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Sneeze Fetish Forum

my holidays (self ob m)


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I was in my country house and I have felt the wish of sneeze. The house had two floor, and in that moment I was alone in the second floor. Then I'm gone in the Kitchen and I pick up the peppershake(it have a very tiny holes and the pepper was like a thin powder)and I start to shake it in front of my face and under my nose and sniffing.

Immediately I felt a big tickle and I sneeze two time into my tissue to minimize the noise. Then I wait for other sneeze but nothing happen, dissapointed I blow my nose and I go down into the garden where my mother was.

When I arrive in the garden I felt again the tickle into my nose and I think "oh no..the pepper..no, not now! not here!" With my nose pinched with my fingers I run into the bathroom, I close the door, I pick up the towel and with my face into it.."AAH-CHOO!!AAHH-CHHOOO!!AAH-CHHOOOO!!!" I sneeze too strong for tree times into the towel, in this moment I heard my mother outside the door of the bath ask me "Are you in the bathroom? Are you ok? I think I heard you to sneeze". Oh, my...she heard me sneezing..ohh..I hate when the people heard or said me sneezing, it embarass me a lot..

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and I think "oh no..the pepper..no, not now! not here!" With my nose pinched with my fingers I run into the bathroom, I close the door, I pick up the towel and with my face into it

I think it creates that reaction in many of us - but your description is adorable and thank you for sharing!


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