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Nose Shapes


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I have always wondered if the shape of someones nose plays a part in the sound of their sneeze? Also like if people get nose jobs done and stuff do there sneezes still sound the same? Oooooo this is deep :P

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You'd think it would, but like Fifi said, the mouth seems to be a lot more active in producing the sound of the sneeze. I don't know of anyone who sneezes purely from the nose, either.

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I have wonderd this same idea so thank you for posting it :D I have thought about getting a nose job and have wonderd if it would also quite my rather load sneeze, even a little ;)

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Beh! I asked this ages ago! LOL

haha I remember it too! And I didn't know the answer then and I still don't know it now :D

I do agree with Fifi as well that a big chunk of the sound comes mostly from the mouth rather than the nose. Try not to do anything with your mouth next time you sneeze and let your nose do all the work :bleh: Its pretty funny....... :bleh: not that i've ever tried.......... haha

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I remember that stevie_sloth asked this before and I think it was in there that I replied... I can't think straight right now...

I also think some other posters in there said that a nose job didn't change the sound of their sneeze...

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I have wonderd this same idea so thank you for posting it :wub: I have thought about getting a nose job and have wonderd if it would also quite my rather load sneeze, even a little :twisted:

No nose jobs! There's a t-shirt for ya Sneese! Anyway, I love big, strong noses. This girl has a failry large nose compared to the rest of her face and Her sneezes were loud and wet. Her nostrils flared wide open too right before the sneeze..almost like little balloons.


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I don't think the nose has much to do with it actually, in my experience the vocalization of a sneeze comes more from a person's mouth than their nose. It's an interesting idea though. Definitely gotten me thinking now.

:D Or lung capacity... :D not that that has got anything to do with that Smallville episode... :D

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