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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Create your own sneezy crush (m) !


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Heehee, i like it! :happy:

How do I make one? :unsure: I mean, where do i go? Link? :lmfao:

Thanks, this is great! :unsure:

You can create one here :


and if you join photobucket.com you can store it there and copy a link to anywhere you want.

BTW on meez.com your avatar is really sneezing, on the link it is only wiping its nose ... :)


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On photobucket.com you can create an avatar that can - yes! - SNEEZE !

Hair, clothes, background can be chosen.

take a look at my creature :


You like him ?

Females can be created too, but they are not able to sneeze :)


cute! Would be better, and less biased, if female characters could sneeze too.

This had to be created by a female fetishist. Ok, which of you ladies here wanna own up to it! j/k

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This... is the BEST THING EVER! :laugh: I'm still playing with it but the sneeze animation is so hilariously adorable. Awesome find!

That kinda sucks that even if you pick that animation, it only shows up as nose wiping. :blushing:

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Hey hey hey, FEMALES CAN SNEEZE! Just say you want to create a female, and go to attitudes, and under moods. Their is a chocie to make the female have a sneezing fit. I made one.

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Hey hey hey, FEMALES CAN SNEEZE! Just say you want to create a female, and go to attitudes, and under moods. Their is a chocie to make the female have a sneezing fit. I made one.

Uhhmm you are right. Lovely !

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LOL!!! :lol: I LOVE this site!! :sillybounce: Made Bigby.... :D But for some strange reason when i try to save him his hair comes out blonde... so here's the quick female i made;

the background was SO not intended...

She does actually do more than that.... but yeah.... saving it restricts some of the actions :laugh:

Thankyou so much countless, this is so much fun!! :lol::hug:

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