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A Wanderer's Call For Help - (3 Parts)


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A new story I started on A couple of days ago, inspired by my fiancee who came down with a cold driving me insane indeed, so I took his character and decided to make him the victime in the story, I wrote this in the safest place I have, my diary! :

The characters:

A couple of pictures of them:

Kaize Dienstien, a Kitsune/Wolf, Sworddancer: Kaize

Umeko Yamitaro, Lunarian, Queen, Element user: Umeko

Ok Now on with the story

A Wanderer's Call For Help

It was a beautiful starry night, the white Lunarian stood on her balcony and gazed into the night.

"It's been too long since we were in each other's arms... When will we meet again... Kaize?" She thought to herself, when she saw something shimmer in the pitch black night, could it be?

She rushed out the door and up on a hill, sure enough; along the road walks a tall figure, with a huge sword on his back, long silver hair and crimson eyes.

She ran down the hill to meet him her lavender hair flowing in the wind like a calm lake getting carressed by a faint breeze.

She suddenly slowed down as she saw the features of his face, something was different with him; his eyes were glossy, his cheeks flushed red, sweat dripped from his brow and his beautful silver hair was a mess... Could he be ill?

She went up to him and placed her hand on his forehead and almost yelped;

"Oh by the Great Spirits of Old! Your Burning Up!"

He gently took her hand in his and looked into her eyes to calm her nerves down

"I will be fine, I just got rained on and got chilled down, all I need is to rest for a while and get warm, then I shall be on my way again" His voice was much rougher then normal and he was shaking like the tail of a diamondback.

"You are indeed going straigh to bed, but you are in no condition to go any further like that! You stay here until you are well again" She took his sword off his back, hooked it on her own and took his hand in hers and began to walk towards the palace.

Her exellent hearing caught him sniffling and rubbing at his nose with the back of his free hand, then he suddenly stopped in his path and looked up into the sky.

She turned to see if he was ok, she was about to ask when he held up a finger.

His eys began to close oh-so-slowly and his lips began to curve, then a couple of hitched breaths

"hiih... hiiiih..."

Then pause, for what she thought was 1 minute when it was just 5 seconds, then he took a huge breath and doubled over with a forcefull

"Huraxsshhh!! *sniff**sniff*"

He glanced over at her and smiled shyly

"Pardon Me..." She had to bite her lip to kick her ass back into reality she had never heard him do such a thing and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, finally she stuttered out some words "Um... Bless You My Lord"

Then she lead him into the palace and showed him the way to one of the rooms which had a fireplace so he'd be able to get warm faster.

She put some firewood in and used her cursed flames to lit it.

Then she went into the kitchen to get some honey tea, a bowl of cold water and a box of tissues.

On her way down the hallway back to his room, she could hear him dealing with a coughing fit, it sounded rather painfull.

She walked in to be met by a serie of massive and wet sneezed

"Hurxshhh!! Uh... Huxshhhhh!... ugh ... Heachoo!!*sniff* Bloddy Cold!" She heard a number of swearing words and cursings as he growled over his cold.

Then he realized he was not alone, he turned around and was met by two crystal blue eyes and pink colored cheeks

"Oh I did not see you there My Lady... I did not mean for you to hear thoes words... Please forgive my rudeness"

She smiled and put the tea cup on the table next to him and the water bowl she placed on the floor so it'd be easy to reach.

The Tissue box she placed right beside him on the bed so he didn't have to reach far whenever he needed to use them.

Then she helped him out of his soaked clothes, picked out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from the drawer.

He wondered where she got these as they were perfect fit

"Um... I took meisurements of you not long ago so I could get you some clothes, doe not hurt to be prepared incase something happeneds like now" She blushed and covered him up by the blanket to keep him warm.

"Your being very kind my Lady *cough* but I'm causing you too much tr... thu... *sniff* thuuh..rouble... hiiih... Hurxsshhh!! *sniff* Heachoo!! ... ugh... huh... Hureaxschooo!!! * sniff*" He laid down groaning at his throbbing head, he snatched a couple of tissues and blew his nose to get rid of the stuffiness in his head.

"Wow Bless You... and you are no trouble, you stay here until you are 100% better!" She sat down beside him and brushed his hair away from his face and kissed his cheek.

Oh My bad I forgot to introduce these two; Her name is Umeko Yamitaro, she's a 122 year old Lunarian Queen; her fur is white with cyan stripes, she's about 5'4" and has a pair of wings and two tails.

His name is Kaize Dienstien, he is a 100 year old soldier and a Sword Dancer; he is about 6ft; his fur is black, wehile his hair is silver together with his eyebrows and his eyes are crimson.

They have been on loving terms for three years now and they care deeply for one another.

They are actually engaged, but never gotten around to get married, their different status stops them, Kaize is a wanderer (though his father was a king, Kaize does not know he is of royal blood) while Umeko was born a princess and the only heir to the Lunarian Throne.

She took the cold cloth from the bowl and wiped his face from cold sweat and then she placed it on his forehead to take down the fever.

He sighed with relief as the cold cloth touched his boiling skin.

"Thag you Umbi... *sniff*" He blew his nose again so he could actually speak like normal people "Thank you Umi, it does feel good to be here, I debated foing here or going home... Going here won hands down, it'd be too lonesome alone"


Until I've written more

Here they are together; Light and Darkness


Edited by Umeko
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A new story I started on A couple of days ago, inspired by my fiancee who came down with a cold driving me insane indeed, so I took his character and decided to make him the victime in the story, I wrote this in the safest place I have, my diary! :

The characters:

A couple of pictures of them:

Kaize Dienstien, a Kitsune/Wolf, Sworddancer: Kaize

Umeko Yamitaro, Lunarian, Queen, Element user: Umeko

Ok Now on with the story

A Wanderer's Call For Help

It was a beautiful starry night, the white Lunarian stood on her balcony and gazed into the night.

"It's been too long since we were in each other's arms... When will we meet again... Kaize?" She thought to herself, when she saw something shimmer in the pitch black night, could it be?

She rushed out the door and up on a hill, sure enough; along the road walks a tall figure, with a huge sword on his back, long silver hair and crimson eyes.

She ran down the hill to meet him her lavender hair flowing in the wind like a calm lake getting carressed by a faint breeze.

She suddenly slowed down as she saw the features of his face, something was different with him; his eyes were glossy, his cheeks flushed red, sweat dripped from his brow and his beautful silver hair was a mess... Could he be ill?

She went up to him and placed her hand on his forehead and almost yelped;

"Oh by the Great Spirits of Old! Your Burning Up!"

He gently took her hand in his and looked into her eyes to calm her nerves down

"I will be fine, I just got rained on and got chilled down, all I need is to rest for a while and get warm, then I shall be on my way again" His voice was much rougher then normal and he was shaking like the tail of a diamondback.

"You are indeed going straigh to bed, but you are in no condition to go any further like that! You stay here until you are well again" She took his sword off his back, hooked it on her own and took his hand in hers and began to walk towards the palace.

Her exellent hearing caught him sniffling and rubbing at his nose with the back of his free hand, then he suddenly stopped in his path and looked up into the sky.

She turned to see if he was ok, she was about to ask when he held up a finger.

His eys began to close oh-so-slowly and his lips began to curve, then a couple of hitched breaths

"hiih... hiiiih..."

Then pause, for what she thought was 1 minute when it was just 5 seconds, then he took a huge breath and doubled over with a forcefull

"Huraxsshhh!! *sniff**sniff*"

He glanced over at her and smiled shyly

"Pardon Me..." She had to bite her lip to kick her ass back into reality she had never heard him do such a thing and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, finally she stuttered out some words "Um... Bless You My Lord"

Then she lead him into the palace and showed him the way to one of the rooms which had a fireplace so he'd be able to get warm faster.

She put some firewood in and used her cursed flames to lit it.

Then she went into the kitchen to get some honey tea, a bowl of cold water and a box of tissues.

On her way down the hallway back to his room, she could hear him dealing with a coughing fit, it sounded rather painfull.

She walked in to be met by a serie of massive and wet sneezed

"Hurxshhh!! Uh... Huxshhhhh!... ugh ... Heachoo!!*sniff* Bloddy Cold!" She heard a number of swearing words and cursings as he growled over his cold.

Then he realized he was not alone, he turned around and was met by two crystal blue eyes and pink colored cheeks

"Oh I did not see you there My Lady... I did not mean for you to hear thoes words... Please forgive my rudeness"

She smiled and put the tea cup on the table next to him and the water bowl she placed on the floor so it'd be easy to reach.

The Tissue box she placed right beside him on the bed so he didn't have to reach far whenever he needed to use them.

Then she helped him out of his soaked clothes, picked out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from the drawer.

He wondered where she got these as they were perfect fit

"Um... I took meisurements of you not long ago so I could get you some clothes, doe not hurt to be prepared incase something happeneds like now" She blushed and covered him up by the blanket to keep him warm.

"Your being very kind my Lady *cough* but I'm causing you too much tr... thu... *sniff* thuuh..rouble... hiiih... Hurxsshhh!! *sniff* Heachoo!! ... ugh... huh... Hureaxschooo!!! * sniff*" He laid down groaning at his throbbing head, he snatched a couple of tissues and blew his nose to get rid of the stuffiness in his head.

"Wow Bless You... and you are no trouble, you stay here until you are 100% better!" She sat down beside him and brushed his hair away from his face and kissed his cheek.

Oh My bad I forgot to introduce these two; Her name is Umeko Yamitaro, she's a 122 year old Lunarian Queen; her fur is white with cyan stripes, she's about 5'4" and has a pair of wings and two tails.

His name is Kaize Dienstien, he is a 100 year old soldier and a Sword Dancer; he is about 6ft; his fur is black, wehile his hair is silver together with his eyebrows and his eyes are crimson.

They have been on loving terms for three years now and they care deeply for one another.

They are actually engaged, but never gotten around to get married, their different status stops them, Kaize is a wanderer (though his father was a king, Kaize does not know he is of royal blood) while Umeko was born a princess and the only heir to the Lunarian Throne.

She took the cold cloth from the bowl and wiped his face from cold sweat and then she placed it on his forehead to take down the fever.

He sighed with relief as the cold cloth touched his boiling skin.

"Thag you Umbi... *sniff*" He blew his nose again so he could actually speak like normal people "Thank you Umi, it does feel good to be here, I debated foing here or going home... Going here won hands down, it'd be too lonesome alone"


Until I've written more

Here they are together; Light and Darkness


Lovely story. So descriptive. Almost made me... need to myself. Can't wait for follow-up

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  • 2 months later...

More will come very soon I promise

Part Two

Despite his best effort, his cheeks flushed red, he does not blush often and when he does no one could tell, well no one except Umeko that is, she could see through his mask like water.

"Oh your such a sweetheart, you came here cause you wanted to be taken care of until your feeling better"She ran her fingers through his silver strands, then she leaned and brushed her lips against his.

Surprised about her sudden move, Kaize's eyes grew wide, but then they closed and he returned the kiss tenderly.

They remained like that for a couple of minutes before they finally broke the kiss off.

"Ahrem... Yes um that was... Unexpected... um"He chuckled nervously and sipped his tea, the warm liquid felt so good in his aching throat.

"Do you need anything else dear? Anything to eat maybe?"Now when she mentioned it, he was starved, after wandering for days and eating whatever scraps he could find.

"Yes if you would not mind, I am a little hungry"

"Of course I don't mind, I'll get you some soup, You just rest your eyes, I'll wake you up when its done"She kissed his cheek and covered him up, then she walked down the hall towards the kitchen.

It did not take long for Kaize to fall asleep, he was more exhausted then he thought, in a matter of seconds he was snoring softly; something he rarely does unless he is either extremely tired or sick, now he was both.

Meanwhile Umeko had found some chicken in the fridge and was now cutting it up into small pieces, so he wouldn't have problems swallowing, then she put it in a pot of boiling water.

While the chicken was cooking, she chopped up some carrotts, red peppers and mushrooms.

Then she stirred it all into the boiling water, added a drop of vinegar for his throat and one pressed garlic clove.

Then she added cream, then some spieces along with some ginger.

When it was finally done, she pured it into a deep bowl, grabbed a orange so he'd get vitamine C in his body, and then she brought it back to him.

She put down the bowl on the table and felt his forehead

"Oh my, that is bad!"She whispered then gently rubbed his *extremely* well trimmed shoulder "Kaize dear, the soup is ready, I also got you some medezin for your fever"She held up a small bottle of a shining liquid, she helped him to sit up so he wouldn't choke on it.

"What is this?"He said looki ng surspiciously at the liquid.

"It is moon citrus juice, it will take down your fever in no time"She said while peeling the orange with her long claws for him.

He gulped it down in one go, the sour aftertaste made himshrudder and make faces.

Then he felt the familiar burning tickle in the back of his nose, quick as lightning he snatched a couple of tissues from the box and held them close by his face.

"Heeeh.... hiih.... hurextchhhhh! *sniff* Hutxchh!! gah.... haah... Heachooooo!!" His long hair fell in his face by each forcefull sneeze.

He stayed like that for a couple of second to make sure it was over... Nope one more hanging around.

"Bless You"She said but Kaize held up his finger, showing it was not over yet.

"hiii...! Onde *sniff* mbore... heeeh... *sniff* gah... itd is.. stduck" Signs of desperation fell on his face, and Umeko hates to see him suffer more then anything, so she unfolded her wing, reached the silky soft tip of her feather under his nose and just gently brushed it along the nostrils.

Kaize's eyes blinked rapidly by the intence tickle, she kept on doing it until he finally got "The Look"; his eyebrows rose as hid eyes squeezed shut, his nostrils were flaring and his mouth hang open.

He began to tilt his head back when his breath began to hitch in the back of his throat.

Then he snapped foreward with a massive "Haiiiaxchooooooo!!!" Then a couple of sniffs and coughs later he looked over at Umeko whom was blushing up to her ears.

"Excuse me for asking, but you seem to act strange everytime I sneeze, is it bothering you?" She held out her arms and almost shouted "NO!... um I mean not at all.... your actually rather handsome that way...."She felt herself shrinking with each word that came out of her mouth, she wanted to run away but her feet were frozen stiff.

She expected him to laugh his heart out, but all he did was raising his eyebrow

"You think I am handsome when I sneeze? Never heard that one before"He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand, Umeko was confused and flabbergasted

"You... You do not mind? You do not think I am weird?"He just shook his head snd kissed her tenderly, she just fell into his arms and let him tongue restle with her.

Suddenly his movements stiffened like a robot whom's joints need more oil.

His breath was almost gasping og panic, she broke off the kiss and looked at him.

"So... huuh... Sorry *sniff*... Go... Going tho... to.... sneeh... Sndeeze *sniff* again"Umeko's heart was melting, the way he said it.

"um... would you... mind if I... watched?" *Oh No! Come back words! it came out wrong!* She thought, but Kaize smiled *as best as he could at the moment* "Hiiih... dohn't... mbind hiiih!"

Then with a hugegulp of air he exploded into the wad of tissues "Haiaxtchoo! *sniff* Hurchoo!! Hexssshhho!... gah! Haachooo!! Hachooo!!"The last one was enough to double him over.

"Oh my, thoes sounds like they hurt you"She said and brushed his hair away from his face and rubbed his back "No they don't, just annoying when you get five sneezed five seconds after one another, you only get a second to catch your breath..."His hand flew up over his mouth as a coughing fit snuck up on him, he winched by each cough as it felt like they would tear his throat to pieces.

Umeko ran down the hall back to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of icecold water "There you go, my poor thing, how long were you in that rain before you got shelter?!"She was almost yelling at him.

"Um... Two weeks... I was a few feet from an inn but.. I wanted to get here as soon as possible, plus it was beyond enemy boarders.

Please don't be mad at me, I just wanted to be here faster that's all"He held his hands on her cheeks ant kissed her Forehead


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It was a beautiful starry night, the white Lunarian stood on her balcony and gazed into the night.

"It's been too long since we were in each other's arms... When will we meet again... Kaize?" She thought to herself, when she saw something shimmer in the pitch black night, could it be?

She rushed out the door and up on a hill, sure enough; along the road walks a tall figure, with a huge sword on his back, long silver hair and crimson eyes.

She ran down the hill to meet him her lavender hair flowing in the wind like a calm lake getting carressed by a faint breeze.

She suddenly slowed down as she saw the features of his face, something was different with him; his eyes were glossy, his cheeks flushed red, sweat dripped from his brow and his beautful silver hair was a mess... Could he be ill?

She went up to him and placed her hand on his forehead and almost yelped;

"Oh by the Great Spirits of Old! Your Burning Up!"

He gently took her hand in his and looked into her eyes to calm her nerves down

"I will be fine, I just got rained on and got chilled down, all I need is to rest for a while and get warm, then I shall be on my way again" His voice was much rougher then normal and he was shaking like the tail of a diamondback.

"You are indeed going straigh to bed, but you are in no condition to go any further like that! You stay here until you are well again" She took his sword off his back, hooked it on her own and took his hand in hers and began to walk towards the palace.

Her exellent hearing caught him sniffling and rubbing at his nose with the back of his free hand, then he suddenly stopped in his path and looked up into the sky.

She turned to see if he was ok, she was about to ask when he held up a finger.

His eys began to close oh-so-slowly and his lips began to curve, then a couple of hitched breaths

"hiih... hiiiih..."

Then pause, for what she thought was 1 minute when it was just 5 seconds, then he took a huge breath and doubled over with a forcefull

"Huraxsshhh!! *sniff**sniff*"

He glanced over at her and smiled shyly

"Pardon Me..." She had to bite her lip to kick her ass back into reality she had never heard him do such a thing and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, finally she stuttered out some words "Um... Bless You My Lord"

Then she lead him into the palace and showed him the way to one of the rooms which had a fireplace so he'd be able to get warm faster.

She put some firewood in and used her cursed flames to lit it.

Then she went into the kitchen to get some honey tea, a bowl of cold water and a box of tissues.

On her way down the hallway back to his room, she could hear him dealing with a coughing fit, it sounded rather painfull.

She walked in to be met by a serie of massive and wet sneezed

"Hurxshhh!! Uh... Huxshhhhh!... ugh ... Heachoo!!*sniff* Bloddy Cold!" She heard a number of swearing words and cursings as he growled over his cold.

Then he realized he was not alone, he turned around and was met by two crystal blue eyes and pink colored cheeks

"Oh I did not see you there My Lady... I did not mean for you to hear thoes words... Please forgive my rudeness"

She smiled and put the tea cup on the table next to him and the water bowl she placed on the floor so it'd be easy to reach.

The Tissue box she placed right beside him on the bed so he didn't have to reach far whenever he needed to use them.

Then she helped him out of his soaked clothes, picked out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from the drawer.

He wondered where she got these as they were perfect fit

"Um... I took meisurements of you not long ago so I could get you some clothes, doe not hurt to be prepared incase something happeneds like now" She blushed and covered him up by the blanket to keep him warm.

"Your being very kind my Lady *cough* but I'm causing you too much tr... thu... *sniff* thuuh..rouble... hiiih... Hurxsshhh!! *sniff* Heachoo!! ... ugh... huh... Hureaxschooo!!! * sniff*" He laid down groaning at his throbbing head, he snatched a couple of tissues and blew his nose to get rid of the stuffiness in his head.

"Wow Bless You... and you are no trouble, you stay here until you are 100% better!" She sat down beside him and brushed his hair away from his face and kissed his cheek.

Oh My bad I forgot to introduce these two; Her name is Umeko Yamitaro, she's a 122 year old Lunarian Queen; her fur is white with cyan stripes, she's about 5'4" and has a pair of wings and two tails.

His name is Kaize Dienstien, he is a 100 year old soldier and a Sword Dancer; he is about 6ft; his fur is black, wehile his hair is silver together with his eyebrows and his eyes are crimson.

They have been on loving terms for three years now and they care deeply for one another.

They are actually engaged, but never gotten around to get married, their different status stops them, Kaize is a wanderer (though his father was a king, Kaize does not know he is of royal blood) while Umeko was born a princess and the only heir to the Lunarian Throne.

She took the cold cloth from the bowl and wiped his face from cold sweat and then she placed it on his forehead to take down the fever.

He sighed with relief as the cold cloth touched his boiling skin.

"Thag you Umbi... *sniff*" He blew his nose again so he could actually speak like normal people "Thank you Umi, it does feel good to be here, I debated foing here or going home... Going here won hands down, it'd be too lonesome alone"

Despite his best effort, his cheeks flushed red, he does not blush often and when he does no one could tell, well no one except Umeko that is, she could see through his mask like water.

"Oh your such a sweetheart, you came here cause you wanted to be taken care of until your feeling better"She ran her fingers through his silver strands, then she leaned and brushed her lips against his.

Surprised about her sudden move, Kaize's eyes grew wide, but then they closed and he returned the kiss tenderly.

They remained like that for a couple of minutes before they finally broke the kiss off.

"Ahrem... Yes um that was... Unexpected... um"He chuckled nervously and sipped his tea, the warm liquid felt so good in his aching throat.

"Do you need anything else dear? Anything to eat maybe?"Now when she mentioned it, he was starved, after wandering for days and eating whatever scraps he could find.

"Yes if you would not mind, I am a little hungry"

"Of course I don't mind, I'll get you some soup, You just rest your eyes, I'll wake you up when its done"She kissed his cheek and covered him up, then she walked down the hall towards the kitchen.

It did not take long for Kaize to fall asleep, he was more exhausted then he thought, in a matter of seconds he was snoring softly; something he rarely does unless he is either extremely tired or sick, now he was both.

Meanwhile Umeko had found some chicken in the fridge and was now cutting it up into small pieces, so he wouldn't have problems swallowing, then she put it in a pot of boiling water.

While the chicken was cooking, she chopped up some carrotts, red peppers and mushrooms.

Then she stirred it all into the boiling water, added a drop of vinegar for his throat and one pressed garlic clove.

Then she added cream, then some spieces along with some ginger.

When it was finally done, she pured it into a deep bowl, grabbed a orange so he'd get vitamine C in his body, and then she brought it back to him.

She put down the bowl on the table and felt his forehead

"Oh my, that is bad!"She whispered then gently rubbed his *extremely* well trimmed shoulder "Kaize dear, the soup is ready, I also got you some medezin for your fever"She held up a small bottle of a shining liquid, she helped him to sit up so he wouldn't choke on it.

"What is this?"He said looki ng surspiciously at the liquid.

"It is moon citrus juice, it will take down your fever in no time"She said while peeling the orange with her long claws for him.

He gulped it down in one go, the sour aftertaste made himshrudder and make faces.

Then he felt the familiar burning tickle in the back of his nose, quick as lightning he snatched a couple of tissues from the box and held them close by his face.

"Heeeh.... hiih.... hurextchhhhh! *sniff* Hutxchh!! gah.... haah... Heachooooo!!" His long hair fell in his face by each forcefull sneeze.

He stayed like that for a couple of second to make sure it was over... Nope one more hanging around.

"Bless You"She said but Kaize held up his finger, showing it was not over yet.

"hiii...! Onde *sniff* mbore... heeeh... *sniff* gah... itd is.. stduck" Signs of desperation fell on his face, and Umeko hates to see him suffer more then anything, so she unfolded her wing, reached the silky soft tip of her feather under his nose and just gently brushed it along the nostrils.

Kaize's eyes blinked rapidly by the intence tickle, she kept on doing it until he finally got "The Look"; his eyebrows rose as hid eyes squeezed shut, his nostrils were flaring and his mouth hang open.

He began to tilt his head back when his breath began to hitch in the back of his throat.

Then he snapped foreward with a massive "Haiiiaxchooooooo!!!" Then a couple of sniffs and coughs later he looked over at Umeko whom was blushing up to her ears.

"Excuse me for asking, but you seem to act strange everytime I sneeze, is it bothering you?" She held out her arms and almost shouted "NO!... um I mean not at all.... your actually rather handsome that way...."She felt herself shrinking with each word that came out of her mouth, she wanted to run away but her feet were frozen stiff.

She expected him to laugh his heart out, but all he did was raising his eyebrow

"You think I am handsome when I sneeze? Never heard that one before"He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand, Umeko was confused and flabbergasted

"You... You do not mind? You do not think I am weird?"He just shook his head snd kissed her tenderly, she just fell into his arms and let him tongue restle with her.

Suddenly his movements stiffened like a robot whom's joints need more oil.

His breath was almost gasping of panic, she broke off the kiss and looked at him.

"So... huuh... Sorry *sniff*... Go... Going tho... to.... sneeh... Sndeeze *sniff* again"Umeko's heart was melting, the way he said it.

"um... would you... mind if I... watched?" *Oh No! Come back words! it came out wrong!* She thought, but Kaize smiled *as best as he could at the moment* "Hiiih... dohn't... mbind hiiih!"

Then with a hugegulp of air he exploded into the wad of tissues "Haiaxtchoo! *sniff* Hurchoo!! Hexssshhho!... gah! Haachooo!! Hachooo!!"The last one was enough to double him over.

"Oh my, thoes sounds like they hurt you"She said and brushed his hair away from his face and rubbed his back "No they don't, just annoying when you get five sneezed five seconds after one another, you only get a second to catch your breath..."His hand flew up over his mouth as a coughing fit snuck up on him, he winched by each cough as it felt like they would tear his throat to pieces.

Umeko ran down the hall back to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of icecold water "There you go, my poor thing, how long were you in that rain before you got shelter?!"She was almost yelling at him.

"Um... Two weeks... I was a few feet from an inn but.. I wanted to get here as soon as possible, plus it was beyond enemy boarders.

Please don't be mad at me, I just wanted to be here faster that's all"He held his hands on her cheeks ant kissed her Forehead.

She sighed and then smiled at him "Ok, I just got worried, your my true love and I don't want anything to happen to you" Kaize held her close in his strong arms, she closed her eyes and purred his embrace was so warm and tender.

"Your are so beautiful Umeko, I couldn't be without you for long, I think about you all the time on the battlefield... because I love you so very much" Umeko's eyes grew large, Kaize has never been so soft before, he never speaks of his emotions "Aww, don't go all soft dear, its not like you" She giggled and gave him a hug and a kiss. "Meh, there 's no rule saying that I can not be gentle towards you mi'lady" He winked at her, then took a spoonfull of her homemade chicken soup.

But because his nose were plugged he could barely taste it, but it was soothing for his burning throat. While he was eating away, Umeko places a couple of woods in the fireplace and lit it with her blue flames.

She grabbed an extra pillow and brought it to him, then she sat down beside him and took the bowl once he was done.

"I hope it was satisfying for you my lord, I added a few ingrediences that ought to help you" Kaize opened his mouth to reply but a quick "Huh-choo!" slipped out instead Kaize rolled his eyes and shook his head "Ugh... This cold will drive me insane... Sorry Umeko, yes it was indeed satisfying food that you gave me, thank you so much" Umeko giggled softly and grabbed his bowl and brought it into the kitchen, then she returned "You are so cute, I shall help you into the room you will be sleeping in, it has a fireplace aswell so it'll keep you nice and warm" She helped him on his feet, put his arm around her shoulder to support him, the fever hade made him dizzy and unsteady on his feet. She gently escorted him into the room; A beautiful victorian styled room with a king sized bed, its own bathroom with a spring water filled bathtub, it had flower pedals, herbs and oils mixed in the water, also a streak of stardust and moon shimmer.

"Oh my this is too much Umeko, I could not possibly stay in this astonishing room of yours" His eyes slowly looked around and then felt how exhausted he was, if it wasn't for Umeko's support he would not have been able to stand up much longer. "Oh rubbish Kaize, I said you will be sleeping in here and that's that" She led him over to the side of the bed and had him lying down. Gently she covered him with the feather blanket and another made of bear fur. "This will keep you warm, Good Night My lord" She said while hanging his jacket in the wardrobe.

"G...uh...uuuh... Hai-choo!!... Heatcshhhh!...*sniff* Good Night" As soon as he closed his eyes he fell into deep slumber. After getting a fire going in the fireplace she tiptoed out and closed the door behind her. Then she walked into her own room, there she stripped out of her clothes and got into her night gown and then she fell asleep herself.

TBC (if you wish me to continue)

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i have never been into the anthro thing, but lately I have been seeing some art and reading stories like that and I really am enjoying it. It is new to me. that is such a sweet story and the characters sound so lovely. more please! The link to their photo didnt work tho....

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i have never been into the anthro thing, but lately I have been seeing some art and reading stories like that and I really am enjoying it. It is new to me. that is such a sweet story and the characters sound so lovely. more please! The link to their photo didnt work tho....

Thank you

Yes the anthros are finally getting more attention then what they used to get

I'll fix the images, here





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