that they were overly chatty or loud – she could tune that out. What attracted her attention was the smell coming off of one of them. (Possibly all of them, based on its strength.) It was a sweet, flowery kind of scent. Being a fair tomboy, Motoko didn't wear perfume and found the scent to be both intoxicating and rather distracting. She tried to ignore it but it tickled her nose, and made it even a little runny. She couldn't concentrate without sniffing, or have to wipe her nose with her hand, and that kept bringing her back to reality – a reality in which she was surrounded by that maddening scent. Her eyes closed once more, but not in meditation. She could feel the growing tingle in her nose, and knew she was about to sneeze. Her nostrils flared and her mouth opened, drawing breath sharply and deeply… but she was able to will it away. Figuring it would make for a long ride where she was, she got up to go to another car.

As she stood up to leave, the girl in the seat in front of her did as well. Motoko could tell immediately that it was her who wearing the tickly-smelling perfume. The girl had been planning to stow her purse in the rack overhead, with her coat. Before she did she decided to sprits herself one more time (three times, actually, as it turned out) and, not seeing Motoko directly behind her, was not too careful where she aiming it. After creating a cloud of flowery fragrance that nearly set Motoko's already sensitive nose on fire. she heard a sharp inhale from behind her and turned to apologize to Motoko. Motoko had already turned away and was waving her outstretched hand as if to say "never mind" as she raised the back of her other hand against the side of her nose. She tried to will away the inevitable fit, but it was too much and the best she could do was stifle each one as she made her escape.

"Txsh! Txsh! Txsh!" She sneezed over and over as she went down the aisle. The train was mostly empty, and although no one was really looking, she felt as though every gaze was focused her, as if everyone was staring at the "girl who couldn't control herself."

She hated that feeling. For some reason, not being control made her think of Keitaro. The thought of everyone staring at her made her feel naked and that made her think of Keitaro. And all this sneezing made her think of Hango, and that made her think of Su and the apartments, and that made her think of Keitaro. And all those thoughts of Ketiaro, on top of the allergic fit she suffering, made her almost uncontrollably angry. (Miles away, back in Hinata, Keitaro shivered as if some one had just walked over his grave.) Although her nose had the better of her, she managed not to let her anger get the better of her as well, and she reached the transition between the cars just as the sneezing began to subside.

She sniffed mightily, and was about to enter the tiny washroom between the cars when the burning in her nose came back. It wasn't as strong as before, but she knew she had to sneeze again.

"Haaaaaah…" Her watery eyes narrowed as her nostrils flared. She didn't see anyone in the compartment, so she didn't feel the need to hold back. "HaaaAAAATCH-OOOooo!" It was both harsh and wet, and she was bent half over with the force of it. She made sure she wasn't dripping before taking her hands away from her face and standing back up.

"Bless you!" The voice came from behind her and nearly startled her out of her skin. She turned and saw a man, wearing a business suit and glasses. He was a few years older than her and reminded her a lot of what Keitaro might look like, if he were successful. The flash of anger at that thought was quickly replaced by feelings of shame and embarrassment.

"Thank you." She said meekly, before bowing briefly and fleeing to the sanctity of the washroom.

"I must be losing it!" she thought. "How could I have missed that man standing there?" She washed her hands and face, thankful that the soap was only lightly scented. "Hmmm… I wonder if she got any on my shirt…" She leaned over and gave a tentative sniff of her collar.

"*sniff*… *sniff*… Oh! Oh man!" She began frantically rubbing her nose with her finger as fragrant tendrils reached into her sinuses and began tickling what felt like the bottom of her eyeballs. "Hatch! Etch! *sniff* Txsh! Haaah… Hatch!" One after another the came. She tried to stifle, but they kept coming. In the tiny washroom, there was no space to bend over and as she was buffeted about by her current fit, her knees hit the sink repeatedly while her bottom bumped several times against the door. No doubt the guy outside was pissing himself in hysterics by now, she thought. She washed again, and tied her over-shirt around her waist, thankful for the tee-shirt she had thought to wear underneath. When she went back out the man was gone, but the "perfume girls" were still in their seats, so she found another seat in a quiet corner of the train and slept through most of the rest of the trip.


The first day in camp was filled with drills and training. They only did some light sparring however, and Motoko was not paired off with Setsuna in any of the sessions. While Setsuna was there, and greeted her very politely, even calling her "Senpai," Motoko noticed something on Setsuna's gi that made her realize that, although as dour and serious as always, her rival was also looking forward to facing off: She had a small patch with a turtle on it sewn into the front of it, just below her left shoulder. Although few others knew about it, Motoko was terrified of turtles and she recognized the barb, as it was intended.

Towards the end of the day the students had worked up quite a sweat. They were outside now and the cool breeze was giving Motoko the slightest chill. No doubt they were meant to stand out here, in ready position, soaked to the bone and with a cool wind blowing as a test of they discipline. (Of course, in camp, everything was a test of discipline.) Once they were released, and allowed to head off to dinner, Motoko noticed the small trail of fluid that had run from her nose. She even thought she heard a sneeze or two coming from some of the girls around her. "*sniff* don't go catching a cold now, Setsuna!" She thought as she raised her arm and wiped her nose on the sleeve of her gi for the first time that day.

From his dry, scratchy prison, where he was constantly bathed in sunlight, Hango had grown weak. He was barely aware that it suddenly became dark… and then warm… and then moist… very moist. He needed rest to recover from his stay in such a hostile environment, but he felt comfortable now. And he began to grow strong again.

Motoko was halfway to dinner when her nose started running in earnest. She stopped in the bathroom before heading to the dining hall to blow her nose and wash her hands. She pulled a paper towel from the dispenser and blew heartily into it. She could feel it soak through, but she still felt runny. Several more times and it seemed that the more she blew, the more runny she got. Resigning herself to a meal with the sniffles, she washed up and went to dinner.

She sat by herself, out of self-consciousness as well as consideration for the other students, juts in case she was catching something. It was getting harder to breath through her nose and she had to stop several times, midway thought chewing a mouthful of rice to open her mouth and breath. While she did this discreetly, she was thankful for her solitude… at least until her "fan club" arrived.

"Miss Motoko, you were amazing!" "I can't wait to see you fight tomorrow!" "You're so cool!" Sachiyo Matsumoto, Emi Ichikawa and Kikuko Onoue seemed to follow her everywhere. She found it a bit annoying, actually, but the girls were harmless and never really got in the way. Right now though, she was not in the mood for company.

"I'm sorry guys. *sniff* I'm really not feeling good, so you'd better not hang around with me tonight." She had meant it as a white-lie, to try and get rid of them so she could have some peace, but as she said the words, a chill started to spread throughout her body and a single shiver suggested that the lie may be truer than she'd intended.

"Ooooh….! Let's walk you back to your room!" "I'll carry your stuff!" "Let me clear your try for you!" While this overload of concern and courtesy seemed heartfelt, it was not welcome by someone who prided herself on self-sufficiency. She was a warrior, not a princess, and she hardly needed, nor wanted, attendants.

"You really should get some rest." Kikuko started. "You want to be at 100% tomorrow!" She bent over to pick up Motoko's tray and some of her hair brushed against her face. Motoko immediately sensed the same fragrance that had bedeviled her on the train.

"*sniff* Kikuko-chan… *sniff* Are you… *sniff* wearing p-perfume?"

"Yes, it's called…"

Motoko pushed her away, not too gently. "Ah… Al… lergic…! Haaah… aahh… Hat-chxt!" She stifled, pinching her nose between her fingers, before ducking out and running from the dining hall. She was relieved that her "fan-club" did not pursue. She was surprised to discover that even that short sprint out of the dining hall was enough to leave her winded. She was suddenly very tired and what had been a chill now felt like an uncomfortable warmth spreading over her. She was exhausted and found that couldn't breathe though her nose at all anymore. She crept upstairs to her dorm to get some sleep, thankful once again for the solitude.


She woke several times during the night, alternating between chills and fever. She woke the following morning feeling every minute of yesterday's training and every hour of restless sleep from the night before. She swayed visibly as she ambled down the hall to the showers.

The steam for the shower cleared her congestion a little, but it made her nose run even more. Back in her room she got dressed and gingerly made her way to the training hall. This was the first time she could remember that she was not looking forward to sparring. She sat along the sideline and waited for the match to be called. She could hear her fan club cheering behind her. The weight of the padded armor had never felt so heavy. She had no spring in her step at all. She felt sluggish, and like her head was in the clouds.

"First match: Setsuna Sakurazaki and Motoko Aoyama." called the sensei.

"Go Motoko!" "Yippee!" "Give her hell!" It took half a minute just to get to her feet. Could they tell how slow she was moving? Could Setsuna? She sighed and thought "Let's get this over with." She was mentally prepared to be handed her first thrashing since she was a white-belt herself. Then she saw the mark. The same "turtle-logo" that was on the patch from yesterday was stenciled onto the chest flap of her opponents helmet. She didn't think she had the necessary speed to actually win, but seeing that gave her enough motivation to at least make Setsuna earn her victory.

The fighters met and touched their rattan swords together before stepping back. Shinmei-rui did not follow the same structure as Kendo, although it resembled it in style. Fighters were not bound by rules, or set forms. When the call to commence came, Setsuna's attack was relentless. Strike after strike, she drove Motoko back, almost out of bounds. It took all of Motoko's concentration to prevent Setsuna from scoring any hits, which she managed only barely, and this left her without enough time or the speed to counter.

"Why aren't you fighting back?!" Setsuna whispered angrily while she pressed her attack. Although there were boundaries, they were for the protection of spectators only and you could not win the match by forcing your opponent out. You had to score hits.

"Great. She thinks I'm toying with her!" Motoko thought to herself. Fatigue flowed through every muscle in her body. Her form had been sloppy, and she only managed to fend off her opponent due to her greater physical strength and experience. But there was no doubt in her mind that a loss was inevitable.

For her part, Setsuna must have felt insulted because she doubled her efforts. Her attacks came so quickly that Motoko was acting on instinct rather than reflex as she could barely even see her opponent's sword. Again she was pushed back to the boundary and before she was pushed her out, they crossed swords and Setsuna leaned in, pressing the facemasks of their helmets together.

"What's wrong with you?! Why aren't you fighting?!"

A now familiar tickle crept into Motoko's nose. It wasn't the allergy. She was sure of that. It was her cold. Although she didn't see how it was even possible she felt as she had a few days earlier, hosting that "Hango" parasite of Su's. The tickle became an itch which quickly morphed into a tingling sensation.

"Sets…suna… Wait… Hafta… Snee… eee… eeeEEET-SHOOO!"



With their faces pressed almost together, it was inevitable that the spray from Motoko's sneeze caught Setsuna full in the face. Momentarily stunned by what had just happened, Motoko pushed Setsuna's sword upward and with a quick flick of her wrists scored a hit along the side of Setsuna's helmet. It was a cheap shot, and both fighters knew it, but it was a hit nevertheless.

Although angry, and wanting to avenge the lost point, Setsuna suddenly felt as though her armor was made of cement. From that point on the fight went entirely for Motoko. Setsuna only had a clear advantage when Motoko was sick, and although they were closely matched when each was at 100%, in her present state Setsuna was no match for her more experienced opponent. Motoko was not yet 100% herself, but she attacked ably. Between the two, Setsuna had neither the experience nor the greater physical strength that Motoko had been relying on to defend herself earlier, and the inevitable outcome came quickly. The last two hits were honest, and Setsuna's defense was enough to at lest challenge the still-recovering Motoko, but from that fateful sneeze onward the outcome was never in doubt to either fighter.

It was only afterwards that Motoko realized that she must have somehow carried Hango with her from Hinata. She knew she had to take it back, but could not find Setsuna, who had gone to rest by herself, after the match. She felt bad about giving it to her rival, but at the same time was glad that it was not going back to Hinata. Su could be so careless at times, she thought. She enjoyed the train ride home the following day, even though her fan club kept pestering her, and even though Kikuko's perfume still made her sneeze.


TO BE CONCLUDED: Part Three - Mahou Sensei Negima! COMING SOON!


Thank you for reading.

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YAY! I was secretly hoping you would continue this one!!!

I can't wait for the negima part, either!

<3 you!

BTW I quoted you in case you wanted to know...I totally agree with you about comments!

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