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KH2 fanfiction


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I write a little for the KH2 fandom, and I'd like to try my hand at a sneeze-fic. I've found that the very concept makes me giggle like an idiot, and this must be rectified!

Sooo, suggest pairings/scenarios/whatever for me to play with, and I'll see what I can do~

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Kingdom Hearts 2 ... second part of an awesome game in which Final Fantasy and Disney melt together along with other very original characters.

Wikipedia article

But i'm totally games obsessed so i could be wrong and it could mean something totally different :D.

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I was thinking of doing one of these at some point. But that's probablly far in the future, what with my chronic procrastination :D

I highly reccomened Belle and Jasmine. And maybe Yuffie.

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YAY for KH2! I've been blocked but wanted to play with the Orgy13 guys. (Heck, even the chick!) Or Leon/Sora but I don't know if I'd post it for being borderline dangerous territory. :D Anyhoodles, I'd love to see anything you'd write! 8D

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Pfft, I'm retarded. I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know the acronym. Oh well; I'm just glad I'm not alone in this interest. I'll get to work on this then.

Otaku: Belle/Jasmine? Whoa. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing this without watching the movies again! :D I'm a stickler for characterization, you see. And then I'd probably be reduced to a puddle of nostalgic ooze for a while, so I'll work my way up to what. There's an Aerith/Yuffie scenario rolling around in my head, so I might try that first.

Kisa, if you wrote anything involving Org. XIII, I would explode in sheer glee. It's easiest for me to write the Roxas/Axel dynamic, so hopefully you're not too opposed to that? :)

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Well if its going to be KH2 then wouldnt Kairi/Sora/Rikku be the natural pairing? I mean if you choose some random disney/Final fantasy-characters then you might as well have done a fanfic on those movies/games. Ofcourse I'm all for a fic where Kairi is the sneezer =)

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Well if its going to be KH2 then wouldnt Kairi/Sora/Rikku be the natural pairing? I mean if you choose some random disney/Final fantasy-characters then you might as well have done a fanfic on those movies/games. Ofcourse I'm all for a fic where Kairi is the sneezer =)

I can kind of agree with you on the Disney/Disney thing, but in a lot of cases, the KH incarnation of certain Final Fantasy characters has a different personality than the "original" version. Squall and "Leon" are an example. Yuffie's a little different, too.

As for "natural" parings, there's really no such thing in my world. The KH fandom is full of wanky shipping wars and I don't understand that at all. However, I do like SoRiKai (or any arrangement thereof). Sneezy Kairi getting taken care of by both of her boys = very yes. :wheels:

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Kisa, if you wrote anything involving Org. XIII, I would explode in sheer glee. It's easiest for me to write the Roxas/Axel dynamic, so hopefully you're not too opposed to that? :wheels:

Well then, I really should get my butt to work on it. Mwaha! :o kh-vids.com has a whole bunch of videos up and just watching them gets me excited all over again. Zexy is sooo fun to torture. :laugh:

Wai! I wouldn't be opposed to anything, sweetums! Roxas never caught my attention much, but they are a really cute couple! (And makes me happy to think that Nobodies have some emotion in them.)

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