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Sneeze Fetish Forum

8 Fic prompts/requests/plotbunnies!


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Since I'm feeling too shy to write, I might as well inspire others with some story ideas:

* A non-human character (such as the Doctor, from Doctor Who -- but I'm sure this one applies to others as well! Demons... angels... elves...) discovers an allergy. It's a great big surprise, and a new experience, because they've never sneezed before...

* A furry character is allergic to another type of fur... the kind their friend or lover is sporting.

* A furry character is allergic to their own fur.

* Person A tries to catch Person B's cold without letting them know. The catch? Person B has a sneezing fetish... which Person A doesn't know about.

* A character goes through their day, all the while having a sneezing fit that won't quit.

* Several people are stuck in one place (you can do this with most TV show ensemble casts, or with one of the Hogwarts dorms, or...) and a cold passes from one, to the next, to the next.

* A magic-user is trying to cast spells, but their congested voice and constant sneezing keep messing up the conjuration.

* A medical test subject, exposed to allergens or a cold virus, must describe their symptoms verbally in a long audio or video recording.

* Someone who likes sneezing discovers that a co-worker, acquaintance, or rival has an allergy trigger on their person (cologne, or flowers, or animal hair...) and makes excuses to follow this other person around, enjoying the tickles in their nose...

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I might just have to try writing one of these... The allergy test one sounds especially hot... :)

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* A non-human character discovers an allergy. It's a great big surprise, and a new experience, because they've never sneezed before...

* Several people are stuck in one place and a cold passes from one, to the next, to the next.

* A magic-user is trying to cast spells, but their congested voice and constant sneezing keep messing up the conjuration.

First one - This is something I was planning on doing with the persocoms in Chobits. (Which I haven't started yet! :))

Second one - Check out my Love Hina fic. It kind of along those lines, but with a sort of... wierd twist.

Third one - very much already in the Negima! fic I'm working on.

Great Ideas! I'm definitely coming back to this thread if I need any new ideas!

Edited by Niceguy
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A furry character is allergic to their own fur.

If someone else would write this one, I would write anything they wanted me to in return. Well, withn my power, that is :P

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I'm currently doing the first one right now. "The Wildflower Romance" involves an immortal being with a mysterious allergy.

It's much, MUCH fun to write. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking at your plot bunnies and based on what you listed I have a few suggestions for stories I think you'd like.

* A non-human character (such as the Doctor, from Doctor Who -- but I'm sure this one applies to others as well! Demons... angels... elves...) discovers an allergy. It's a great big surprise, and a new experience, because they've never sneezed before...

Tarotgal wrote a story about Legolas catching a cold for the first time. I know it's not exactly what you requested but I figured you might like it.


Again a story by Tarotgal that's not exactly what you requested but hey! it's a good one! This one is about Legolas sneezing because Gimli had never seen him do it before. http://tgsrealm.beastlet.com/LotRLegGim16.html

Tarotgal also has a story that includes a flashback to the first time Legolas sneezes (it was induced, and there is a fit) but I can't seem to find it....I know it's on her website though. http://tgsrealm.beastlet.com/fan19.html

Well hope you enjoy these! :)

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